I haven't updated in so long. It is now the 30th day post-op, and I am at 4cm on my clicking profile.
I've been so busy doing physio that I'm too exhausted when I get home around 5 (leave around 8 ) to come on and write about my daily experience... I really don't want to spend my entire day 'thinking' about leg lengthening, I guess.
Encountered nerve pain on my left leg during the first 2 weeks of lengthening, which was abnormal. It is now mostly gone, after I slowed down clicks, but it pops back up sometimes during the pool session or after the bike. Mostly now I'm having trouble with my knee and my right upper glutes area (feels like the nail is pushing on the muscle or something). And sleep. Sleep is still a problem. Got 2 hours last night then tried to doze but knee pain blazed up, which it sometimes does, at night. Ice helped a lot! Doubt I would be able to go without Tramadol at night for still another 2 weeks or so.
Mood wise I would say I'm pretty much the same! Although I'm sleepy ALL the time.
Becoming quite adept with crutches, although I'm still about 6 times slower than everyone else haha. But people make way for you and it's nice to slow down sometimes.