The average for my country is around 179 for younger people, but the average in my region is higher. The only numbers I have are the data from my physical examination (every 17-19yo has to do it) was almost 181, we were 200 guys so quite a large number.
well you have to take the value for all ages, this selective 17-19 sample doesn't work. women look for normalization, so they don't judge your height based on those people of similar ages, they judge it based on all social contact.
this is the same psychological phenomenon that causes people who are 6"5 but are surrounded by family who are all 7"0 to feel short. its about normalization.
however im just clarifying context surrounding how women judge , it does not negate your point.
(also army statistics would perhaps not represent the country. who joins the army? who is to wimpy to not join, who is not allowed/allowed to join. im sure this would skew statistics. )
179 is the
average for all men in your country and not just for children of 17-19. then the following thresholds become.............
its an exact 2.5cm shift. so:
5"8(below this exponentially accelerating discrimination) ---- 5"10.5 average (179cm) ------- 6"1 (above this diminishing returns for women)