never be scared of LL, it change my life and I thankful every day that it. More importantly, we have a though process of yin and yang. Meaning something negative has to come from everything positive - like some weird cosmic balance. This is not the case with Leg Lengthening.
Think of it like being overweight, then losing weight. Where is the yin and yang? You will enjoy your life more comfortable and healthy. The same is true with LL, just follow the procedure daily, eat correctly, take your medication as directed and work through it during the lengthening the process. Being short isn't the end of the world and if you can handle that you can handle everything.
No one ever knew how much height effected me, I was happy, had great friends and interesting relationship. I ignored and work thru clothes not fitting correctly because I had kids legs and man size waist. I prefer were shorts because pants always look weird on me and made me feel uncomfortable. I wore lift shoes from time to time so I could be a little taller at bars or meeting new people.
But I made it through, when an opportunity came up and I had the money I completed the surgery in 2009. It was amazing, it truly was a life changing event for me. I was happy to go out drive around, show myself off. I couldn't buy enough clothes because everything looked good. Girls actually, gave me a lot of attention - my strength was gone but in its place was height. I worked out went to physio and regain the ability to walk without showing issues. What a difference it made in my life.
I looked at my Porsche and thought?!?! I am no longer a short person driving an awesome car. Here's the thing, I remember what it was like to be short and when I see short people I don't say anything but I always try to stand a little shorter get a little nicer because I remember being short myself and it suck for me. I am thankful I was able to get taller and that the Lord allowed me to do such an amazing thing.
Please make sure you mind is in right gear before you do it. These chat rooms are full of people that need emotional support not to get taller. Getting taller didn't change me. It allow me to express how I always felt about my self, larger then I was. Hope this helps with idea - going through this procedure is complicated and expensive I used the best doctor in the world. He invented the system, device and technique and it was still challenging. THIS is a hard procedure full of risk and pain. And while you are doing it, it feels like it will hurt forever then one day after 6 months you walk up like nothing happened, no pain, no aching and then you stand up and wow - -you are really tall!!!!