Not even a millimeter?
He advocates cycling with an elevated seat that causes micro fractures and gradual buildup of bones and tissue to increase in height, which is catalyzed through the book's "chaos training", secreting tons of HGH. I emailed him a few times on his experience and he told me that hair patterns haven't changed, but his hands, feet, and genitalia grew larger and then his limbs grew. I assume it's a late spurt, but he is extremely sketchy.
His emails consisted of the poorest of all English and when I asked for before and after pics, he simply states, "To all I’ve sent my before and after shots, non has believed it is the same me." I reply, "I am just curious to see your stature at 5"4, even if I don't believe it, I'm not going to be rude, and am not going to compare as to why I can't get 7 inches. If otherwise, that's understandable."
So far, no response.
He claims that he's a CEO, but he revolves his life around that website. Hey, he might have had a late growth spurt, but if that's the only thing he's able to embrace then there's nothing more to see in his ebook other than joint pains and basic exercises.