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Author Topic: doctors and pain managment  (Read 2252 times)

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doctors and pain managment
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:21:27 PM »

ok first I want to state I love my doctor. (doctor withheld)

and second im currently in a lot of pain. and it is probably influencing my post.

but my pet peeve is:

why the fk are doctors such fking retards when it fking comes to pain medication.
they snap our bones in HALF!!!!! and then give you fking panadol!!!!!!!!! then as a script they give you........panadol extra.......

where I come from panadol extra is not even a prescription drug. that's how weak it is.
at least during the lengthening phase cant they understand that there is a lot of pain, and with the pain you cant even sleep. and panadol is just not going to fking cut it.

if anyone has or is experiencing pain and a doctor who is acting like taking pain medication is THE DEVIL! please feel free to complain in this thread.

I guess my attitude is....... why do doctors play this stupid game. its like a default position where automatically they act like pain medication automatically turns people into drug addicts. (no I have not been told this by my doctor) its just my analysis on how doctors all over the world for leg lengthening act.

if I was in a car crash I would have been given tramadol from the get go. but here in the world of leg lengthening nope .........its fking panadol. pain medication has a time and place...... and if your legs are broken in half !!! that is the dam time and place!!! what is wrong with doctors. (yes I know it slows consolidation) but I frankly don't care.

Nope, 20cm is just nope.

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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2014, 04:24:59 PM »

also im curious.

feel free to list what pain medication the doctors gave you during your lengthening phase. and if they just gave you what you needed or stuffed you around at first.
Nope, 20cm is just nope.

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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2014, 04:46:37 PM »

In hospital they tried to give me perks but it was hell until they gave me dilaudid. They sent me to the hotel with perks.
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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2014, 06:08:34 PM »

Wrtg as a medic student.. I hope u have less pain, but do not abuse e drugs.. they are really bad for ur body (esp, the benzos - cancer risk even if short-term and also, brain dmg)

Guichet and most western docs just give you painkillers....... Tramadol is NOT the devil. I have friends who take it for migraine or backache for weeks, and they are OK.

Sigh. This happens in Russia. Improper pain management. But at least, in Russia, they inject you with NSAIDs (ketoprofen).

I also managed to get my own NSAIDs (there is no need for prescription) so I inject myself if I am in great pain (I have only injected myself one time).

Paracetamol... is useless... you need something more. When I was in the Russian hospital I considered going out of the hospital to get antibiotics and pain medicines (but the doctor guessed my intention because the address for taxi was obviously a nearby hospital.. hahaha .. and wrote me a prescription for antibiotics, and I had them the next day)

if your pain is due to antibiotics, pain meds do not help. u need antibiotic.

the first three days are bad. Russian docs do give epidurals which wear out every 2-3 hours and the pain comes back like  . and they refuse to give you other painkillers. this is kinda nonsense as you are put in 6-8/10 pain and discomfort for 1-2 hours, and then you get another epidural.

I have got only ONE morphine shot to my back since I begged a medical officer. morphine is NOT addictive. one shot doesn't make you wanna have more or whatever. it just makes you a bit happier and it feels like you just had a good run.

I suggest, see a general practitioner before you go for LL, say you have severe migraine or backache. and have to fly overseas soon (so they canno send you to hospital for medical checkup)

following drugs useful for pain
- tramadol
-oxycodone/codeine/paracetamol with codeine
- katadolon (similar to tramadol, but without addiction or tolerance potential...)
- try take paracetamol with dextrometromorphan I was forced to do that, because I had limited pain meds; increases efficacy
- try to drink some caffeine.... it will interact well with paracetamol
- aspirin - it can be taken with paracet, and/or ibuprofen.
- NSAIDs- probably easiest to get... studies swing here and there about it affecting bone devt so my doc (russsian) doesn't buy the  ... and say, moderate use of NSAID is OKAY!
- morphine/diamorphine - if you can get your hands on it
- ketamine - puts you into a high.
- mydocalm
- benzos (relaxes muscles)

following drugs useful for sleep
- Xanax
- femazepam ( in Russia)
- ambien and the family drugs (z class ie zolpidem, zolpiclone)

also try watching comedy (just for laugh gags)... it produces endorphins, reduces perception of pain..
when u feel pain also drink water, and eat chocolates.. study shows it reduces pain
scolding vulgarities does help too...
my doc says cold and warm compress can ease muscle pain.
applying methyl salicylate (do not overappply; poisoning risk). and any NSAID cream I swear helps like fk.

it is true the first 3-4 days are most painful... hang in don't wnna give tramadol so early maybe becos wanna avoid tolerance? because pain increases from the start of lengthening until the maximal amt of 8 cm.

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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2014, 11:25:13 PM »

also im curious.

feel free to list what pain medication the doctors gave you during your lengthening phase. and if they just gave you what you needed or stuffed you around at first.

In Beijing it was two Tramadol pills a day.  If you complained to the nurses a lot, they'd give you more, up to 8 pills a day, but it was hard to get that much.  Sometimes the doctor would be called in, and would prescribe ibuprofen as a last resort.  They were very conservative when using NSAIDs because of the effect they have reducing bone growth.


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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 11:48:32 PM »

If that is the case I am sneaking in a whole bottle of tramadol. I understand giving oxy's or shooting heroin into your forehead could cause some issues but cmon, tramadol is weak ass medicine compared to many others.

We really are pioneers in this field. Once they accumulate enough data, they will be able to isolate painkillers that do not hamper growth or consolidation and give us as many as we can handle.

Until then, I have my stash of trammies. I will just ask the doc for tramadol and slip in a few when necessary.


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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2015, 07:14:44 AM »

tramadol for general pain and NSAIDs
oxycodone as rescue analgesia


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Re: doctors and pain managment
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2015, 04:46:34 PM »

can someone pls advise me what are the common painkilers that LL doctors give??

visiting emergency department tomorrow.

i have finished katadalon (non-NSAID non-opioid that is as powerful as tramadol)

tramadol makes me feel so sick...!!

i hve undergone GA many times but this tramadol stuff makes me so nauseous. makes life like hell. even after taking doperimidone i feel so sick.

please reco me which painkillers did ur LL doc prescribe? i am eyeing codeine or oxycodone.
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