- You wrote that you have had 2 lenghtenings. One on tibia and one on femur. Does it mean that you had cross-lengtening? Could you explain what does it mean?
Yes, it's called cross-lateral lengthening. It's done due to big external frames on the femur being really uncomfortable. So instead of doing 2x femur at the same time, they do tibia-femur and then repeat. It's more comfortable this way.
How long does it take lengthen tibia for 7,5 cm?
After what period of time frames are removed? Full consolidation is needed?
Usually 3 months for distraction phase and another 6 for consolidation. So 9 months total. If everything goes good.
- Is it possible to lengthen legs at home after surgery and then come back to a hospital to remove frames?
Yes. However, you'll need to take x-rays so the Dr. can monitor the proccess, your healing rate, misaligment, pin stability... X-rays are usually taken every 10-14 days.
- Is it possible to exercise upper body during lengthening?
It's possible, but no one really feels like to. Plus, if you exercise solely your upper body, your legs will look really tiny compared to it.
- Could you work during lengthening (for instance as a freelancer) or is it not preferable because it may have bad impact on consolidation
You can work. No impact on consolidation.
- Did you experience some difficulties during lengthening?
My back hurt really bad at the side of the femur external for like 2 months. Idk why, but it vanished.
- How is your health? How do you feel after surgery and before another?
- What was your original height?
- How old are you? Does age have significant influence on recovery time?
I feel the same overall. My original height was 167 cm and I'm 22. Yes, the younger you are the faster your bones heal and your muscles/tissues recover.
- Are you Russian?
- Is Dr Soliman a nice and trustworthy person? Is he a good expert at his field? Would you recommed him to others people wanting to undertake a surgery?
Yes and yes. Well, not sure about him being 'nice', as I didn't get to speak with him, but he is very experienced, from what I've gathered. He works closely with my Dr.