What is the best lengthening method for this? what would u suggest?
it seems external tibia is safe and duration for full weight bearing is shorter or the same as LATN/LON/Precise.
You can consider 8 cm tibia (any method) and 4 cm femur if you wanna do external femurs with dr bagirov.
am i able to do sports like, skiing, running and leg workout after the surgery?
in theory and according to what some docs say, yes, for me, i can still play basketball.
Is full recovery possible if i flex alot, train hard and do other helpful stuff?
Full recovery if PT is taken seriously.
Also, maybe better to stretch pre-op
Stop calf-workouts s=as they will cause intense pains when lengthening.
Will i have knee pains for rest of my life after the surgery?
If you do external tibia, no knee pain issue.
What would be the cost if i went to top surgery in europe? Around 80 000€, right?
Not sure probably about 80000 USd
on the forum, there is a doctors section. search paley and guichet.