Hey, I heard somewhere that 50% of the patient issues come from his/her own mind. Maybe you will come out of this healthy and pain-free. Who knows. If not, then you have that old man to thank for (fake diary & doctor's affiliation $).
It is already what it is at this point. So worrying won't help. When I came back, my family doc said, after looking at my xray, that I won't walk again. We were setting me up on Canada disability tax credit. I pay a lot of taxes every year. However, in one month I came back walking, then he took that privilege away from me.
I'm glad that I'm not a burden to my country!
Cyber. You seem very knowledgeable on this subject. Did you go by a different username on the old forum? Welcome to this forum!
Hi Smallguy, I do have an old forum account, but I am not going to disclose it because I post there.
I've seen how others are banned when they freely express themselves on topics that contain critical knowledge that concern's potential patients/current patient's safety and well-being, especially when it when it does
not agree with SysOP's marketing agenda.
Seeing how obsessively SysOp monitors old forum , it would be no surprise that he is probably always infatuated by this site as well. Obsessing over forums seems to is his full time job - maybe that guy has no life?
It's ironic that he even has the audacity to accuse people who occasionally contribute to this site, when it is him who has an unhealthy obsession, love affair and paranoia over old forum , and possibly this site, every waking moment.
Knowing this, and how paranoid SysOP is whenever people expose the truths, he would probably ban me after reading the comments here and justify it as his "divine" intervention. He is, after all, an insecure, paranoid,
self-proclaimed LL expert, (illegal) unlicensed pseudo-doctor, and pathetic wannabe "forum god."
I've just learned those things from many months of reading
and from my personal consultations with a few Doctors. If you think I know quite a bit, then thank you. But you have to thank the many doctors and honest people beforehand for providing that sort of information.
Big faker is a coward for keeping his mouth shut about his complications, far from a honest diary he promised. A new guy wants to come to Dr Sringari, the management told bigfaker to talk to him on skype and he's not telling him the truth.
This was the reason I worried that marketing business is prevalent that the overall integrity of the practice is put into question and when patient's safety/well-being is put aside. It seems they are using current patients pawns to shill in their cowardly game, and treating people around the world as "dollar signs" by obviously, lying, withholding, or providing false information (physios calling themselves "medical" doctors) is so rampant.
On another note: to all those appalling scumbags who think it is okay to purposely
withhold critical infomation that potential LL patients should know about or outright provide false information and shill for the benefit of those management scumbags and possibly themselves (remember all the shills from Sarin?), remember, karma will come bite you back.
I really hope Big Faker is not shilling for anyone at the expense of other innocent people's safety and well-being. Also, I really hope patients such as Big Faker are not put into a position where they are forced to shill corrupt people.
Listen, I'm just as astounded as you are. Some patients here, many which are/were Indian, think the physio is a doctor. Take LL ForumorLife for example, who thinks he's a hero with his ridiculous video where he's carrying the flower pot. He acts as if he's completely healed, but you can clearly see he has an odd gait and he still walks with a cane. He thought Indian physios rival doctors here. The physios love to boast of their five year educations as well to show how much it is they know.
The minimal supervision by the doctor over medical issues is absolutely deplorable. There have been times when other patients are being told things and I have to bite my tongue from exploding on them for their negligence in care. I can tell stories but I'm reticent to because some patients believe their issues should remain confidential. It's up to them to inform people of them. What would be the point in me lashing out now when nothing can be done of it? However, if I do hear someone mention again how prestigious and glorious Indian medicine and doc Sringari are one more time, they will get a piece of my mind and it won't be restrained.
Thank you for being brave and exposing the truths for us. You don't know how many lives you can change for the better because of this. There should be more people like you out there who provide honest information, and not just paint a fake, yet rosy image that lures uninformed people who would have their health jeopardized.
Anyone who has been reading these forums should know by now how sketchy, questionable, and potentially dangerous doing LL in India could be - a big red flag should have popped up when the same staff that was there during the Sarin craze are the same people who are managing Sringari's clinic.
And what about the recovery afterwards? It seems the recovery of most Indian patients are questionable at best; full of strife and strain (look at poor Sweden).
I hope everything goes well for you Polycrates. Remember again, it's not the end of the world. Maybe everything in India turned out ok. If not at least, hopefully it can be fixed in your home country. You are lucky that citizens in your country have access to high quality, free medical health care!