I think that all parties should respect each other's opinions. Even Dr monegal should not cast aside other member's opinions with words like 'speechless'. I think FP is very rude and when I read the exchange of words between FP and Monegal and I am clearly on the doctor's side. This time, however, exclide was not rude at all and as a matter of basic etiquette, I think Moneegal made the rude comment first.
I honestly do not understand why he is so vigorously trying to make his point, that he casts aspersions on other users like exclide who offered his layperson opinion humbly. I don't think doctors should behave in such a way, though I might well be wrong.
I am not here to give medical advice as I am just medical student. I do not plan to specialise in orthopaedics and have no specialised knowledge in orthopaedics.
Orthopedics is a tough specialisation to enter, but it does not mean that being an orthopaedic surgeon, one knows everything. That is only common sense. Arrogance gives a very bad impression. Even if an orthopaedic surgeon is qualified, there might be business reasons why he promotes a certain device/ certain technique as opposed to another (eg, perhaps to fight lower costs of external fixators in other countries).
I humbly think that there might be sound arguments for and against using external fixator for the tibia and even the femur. One reason of course is that external fixation is less invasive, and the bone marrow is not dissected into, hence less risks of fat embolism. No reaming is required for ex-fix.
As a patient who is currently doing ex-fix for tibia, I humbly disagree with what most of the doctor has said. Ex-fix is not such a horrifying experience, if you go to the right doctor.
I think it might be too premature to say that exclide or forum members have such a point of view that makes him "speechless". This is sheer medical arrogance. I am sure there are pros and cons for each method, though the pros MIGHT be much greater for internals. For example, there are many incisions available to reach the heart for cardiac massage or to get access the pulmonary cavities, anterolaterally/posterior-laterally or medial steronotomy, each have their pros and cons. There are also proponents of open rhinoplsaty and some for closed rhinoplasty.
A carefully modified Illizarov frame is not as trouble-causing as the traditional Illizarov device, from what I have read (anecdotally) and experiencd (as a patient).
Bagirov's frames are quite comfortable as they consist of half rings, do not cause any axial deviations according to the Singapore orthpedic surgeon, do not cause much soft tissue problems, and are not infected all the time. Yes, I had a pin-site infection and yes it was difficult to resolve. But it was superficial and I never got to the stage of intravenuous/subcutaneous antibiotics. I wouldn't think sub-Q antibiotics will be good as it weakens and distorts the pin area. Bagirov's frames do not cause loss of range of motion (I have full knee range of motion), and almost full ankle ROM. I have no knee pains except lateral pains at the hamstrings when I bend my knees. This can be expected with any method.
I think that the doctor is too vigorous in promoting internals. It is very scary to read his comments as a patient who is currently doing external fixators. I am sure there are both sides to the story. I will ask my local orthopaedic surgeon about his comment at my next visit. He should be more sensitive to patients who are currently (and who have done) externals. I am sure it cannot be that bad in a properly selected patient and a proper surgeon and proper device. The Taylor-frame is after all, widely used in the USA and developed countries.
Bagirov's frames on my tibia are not painful at all. pain is controlled at all times. I am even able to go to work (part-time) for a few hours on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I am even planning to go for my internships with the frames on. They can be hidden under cargo pants and u could just say you got into a ski accident.
Dr monegal has kindly privately contacted me a few times, to offer his thoughts, through e-mail. I am puzzled why he is contacting patients and perusing this forum to cast aspersions on other users when he is busy doing so many surgeries. I sincerely appreciate his offer to perform the surgery for me, but I think that this forum is unable to bring much business. there are so few users and many of them have already decided on a doctor. thus there is no need to promote internals for business purposes. Correct me if I am wrong, but I smell business. (I have seen the private (specialist) medical surgery field).
Again I do not wish to be rude to the doctor but I am just offering my point of view, and that all parties should refrain from making rude and childish comments, or personal attacks. the doctor must have had many years of training as a doctor, and not to mention his clinical experience. He has his own reasons for thinking his way and it was very rude of FP to attack him. But I am not comfortable with how the doctor has attacked other members. He has offered to leave, and he has came back, with much anger. I appreciate his technical advice, but I think all parties shd observe basic respect and etiquette.