Why is it so important to you how another person looks like?? I guess he must feel comfortable in his body and I guess he will, cause it was his choice to lengthen this amount...
Hey Hanna,
You're right. I will stop talking about him and he's not important. Just that whenever someone mentions apoth/sysop, they stir some resentment. First of all, he scammed people to go to India for LL so he can earn commission (I'm not going into detail of how he specially promote certain doctors on his website). Every time I look at my leg discrepancy, the scars, and the bone pre-consolidation I feel resentment.
Secondly, last year, 10 minutes before being banned from old forum , Apoth played god with me. He pretended to be a poor kid from Vietnam asking me for donation. He texted me in Vietnamese and already I know he's a faker (a white man pretending to be Asian). I can't read any languages beside English unfortunately. And he thinks this is funny.
Thirdly, he edited my diary and my posts... including other Sarin's patients to make it appears that we are saying what we really didn't say... to make it sound funny and for whatever purpose that serves him.
And after my ex dumped me, I suffer from depression. So when these words mix together... old forum /Apoth/Sysop/India/Ex GF...I feel resentment. Well, that's my story. I feel no jealously of Apoth/Sysop. If you meet him in person, there's nothing to be jealous about really.