She is not shy that I am aware of and always told by teachers that she is a very likable kid, even popular with a very big heart and not a judgemental bone in her body and will say hello to any one of her peers who crosses her path in the school hallway, so definitely not shy as that is not something one who is shy would be able to do. She even once stated she could care less about height even if born a dwarf. She has however already seen the negativity towards short stature on social media. I will admit she inherited the big heart likeable charismatic personality from her dad and not from me, lol. Then with her just starting middle school just this year and knowing that middle school is so much more different than elementary school who know's what lies ahead for her.
But to stay on topic I have just made appointment to see if my daughter's growth plates have cclosed. After doing somer reading on the subject I 'm certain she has one more year of growth left or maybe has stopped completely, which means another inch or half inch of additional height at most. She began puberty three years earlier than myself and am disappointed and I blame all the extra large servings of dairy that was not organic dairy, not much exercise really and very bad sleep with issues of mouth breathing that have been affecting quality sleep and a worn out even aged appearance upon wakening in the morning which I did mention to the doctor. I also pointed out that tonsils appear large, much larger than my own, and that my own mother had tonsils removed but doctor preferred to wait but did finally give referral later to ENT (ears, nose, throat doc)twice and which I decided to cancel twice, since the mouth breathing appeared to be seasonal. It's looking more that she got the short genes from both my mother and her father's mother, the aunts are 5 to 5'3" on my moms side but her dads mother there are several aunts as short as 4'10" in fact I think they are all below 5 feet on dads mother side. My father and his father however, (my father in-law) is where the tall genes would come from with the woman/aunts closer to 5'5" to 5"6 in height.
The question I have is if there are cancer risk with growth hormones and if it is too late to begin the treatment for girls and if my insurance will pay for all this. I'll find this out soon.