I am 20 years old and 165cm (5'5). I've always looked very young for my age too. As a child I was happy, outgoing, with plenty of friends. I was one of the most popular kids in my school. I was a "short" kid I guess, but much closer to average (before puberty there isn't such a big height disparity).
As a teenager, people started to notice girls. I started to notice girls. Girls didn't start to notice me. Not only am I small, but I went through puberty very late. At 16 I was 5'2 and looked 10 years old. On top of that, I was bullied throughout my adolescence for being small and looking young. People started excluding me. I became heavily depressed and introverted, which contributed to my social isolation. By 17 I had no friends and only left the house to go to and from school. I looked and felt like crap.
At 18 I decided to fix my life. I started going to the gym every day. I took a year out and got a job to make money. I worked on improving myself. Long story short, I made friends and had a social life again, grew in confidence bit by bit. But I could still see that people treated me with less respect than others, took me less seriously than others etc. And women were still not into me.
I went to university at 19. By this point I was athletic and social, but still 5'5. I lost my virginity to a hot 5'1 girl and we started sleeping together regularly. In January, she wanted me to come to her hometown and meet her friends and family. I did. From then on she turned cold, and told me she wasn't looking for a relationship. For the first time ever, the following month she mentioned 3x in a group setting that she was into taller men and height is important. The next month she was in a relationship with a guy 5'10. She got drunk in February and I found out that both her friend AND her parents had made comments on my height to her. "He's a bit short isn't he?" "Imagine how small your kids would be!?" things like that. The way she said it was jokingly, but I died inside that night.
I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts and depression over the last 6 years, and just as I seem to be overcoming it I get a blow like that. Now I'm smoking weed daily and on the verge of suicide. There is no point continuing if I have to work 3x as hard as everyone else does to achieve half as much. This applies to professional, social and romantic aspects of life.
I can ask my parents for my inheritance early to get LL. However, I would only be able to lengthen 5cm, because I'd need to be fully recovered by the time I go back to university so no one finds out. But now I'm reading so many posts by people 5'7 who say their height has held them back so much over their lives and they want LL to be 5'10.
So is it worth spending $65,000 (Guichet) to go from 5'5 to 5'7? At this age, I can tell my friends it's a late growth spurt. Any later, and I don't think I'd want to deal with the social stigma of being a "LL patient". Everyone will think I'm crazy, insecure, mentally ill etc for the rest of my life. I want to remove social stigma, not add to it.
So these are my options
1) Lengthen 5cm with Guichet this summer to go from 165 to 170cm
2) Wait 2 years and lengthen 7.5cm to go to 172.5cm (and be known as an "LL patient" to everyone I know)
3) Stay at 5'5 (and probably jump in front of a train)
Also my dad is 178cm, my brothers are 180cm and 182cm and my mum is 165cm. I think this contributes to my height depression. I had low growth hormone levels but now it's too late to fix it.