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Author Topic: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute  (Read 140772 times)

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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2014, 06:21:57 PM »

Hi guys, it's me Nader
For those who do not know me I am working together with Prof. Betz and I am now translating everything he posted into English. I am really sorry that I could not do it sooner but I had a lot of work at the university. I'm planning to post the translation at the end of this week.


Hey Nader!  Great to see you here. I will be in Neunkirchen tomorrow - I'm the UK guy with 2 different nails in his legs ;-)
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2014, 06:23:24 PM »

Does Dr Betz encourage patients to do too much weight bearing or have the bent nail issues that were reported been from nails that are just built weak?
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2014, 06:40:02 PM »

Does Dr Betz encourage patients to do too much weight bearing or have the bent nail issues that were reported been from nails that are just built weak?

I've personally seen some patients behave in irresponsible ways.  Also, like me, when you go home to lengthen it's easy to forget that you're a patient.  It's easy to let yourself act normally as you go to work, look after your kids, see friends, have drinks.  All these activities carry risk. For instance, when I travel to the office in London, I have to stop myself from using the underground (metro) because it's easy to get pushed around by lots of people, slip, fall down the stairs etc etc. 

I think you have to ask about the conditions within which the nail bent.  One of my LL friends - a patient who had surgery a day after me is huge.  Starting height around 178 and very muscular (he trained a lot).  To be honest, we were worried for him given all these bent nail stories. You know what? He's consolidating now, he's been careful and when I saw his xrays last week, did I see bent nails? Of course not.  Prof. Betz advises you to use your crutches, you can stand vertically to weight bear and this is safe, you can even take very short walks inside your house.

You tend to find that Betz' patients defend him a lot.  There is a good reason for this. Prof Betz, is a great surgeon and also a fantastic human being. We have exchanged SMSs at 4am when I was worried about preconsolidation, in fact 2 weeks ago he was on vacation in Rome and he stopped his vacation early to see me. He even saw me on a Saturday because he knows I work and that this would be easier for me. How many surgeons get out of bed (let alone cancel a vacation) to see their patients on a Saturday?  When I was staying at the hospital and then at Elke's house, I was surprised that he visited us every day. EVERY day, even Saturday and Sunday.  Successful LL is a partnership between the patient, the surgeon and the patient's physiotherapist.  They are there to help you, keep you safe, ensure your success but ultimately a lot of it is down to the patient because the patient is carrying those legs 24 hours a day. A good surgeon will give you the confidence that they are always there in the background should you need anything.  You know what, I called Prof Betz' assistant today telling her I was worried about clicking in these last days and also about my final checks (lengths etc), guess what? No waiting around - I am seeing Prof Betz tomorrow. He really, truly cares and for this reason I'm glad I decided to do my LL with him.
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2014, 06:59:24 PM »

That would explain the nail bends. I'd be weary about lengthening at home because of that. I guess it's impossible to stay in Germany the whole time though if you have obligations to take care of.
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2014, 07:11:19 PM »

That would explain the nail bends. I'd be weary about lengthening at home because of that. I guess it's impossible to stay in Germany the whole time though if you have obligations to take care of.

There are benefits to going home too! Normality, your family, your friends, familiar TV and food all help to make you feel better about the procedure you're undergoing and take your mind off the LL.  The big problem with remaining in Germany or Milan or China or India or wherever, is that you get caught in an LL bubble. It can also get very lonely. I think being at home is one of the factors that has made my LL so 'easy' compared to what you read in some patient diaries.  I've been very careful throughout, so knock on wood my nails will remain just fine :-)
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2014, 08:34:14 AM »

Moin, Dr. Betz,

Vielen Dank fuer Entsendung hier.

gettingtaller, do you have a diary? I want to know more about your experiences and how you're recovering at home.

Height MAX: 172 CM
Wingspan: 183 CM
Goal: 178 CM - external tibia


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2014, 09:54:11 AM »

Moin, Dr. Betz,

Vielen Dank fuer Entsendung hier.

gettingtaller, do you have a diary? I want to know more about your experiences and how you're recovering at home.


Like most Betz patients I have no diary I'm afraid, I'm just too busy unfortunately.
Please feel free to ask me anything you like here. Happy to answer any questions.
I saw prof betz this morning for a checkup as I plan to stop clicking soon (yippee!).
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2014, 08:44:07 PM »

I'm back again and I know that you waited a long time for my reply. But first of all I have to care for my patients. Above it took me a lot of time to answer and annotate all questions and thoughts.
I'm sorry to reply in this moment in German but I know also a lot of Germans are in the forum.
I will send the translation as soon as possible - I plan to do it before Easter days.
Here some important general information about my person and limb lengthening.

Dear Limb Lengthening Community,

mein Name ist den meisten von Ihnen bestens bekannt, ich bin Prof. Dr. med. Augustin Michael Betz.
Seit Beginn des Internetzeitalters habe ich nie Zeit in den verschiedenen Foren verbracht. Immer wieder haben mir Patienten von Informationen aus den Foren berichtet, teilweise sehr hilfreiche Informationen für den Patienten und häufig auch unrichtige, falsch verstandene und teilweise sogar für den Patienten gefährliche Informationen. Nachdem ich jetzt von mehreren Patienten auf die Existenz des „Limb Lengthening Forum“ als neue Plattform im Bereich der Verlängerung und auf dortige diffamierende Äußerungen angesprochen wurde, habe ich mir seit ein paar Wochen die Mühe gemacht, in diesem Forum und auch vergleichend im „Make me taller“ Forum zu lesen. Ich war daraufhin wirklich erschüttert über die Informationen, die zu meiner Person verbreitet wurden. So viel Diffamierung, hervorgerufen durch hasserfüllte, absolut nicht berechtigte Kommentare eines einzelnen Patienten unter dem Synonym „Mime“ hätte ich mir nie träumen lassen. Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, wie eine einzelne Person unter einem Pseudonym – ich weiß mittlerweile, um wen es sich handelt und wie wenig Grund dazu besteht – teilweise erfolgreich andere Forenteilnehmer mitreißt und in dieselben Hasstiraden einsteigen lässt.

Daher lassen sie mich, bevor ich auf ihre Fragen bezüglich Osteotomietechnik und Fixationstechnik zwischen Fibula und Tibia eingehe, m. E. wichtige Informationen vorausschicken.

Seit den 70er Jahren befasse ich mich - zunächst an der Universität des Saarlandes und dann an der Universität München - mit dem Illisarov-Verfahren. Aufgrund meiner Expertise im  traumatologischen Bereich habe ich stets versucht – nach der Euphorie der Fixateur-externe-Verfahren, die auch heute noch ganz klar ihre Berechtigung haben können - soweit irgend möglich auf interne Verfahren umzusteigen. So habe ich mich – nach ausgedehnten wissenschaftlichen und klinischen Erfahrungen im Bereich der Verriegelungsnagelung – sehr früh mit dem intramedullären Verlängerungsverfahren befasst und dabei zunächst ein System inauguriert, welches auf elektromechanischem Weg mithilfe eines Marknagels sowohl die Verlängerung als auch die Segmentverschiebung ohne jegliche Verbindung nach außen bewerkstelligte. Dieses System wurde von mir entwickelt und zur Serienreife perfektioniert. Im umfangreichen klinischen Einsatz war es – trotz zahlreicher systembedingter Probleme aufgrund der Miniaturisierung – externen Systemen in der Regel um Welten überlegen.  Zu diesem Zeitpunkt, als ich damit begann, mich  mit internen Verlängerungsverfahren zu befassen, waren die Fixateur-externe-Verfahren auf ihrem größten Verbreitungsstand, sodass nur wenige Chirurgen weltweit sich für interne Systeme und deren Vorteile interessierten. Dies hat mich nicht daran gehindert, kontinuierlich an diesen Systemen weiterzuarbeiten und sie zu perfektionieren. Ich möchte jetzt nicht auf Details der gesamten Historie eingehen, dies würde den Rahmen sprengen, Sie müssen jedoch wissen, dass ich als Entwickler verschiedenster intramedullärer Systeme, Patentinhaber und klinischer Anwender wie kein anderer weltweit mit einem Background von mehr als 30 Jahren verfüge. Gerade vor diesem Hintergrund sind die unwahren Internetbeiträge im Forum geradezu absurd.

Seit über zwei Jahrzehnten führte ich zunächst mit meinem  Fitbonesystem, später über kurze Zeit mit dem Original Albizzia System und daran anschließend in weiteren ca. 1000 Fällen jegliche Formen der Verlängerung und Segmentverschiebung bei kosmetischen und medizinischen Indikationen mit umfangreich modifizierten Albizzia-Nägeln durch. Letztlich habe ich dann alle Modifikationen und weitere Neuerungen in ein neues System einfließen lassen, welches ich dann Betzbone® nannte. Dieses System, welches neben dem Nagel weitere Komponenten wie Innensäge, Verriegelungsschrauben, spezielle Zielgeräte zur Achsenkorrektur etc. enthält, ist seit Jahren in seiner Zuverlässigkeit, in seiner Stabilität, in seiner Kontrollierbarkeit und in seiner Verlängerungskapazität jedem anderen System weltweit überlegen und wird darüber hinaus stetig weiterentwickelt. Die Handhabung des Systems ist nach Einweisung absolut fehlerfrei und ohne aufwändige Zusatzapparate durchführbar, prinzipiell ohne radiologische und sonografische Kontrollen im Verlängerungsverlauf, ohne Strahlenbelastung durch regelmäßige Röntgenaufnahmen, ohne Ultraschallkontrollen, ohne häufige klinische Wiedervorstellungen bei sofortiger Vollbelastung und der Möglichkeit der frühen Rückkehr in den Beruf, sofern es sich nicht um harte körperliche Arbeit handelt. Dies beweisen unzählige Fälle zufriedener Patienten. Die wenigsten von ihnen sind jedoch in den Internetforen engagiert, ziehen ihre gesamte Verlängerung erfolgreich und ohne großes Aufheben durch und kehren komplett wiederhergestellt in ihr Arbeitsleben zurück. Selbstverständlich ist der gesamte Ablauf der Verlängerung kein „Zuckerlecken“, die Beschwerden sind sehr unterschiedlich, es gibt Patienten, die keinerlei Schmerzmittel benötigen, andere benötigen Schmerzmittel bis hin zu Opiaten, was jedoch für den gesamten Ablauf kein größeres Problem bedeutet, auch ist am Verlängerungsende der allmähliche Stopp dieser Opiate in der Regel kein Problem.

Selbstverständlich hatten wir im Laufe der Jahrzehnte auch Fehlschläge, diese bestanden zunächst in der Unkontrollierbarkeit der Systeme, die Systeme liefen zu schnell oder zu langsam, selten in einem erwünschten Tempo, die Systeme waren nicht ausreichend tragfähig, so dass Vollbelastung nur mit zusätzlichen Hilfsmittels wie Orthesen (entlastenden Gehapparaten) möglich waren. Ansonsten ist bei bilateraler Verlängerung - was absolut sinnvoll ist - ausschließlich der Rollstuhl angesagt, was zu einer extremen Funktionseinbuße und am Verlängerungsende quasi zu einem erneuten Erlernen der Fortbewegung führt.
So muss als höchste Anforderung an ein Verlängerungssystem, welches im kosmetischen Bereich Anwendung finden soll,  die Stabilität hervorgehoben werden. An Stabilität mangelt es allen Systemen, außer dem meinen! Ein System welches nicht Vollbelastung erlaubt, führt dazu, dass zuverlässig nur eine einzige Seite versorgt werden kann; hierbei ist davor zu warnen, Ober- und Unterschenkel in einer einzigen Sitzung zu verlängern, da hierbei eine Verdoppelung der täglichen Verlängerungsstrecke zustande koold forum  und hierbei eine extreme Belastung der Weichteilstrukturen resultiert, die zu schwersten Kontrakturen und langen Funktionsdefiziten mit langer Rekonvaleszenz führen. Die in Ermangelung von Stabilität gepriesene einseitige Verlängerung an Ober- und Unterschenkel ist daher äußerst gefährlich und - wenn es sich um Verlängerungsstrecken jenseits von 8 – 10 cm (zusammen am Ober- und Unterschenkel) handelt – absolut davon abzuraten! Selbstverständlich verstehe ich, dass Kollegen ein solches Verfahren, in Ermangelung von Verlängerungssystemen, die Vollbelastung erlauben, anbieten.

Ein weiterer Punkt ist die Verlängerungskapazität: hier mangelt es wiederum bei fast allen Systemen außer beim Betzbone®. Selbstverständlich ist die knöcherne Heilung mit Zunahme der Verlängerungsstrecke erschwert, es stiold forum  jedoch nicht – und dies beweisen meine Fälle über die letzten 20 Jahre – dass wie zunächst behauptet wurde keine Verlängerung über 5 – 6 cm hinaus durchgeführt werden darf wegen irreparabler Schäden; mittlerweile propagiert man – nachdem die Systeme mehr Kapazität erlauben - auch eine wenig riskante und vertretbare Verlängerung bis 8 cm, sobald die Systeme wiederum mehr können, wird auch dann in größeren Verlängerungsstrecken kein Problem mehr gesehen werden. Tatsache ist jedoch, dass ich seit mehr als 20 Jahren Verlängerungsstrecken von 10 cm und mehr in einer Region realisiere - ohne nachweisbare Schäden! Ich bin sicher, dass auch diese extremen Verlängerungsstrecken in Zukunft sofort propagiert werden, sobald ein anderes System als der Betzbone® in der Lage ist diese Strecken zu realisieren. Dann wird auf einmal eine solche große Verlängerungsstrecke nicht mehr als unkalkulierbares Risiko bezeichnet. Bis heute zeigen auch die aktuellsten in den Foren veröffentlichen Statistiken Verlängerungsstrecken im Mittel zwischen 3 und 5 cm, was lächerlich ist im Hinblick auf die produzierten Behandlungskosten, und dem geringen Zugewinn an Körpergröße. Diese größeren Verlängerungsstrecken haben ein höheres Heilungsrisiko – wobei bei einer primären Verlängerung aus kosmetischen Gründen in meinen Fällen kein einziger Fall  vorlag, der je eine Spongiosaplastik brauchte, allenfalls eine „Anfrischung“ der Verlängerungsregion und Stabilisierung mit einem soliden Marknagel.

Selbstverständlich weisen kurze Verlängerungsstrecken eine kürzere Heilungszeit und ein geringeres Heilungsrisiko auf. Jedoch findet sich in meiner großen Zahl primärer langstreckiger Verlängerungen aus kosmetischen Gründen kein einziger Fall, der je eine Spongiosaplastik benötigte; bei schwachem Regenerat hat stets die Anfrischung der Verlängerungsregion und die erneute Stabilisierung mit einem soliden Marknagel die knöcherne Heilung herbeigeführt.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt im Ablauf einer erfolgreichen Verlängerung ist die Kontrollierbarkeit der Systeme. Bis heute sind alle auf dem Markt befindlichen Systeme unzureichend in ihrer Kontrollierbarkeit, zumindest aufwändig durch häufige klinische und radiologische sowie sonografische Kontrollen, der frühere Albizzia-Nagel und der Betzbone® ausgenommen.
Mit dem Betzbone® weiß der Patient zu jedem Zeitpunkt an jeder Stelle in der Welt ohne technische Hilfsmittel, wie viel Verlängerung er durchgeführt hat. Er dokumentiert hierzu lediglich auf einem Blatt Papier mit einem Stift seine durchgeführten Verlängerungsschritte und weiß aufgrund der Gewindesteigung exakt seinen Verlängerungsstand. Kein anderes System weltweit ist in der Lage, auch nicht mit noch so aufwendiger aparativer Technik – auch nur annähernd diese Präzision zu erzielen.

Der Verlängerungs-Komfort ist durch kein anderes System zu überbieten. Hiermit meine ich die freie Fortbewegung des Patienten, auf langen Distanzen von mehreren Kilometern natürlich unter Zuhilfenahme von Unterarmstockstützen, nicht nur zur Schonung der Implantate sondern auch zur Perfektionierung des Gangbildes.

Unter Behandlungskomfort verstehe ich auch die Gestaltung der täglichen Verlängerungsschritte: führt die zunehmende Gewebespannung zu erheblichen Schmerzen und Funktionsbehinderungen, so erlaubt die Stabilität und sichere Mechanik des Systems eine Reduzierung bzw. einen kurzfristigen Stopp der Verlängerungsschritte ohne Risiko einer vorzeitigen knöchernen Überbrückung. Dies wird erreicht durch die stabile Mechanik, die selbst nach größeren Verlängerungspausen zum Zwecke des Wohlbefindens in der Lage ist, erneut ohne Nachteile die Verlängerung fortzusetzen. Besonders hilfreich ist hierbei auch die Durchführung kleinerer Verlängerungsschritte als 1 mm am Oberschenkel oder z. B. 0,7 mm am Unterschenkel. Hierbei ergibt sich rein rechnerisch zwar eine zeitliche Verlängerung der Wachstumsphase; jedoch zeigen zahlreiche Verläufe, die mit kleineren täglichen Verlängerungsschritten gearbeitet haben, nicht nur die bessere Osteoregeneration in kürzerer Zeit sondern auch die weitaus bessere Rekonvaleszenz mit Vermeidung bzw. Reduzierung von Funktionsdefiziten und Kontrakturen. D.h. in kürzerer Zeit wird letztendlich eine Normalisierung des Lebens erreicht.
Auch hierin können andere Systeme nicht mit dem Betzbone®  konkurrieren, da die schwachen Antriebsmechanismen sehr rasch zum Stillstand der Verlängerung führen.
Gravierend koold forum  hinzu, dass sämtliche anderen Verlängerungssysteme einer Überbohrung von 2 bis 2, 5 mm bedürfen, um eine weitgehend zuverlässige Funktion zu gewährleisten, da die geringste Verklemmung bereits aufgrund der schwachen Kraft zum Systemstillstand führt. In vielen Fällen kleiner Knochendurchmesser ist daher die Verlängerung  mit intramedullären Systemen, die der Überbohrung von 2 bis 2,5 mm bedürfen, um die Funktion zu gewährleisten, nicht möglich oder sehr riskant.
Aufgrund der großen Kraft, die der Betzbone® in der Lage ist auf den Knochen zu übertragen und in Verbindung mit der soliden anatomie- und physiologiegerechten Verbindung zwischen Fibula und Tibia kann auf die sonst übliche Fibulasegmententfernung verzichtet werden. Diese Segmententfernung wird propagiert, um eine frühzeitige Heilung der Fibula und damit ein Stillstand der Verlängerung zu vermeiden. Es ist richtig, dass die endgültige knöcherne Heilung der Fibula nicht erforderlich ist, jedoch freue ich mich über jeden Fall, der am Ende der Verlängerung auch die Konsolidierung der Fibula in korrekter Position herbei geführt hat.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Punkt, der von großer Bedeutung sein kann, ist die Korrosion. Jegliche, auf dem Weltmarkt befindlichen Implantate können Korrosion entwickeln. Das Innenleben dieser Implantate enthält Materialien, die nicht korrosionsbeständig sind und aufgrund der elektromechanischen Eigenschaften auch nicht anders ausgewählt werden können. So lässt sich nur mit einer Dichtung das Eindringen der aggressiven Körperflüssigkeit in das Innere des Systems vermeiden. Insbesondere bei Zunahme der Verlängerung und damit ausgefahrenem Teleskop wird die Dichtung mehr belastet und lässt nicht selten Körperflüssigkeit in das Innere des Systems eindringen, was dort zu extremer Korrosion führt. Diese rostige Flüssigkeit dringt dann wiederum in die Markhöhle über die insuffiziente Abdichtung und führt dort zu Krankheitszeichen wie bei einer schwersten Infektion mit Rötung, Schmerzen, Schwellung. Nur die sofortige Nagelentfernung mit intensiver Spülung der Markhöhle führt hier zur Beruhigung.

Ein weiteres Phänomen ist in diesem Zusammenhang in Verbindung mit der angestrebten hermetischen Abriegelung der im Nagelinneren gelegenen Komponenten erwähnenswert: in mehreren Fällen habe ich erlebt, dass Patienten während des Aufenthaltes in größeren Höhen jenseits von ca. 2000 Metern, insbesondere während der Rückflüge über extreme, nicht therapierbare Schmerzen geklagt haben. Sobald wieder meeresniveauähnliche Höhen erreicht werden ist der Schmerz aufgehoben. Wir sind diesem Phänomen nachgegangen und können hierfür ausschließlich einen Gasaustritt aus dem Inneren des Systems über die Dichtung in die Markhöhle verantwortlich machen. Diese Schmerzen sind derart gravierend, dass sie in der Regel mit keinerlei Schmerzmittel zu behandeln sind.

Beide Punkte, sowohl Korrosion als auch der extreme Schmerz in großen Höhen, sind im Falle des Betzbone®  ausgeschlossen: es gibt keinerlei Abdichtung zwischen den inneren und äußeren Nagelkomponenten, die Körperflüssigkeit zirkuliert beliebig und füllt unmittelbar nach Implantation das Nagelinnere auf. Ich erinnere mich z. B. an einen Patienten aus Colorado, der nach Oberschenkelverlängerung vor Jahren nicht in die Berge auf größere Höhe zurückkehren konnte aufgrund unerträglicher Schmerzen. Er musste seine gesamte Verlängerung in Denver durchführen und dort seiner Arbeit nachgehen. Bei der Jahre später durchgeführten Unterschenkelverlängerung mit  dem Betzbone®   hatte der Patient verständlicherweise die gleiche Angst. Es traten nicht nur bei ihm sondern auch bei anderen Patienten keinerlei derartige Schmerzsymptome durch Druckveränderungen auf.
Aufgrund der nicht möglichen Korrosion – da es gelungen ist sämtliche Einzelteile des Nagels aus absolut antikorrosiven Materialien herzustellen – ist der Betzbone®  der einzige Nagel, der nicht zwingend entfernt werden muss. Trotzdem plädiere ich für die Entfernung, da es sich meist um jüngere Patienten handelt und der Knochen nach Entfernung des aussteifenden Nagels seine Rigidität verliert und wieder in seine alte Elastizität zurück findet nach dem entsprechenden Remodelling des Knochens.

Bezüglich Bedienbarkeit ist das System ebenfalls von keinem anderen System weltweit übertroffen. Es sind keine schweren und voluminösen Apparaturen erforderlich um die Verlängerung durchzuführen. Die gern ins Feld geführten Schwierigkeiten beim sogenannten „Clicken“ lösen sich in Wohlgefallen auf, wenn der Patient durch seinen Operateur oder erfahrene Mitarbeiter des Teams, in meinem Fall z.B. Daniela in die Funktion des Systems während des stationären Aufenthaltes eingewiesen wird und seine Ängste, selbst Hand anzulegen abgebaut sind. Dann ist der Patient an jeder Stelle weltweit in der Lage, seine Verlängerung unter einfachster Kontrolle, ohne erforderliche Apparate durchzuführen. Dieser Zustand ist in Verbindung mit der erwähnten Stabilität der Systeme von unbeschreiblichem Wert. Auch wenn in Einzelfällen die Vermittlung der Clickbewegung schwierig war, so gibt es keinen Patienten, der sein Ziel nicht erreicht hätte.
Insbesondere sind viele unserer Patienten in der Lage ihrem Beruf nachzugehen, wenn es sich wie gesagt nicht um schwere körperliche Arbeiten handelt; hierbei wird vom Patienten immer wieder die Ablenkung während der Arbeit als positiv beschrieben; unangenehm bleiben für viele Patienten die Nächte und die Wochenenden, wo ihnen die entsprechende Ablenkung fehlt.

Hi everybody it's me Nader again:

 finally I am happy to tell you the translation is finished and after checking with Prof. Betz here you go:

I might have done some spelling mistakes I hope you don't get mad ! And if there are any questions please fell free to contact me. (either here or write me a message)
take care

Now the translation ;D:
Dear limb lengthening community,

As a lot of you may know I am Prof. Dr. med. Augustin Michael Betz.
Since the beginning of the digital age, I have never spend time on the different forums. Patients often reported to me about the information they got on the various forums. Sometimes these were very helpful and good advices, but often the information or advices were mislead and wrong and sometimes even dangerous for the patients. So now after some patients told me about the existens of the „limb lengthening forum“ and I have been confronted with some defamatory statements which were made there, I’ve spend a few weeks time on reading in this and similar forums (e.g. make me taller“). After that I was really  shoked about the information made regarding my person.  I would never have dreamed of that much defamation, caused by hateful, absolutly not qualified comments from one patient using the nickname „Mime“. It’s really surprising to see how a single person using a nickname- I know now who that person is and how little his reasons are...- can motivate others on the forum to do torrents of hatred.

Thus, please allow me to provide you with some information before I continue with answering your questions regarding the osteotomy and fixation technique between tibia and fibula.

Since the 70s I am concerned – at first at the „Universität des Saarlandes“ and then at the University of Munich- with the Illisarov  method. Because of my expertise in the field of trauma surgery, I have always tried to switch to an internal nailing system. Despite the fact that the euphoria for the external system can still be legitim.
After gaining several research and clinical knowledge, I’ve soon got involved with the intramedullary nailing system and I developed a lengthening device based on an electromechanical method. This nail was able to handle the lengthening without any conection to the outside. I improved this system till we could start the serial production.
This lengthening system was used a lot eventhough there were some problems due to the miniaturization of the different parts, it still had the edge on the external lengthening system.
When I started using the internal nailing system, the external lengthening system was by far the more known and more used system, thus only a  few surgeons in the world were interested in a internal device and its advantages.
This of course hidered me to continue working on improving it.
I don’t want to give you a history lesson on the internal lengthening system, this would just be too much.
But still since I am a developer of different lengthening systems, an owner of several patents, a surgon who used these devices and perhaps the by far most experienced person, (regarding my 30 years of knowledge) I may be allowed to say that a lot of the information on the forum are just absurd!

I am now working for over 2 decades, first with my own fitbone-system, then for a short time with the original Albizzia nail and following that in more than 1000 cases with an modified Albizzia nail which was used for every kind of lengthening(cosmetically or medically indicated). Ultimately I concluded all modifications and new ideas into developing a new device which I named Betzbone.
This system which includes additionally to the nail a lot of different components e.g. the intramedullary saw, fixation screws, different spezialized targeting devices for the perfect arrangment of the axis..., is right now the most accurate and solid device on the market. It has the biggest range of lengthening , and is very easy to controll and handle, despite this I am still trying to improve everything of course.
The handling of my intramedullary nail is very easy and for lengthening no additional resources, e.g. X-Ray, magnet, sonographie ... are needed. Another advantage of my system is that patients don’t have to come to my office very often, thus they can start working sooner. My lengthening device is a full weight bearing system, also a very big advantage over the other lengthing systems.
I do not want to prag but this is just the feadback I get from a lot of successfully treated patients. But sadly these patients are rarely on these forums.
Of course the lengthening process is not a „piece of cake“, the complaints differ from patient to patient. There are some who do not need any pain medication at all, other on the other side need pain medications and in some rare cases even opiates are proscribed. But this is not a big deal, since at the end of the lengtheing process the patients reduce their medication slowly thus no addiction problems occur.
I had during my career of course also some failures, for example the lengthening system was uncontrollable, the nail was either lengthening too fast or too slow, but seldomly in the desired speed; or the the systems weren’t enough weight bearing. Thus for a full weight bearing an aid(e.g. orthosis) was needed. Otherwise a bilateral lengthening can only be done in the wheelchair. And this leads to an extrem functioning loss of the legs. Extremly said: at the end of the lengthening phase the patients would have had to learn again how to walk.
Hence the highest standard for a lengthening system used also for cosmetic purposes is the stability. My lengthening system is the only one on the market which can provide this standard!
With a system which does not allow full weight bearing you can only lengthen one leg at a time safely. It should be known that in these cases it is not recommended to lenghten then both upper and lower leg of side at the same time, because this would cause too much stress on the soft tissue which leads to long function loss with a long convalescence. Thus a one-sided lenghtening of both upper and lower leg due to lack of stability of the device is extremly dangerous-especially if you lenghten both together for more than 8 cm- and therefore I advice against this method. But still I get that some collegues offer this to their patients, since they do not have a full weight bearing system.
Another very important issue is the capacity of the nail, and again all system except the Betzbone have only a small capacity. Of course  the more you lengthen the more the healing of the bone is impeded but it’s not true that lenghtening for more than 6 cm will cause irreparable damage.
They huge amount of cases in the last 20 years have shwon that you can even lengthen more 10 cm without any problems. I mean I am certain that as soon as a system will be able to handle the extrem lengthening properly it will be preached and so far the Betzbone is leading on this field.
And if more devices with a bigger capacity get on the market the less douts the limblengthening society will have regarding „extrem“ lengthening. 
Till now even the latest data on the forums show that on average 3-5 cm were lenghtend by patients and to be honest in my opinion this is rediculously little if you consider the costs and the time. Of couse lengthening more means more risks for the healing process- eventhough I have to say that for a cosmetic lengthening I have never experienced case, where a sponiogsaplasty was needed, at most a refrechment of lengthening region or a stabilisation with a solid intramedullary nail were applied.
Of course lenghtening just a few centimeters mean a faster recovery time and a much smaller risk. But still I have had so far a huge amount of cosmetic cases where the patients lenghtend 8 or more centimeters and I have never needed to do a spongiosaplasty. In a few cases the only thing I did when the regeneration wasn’t fast enough was the refreshing of the lengthening region and a stabilization with a solid nail.
Another very important issue in course of successful lengthening is the  controllability of the system. Till today, all systems on the market except the Albizzia and Betzbone show inadequate controllability, or they require at least support systems (eg. X-Ray, clinical examinations or sonography).

Patients using the Betzbone always know whereever they are how much they have lenghtend, the only thing they require is a pencil and a sheet of paper. By counting the clicks they can easily calculate their lenghtend distance. The Betzbone is the only system on the market which is that precise and it does not need any ornate systems. The other systems can not offer the patients an approximate accuracy.
The lengthening comfort is hard to beat by any other system. By this I mean the free movement of the patient, of course the patients should use crutches for longer distances. The crutches have two functions: first protect the implants and second better the walking.
When talking about the lengthening comfort I also mean the design of the daily lengthenig steps. If the huge tissue tension leads to significant pain and fuctional disabilities, the mechnaic of the Betzbone and its stability is that good that the patients are then allowed to reduce their daily number of clicks or even to stop clicking for one or two days without fearing a preconsilidation. The nailmechanic is designed in a way that stopping for a certain time does not effect its function. Beneficial is also doing small daily lengthenig steps ( 1mm on the femur and 0,7 mm on tibia per day). Of course doing just small lengthening steps increases the lengthening phase but we experienced that by acting so the healing and osteoregeneration is the best and also the functional disablilities are then limited. Which in the end means that the recovery phase is shorter and thus a normalization of the patient’s life starts earlier.
Again here no other system on the market can compete with the Betzbone, since their drive mechanism tend to stop rapidly.
Also a very serious issue is that most other systems need an overreaming of the bone for 2 -2,5 mm to guarantee an proper function, since their mechanic can not handle any deadlocks. In a lot of cases where the patients have a small bone diameter a overreaming for 2-2,5 mm is not possible or very dangerous.
When lengthening the lower leg often a part of the fibula is removed to be sure that the fibula does preconsolidate. You just need to do this if the lengthening system used is not powerfull enough to tranfer the distraction force also on the fibula. The Betzbone is powerfull enough to tranfer the force on the fibula and in combination with the modified screws we use, we don’t have to remove a part of the fibula. The only thing we need to do is to cut the bone and then it will passivly lengthen for the same amout the patient lengthend the tibia. And this of course means the perfect alignement of the bones doesn’t get affected.
It’s true that the fibula does no need to reconnect by still I am every time happy to see that the fibula is consolidated again.
Another issue which can be very important is the so called corrosion. Every implant on the market can produce corrosion.
The inner parts of the implants contain material which can produce corrosion and the thing is that we sometimes cannot waive these materials because of their electrochemical properties. The only possibilty to prevent the corrosion is to seal the internal parts of nail against the agrressive body fluids. Of course the more you lengthen and the more the telescopic mechanism is extended and the harder it is to prevent body fluids from entering the nail. Thus corrosion usullay starts at least when the lengthening process has started. Then this rusty corrosion fluid can exit the nail and enter the marrow cavity and cause diseases like an infection with redding, pain and swelling. The only therapy is to remove the nail and to douche the marrow hole intensly.
I would like to mention another phenomenon concerning the hermetic seal of the internal parts of the nail. I’ve had several cases where the patients experienced a lot of pain when beeing in a alltitude higher than 2000 meter above sea level (eg when having a long distance flight) but a soon as they reached the sea level again the pain was gone. We’ve tried to figure out an explanation for this phenomenon and the only reason this could have is that at high alltitudes there is a gas leakage out of sealed internal nail parts. The pain the patients had was very severe since it could not be treated with any medication.
Both the corrosion and the pain at high alltitudes aren’t an inssue with the Betzbone. The Betzbone does not have any sealing of the internal nail components, the body fluid can circulate through the implant freely. Infact shortly after the insertion the nail is filled with the body fluid.
I remember one patient of mine from Colorado, who did several years ago an upper leg lengthening. He could not return to the mountains and had to finish his lengthening in Denver (due to the high alltitude problem). So when he did some years later the lower leg lengthening with the Betzbone he was again afraid of the high alltitude pain. But after I convinced him to give it a try he went up the mountains and did not have any problems with the alltitude anymore. This of course wasn’t an isolated case since the other patients aswell didn’t have problems anymore.
So some may ask why doesn’t the Betzbone produce any corrosion. Well we  succeded in inventing a nail where all parts are made of corrosion free material. Thus the Betzbone is the only lengthening nail on the market which does not have to be removed necessarily.
Nevertheless I recommend the removal, since most patients are young adults and after the removal of the nail the bone isn’t that stiff anymore and it regains its elasticity. Because the remodelling is an crucial for the complete bone recovery.

Also regarding the handling no system on the market can compete with the Betzbone. With the Betzbone no big and heavy instruments are need to lengthen.
The complains regarding the clicking usually resolve in pleasure when the patients are instructed during their hospital stay in how to click easily by myself or someone of my team members Daniela or Nader who can even click the patients a few times to take away their fear.
After that the patients are able to click and lengthen their self whereever they want. And this in combination with the stability of the system is something of indiscribable value. Of course we also had patients to had troubles to lear how to click but still all of them reached their goals.
And what is also worth to mention that a lot of our patients are able to work durig their lengthening phase (of course I am not talking about hard physical work). For the patients working is pleasant distraction, but still the nights and the weekends (when they usually do not work) are described as uncomfortable.


« Last Edit: May 22, 2014, 08:50:55 PM by GP203 »


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2014, 08:53:01 PM »

Hello everybody,

I'm back again and I know that you waited a long time for my reply. But first of all I have to care for my patients. Above it took me a lot of time to answer and annotate all questions and thoughts.
I'm sorry to reply in this moment in German but I know also a lot of Germans are in the forum.
I will send the translation as soon as possible - I plan to do it before Easter days.
Here my reply in German concerning screw fixation in the tibia:

Fixation zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein bei Unterschenkelverlängerung:

Von der Natur sind Wadenbein und Schienbein über eine kräftige Struktur, die sogenannte Membrana interossia, verbunden. Diese Membran spannt sich vom proximalen Fibulaende bis in den distalen Bereich und wird dort in Sprunggelenksnähe verstärkt durch die vordere und hintere Syndesmose.
Jede verlängernde Maßnahme am Unterschenkel, die mittels Fixateur extern durchgeführt wird, verbindet im proximalen und im distalen Bereich, d.h. oberhalb und unterhalb der Osteotomie an Tibia und Fibula, das Wadenbein mit dem Schienbein. So bleibt unter kontinuierlicher Distraktion, sprich Verlängerung, die korrekte Zuordnung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein erhalten. Dies ist von eminenter Bedeutung:
Würde keine Verbindung von Wadenbein und Schienbein anlässlich einer Verlängerung im Ilisarov-Prinzip durchgeführt und dabei mit den Verbindungsdrähten des Ringfixateurs nur die Tibia erfasst, so käme es unter kontinuierlicher Verlängerung der Tibia zu einer unkontrollierten Verlängerung der Fibula, d.h., die Membran kann die Kräfte, die bei einer Verlängerung auftreten nicht komplett an das Wadenbein übertragen, sodass das Wadenbein geringer verlängert wird als das Schienbein.
Welche Konsequenz hat eine solche unterschiedliche Verschiebung zwischen Waden- und Schienbein:
Im knienahen Bereich des Unterschenkels koold forum  es durch die ungleichmäßige Verschiebung zu einer enormen Zunahme der Spannung das Ligamentum collaterale am Knie. Dies bedeutet eine enorme Spannungszunahme auf die lateralen Anteile des Kniegelenkes, eine rasch eintretende Reduktion der Kniegelenksfunktion und Schmerzen. Die Kongruenz der Gelenkmechanik wird gestört.
Im distalen Bereich sind die Auswirkungen weitaus gravierender:
Hier führt die ungleichmäßige Verlängerung von Tibia und Fibula bei fehlender korrekter Fixation zu einer massiven Störung der Gelenkgabelfunktion, das distale Wadenbein, speziell der Außenknöchel verschiebt sich im Verhältnis zur Tibia nach kranial und führt dadurch zu einer massiven Inkongruenz im Sprunggelenksbereich. Dies wiederum führt infolge der Inkongruenz zu einer raschen massiven Arthrose, d. h. extremem Gelenkverschleiß und Schmerzen und im Extremfall bis hin zur Gelenkversteifung, spontan oder durch Operation bzw. zum erforderlichen Gelenkersatz.
Bei Verwendung jeglicher Verlängerungsmarknägel ist das Wadenbein zunächst nicht – nach korrekter Einbringung des Distraktionsmarknagels – in die Fixation und Verlängerung einbezogen, wie dies jedoch beim Fixateur extern der Fall ist (zumindest bei Ringfixateur-Systemen). D.h. es bedarf einer zusätzlichen absolut zuverlässigen Verbindung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein im jeweils proximalen und distalen Bereich, um einer unterschiedlichen Verlängerung beider Knochen vorzubeugen.
Dieses Ziel wird bei Einsatz des Verlängerungsmarknagels in der Regel durch Verwendung von separat eingebrachten Querschrauben zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein erreicht,  in der Regel eine Schraube kniegelenksnah und eine Schraube sprunggelenksnah, dort wo auch die Verankerung bei der Versorgung spezieller Sprungelenksfrakturen stattfindet. Wir nennen diese Schraube im unteren Bereich Syndesmosenschraube, bekannt aus der Versorgung der Sprunggelenksfrakturen. Jedoch gibt es hier eine erheblichen Unterschied: bei Verwendung dieser sprunggelenksnahen Schraube, die ca. drei Querfinger oberhalb des Sprunggelenksspaltes angelegt wird, verhindert diese Schraube eine axiale Verschiebung, aber auch eine Aufweitung der Gelenkgabel. Dies ist bei Sprunggelenksfrakturen eines speziellen Typs erforderlich, da die Syndesmose, d.h. die Bandverbindung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein, die das korrekte Gabelspiel garantiert, zerstört ist. Hier muss die Schraube sowohl die axiale Verschiebung  als auch die Seitverschiebung verhindern.
Bei der Verlängerung ist nur die Verhinderung der axialen Verschiebung gefragt, es sollte sogar durch die Verbindungsschraube gewährleistet werden, dass das normale Gelenkspiel unbedingt erhalten bleibt. Dies erreiche ich in idealer Form durch eine gewindelose, glattschaftige Verbindungsschraube, die exakt parallel zum oberen Sprunggelenk eingebracht wird, entweder von dorsolateral nach ventromedial oder umgekehrt. Ich bevorzuge die Einbringung von ventromedial, da im Bereich des Schienbeins mehr Platz existiert zur Unterbringung des kopfnahen Gewindes, was eine Dislokation der Schraube verhindern muss. Das Wadenbein wird dabei nur belastet durch den Durchmesser der glattschaftigen Schraube und nicht durch das unter dem Kopf gelegene Gewinde.
Mit dieser Schraubenanordnung sowohl proximal als auch distal wird gewährleistet, dass das Wadenbein in idealer Weise um den gleichen Betrag verlängert wird wie das Schienbein und gleichzeitig keinerlei Inkongruenz im Kniegelenks- und insbesondere im Sprunggelenksbereich resultieren kann. Durch die Verwendung spezieller Schrauben wird auch das Gabelspiel so gering wie möglich beeinträchtigt und nur die eine Komponente, nämlich die gefährliche axiale Verschiebung, verhindert.

Nach diesen Ausführungen wird es ihnen leichter fallen zu verstehen, warum eine schräge Einbringung dieser Schraube, egal von welcher Seite sowohl die Anatomie, die Physiologie und die Gelenkmechanik gravierend stört.

Zunächst macht eine Schraube die im Schaftbereich ein Gewinde trägt eine starre Verbindung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein, was wir nicht benötigen und was darüber hinaus die Gelenkmechanik derart stört, dass es schlimmstenfalls zu einer knöchernen Verbindung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein kommen kann als Antwort des Körpers. Diese knöcherne Brücke wird Synostose genannt und führt zur Verstarrung des Gelenkes mit gravierenden Folgen durch Gelenkzerstörung, Arthrose und Schmerz. Allenfalls hat eine solche Schraube einen Sinn bei hochgelegenen Sprunggelenksfrakuren, weil dadurch die korrekte Einstellung des Wadenbeins bei zerrissenen Bandstrukturen gewährleistet werden soll. Jedoch werden diese Schrauben aufgrund ihrer negativen Folgen sehr früh entfernt, in der Regel nach 6 bis 8 Wochen, um das Gelenkspiel möglichst rasch wiederherzustellen. Selbst in solchen Fällen macht eine schräge Einbringung in der Regel keinen Sinn.

Des weiteren ist eine schräge Einbringung nie in idealer Weise geeignet, eine axiale Verschiebung zu verhindern: selbst unter der Vorstellung einer günstigeren Kraftübertragung während der Distraktion – was definitiv nicht stiold forum  – kann es über Seitwärtsverschiebungen zu unkontrollierbaren Druckzunahmen auf das Gelenk kommen, ganz abgesehen vom aufgehobenen Gelenkspiel.
Umso gravierender werden die negativen Folgen im Hinblick auf die notwendige Verweildauer dieser Verbindungsschrauben: im Falle komplizierter Sprunggelenks-frakturen mit Zerreißung der Syndesmose und Anteilen der Membrana interossia werden diese Schrauben nach 6 und 8 Wochen entfernt und der Patient dazu angehalten, nur Teilbelastung auszuüben. In ihrem Fall, bei Unterschenkelverlängerung müssen diese Verbindungsschrauben mindestens noch 2 bis 3 Monate über das Verlängerungsende hinaus belassen werden. Werden sie frühzeitig entfernt, so koold forum  es zu einer sekundären Verschiebung mit den oben beschriebenen gravierenden Folgen. Es bedarf vor Schraubenentfernung eines weitgehenden Abbaus der Gewebespannung. Hilfreich ist hierbei, wenn es zu einer knöchernen Überbrückung auch am Wadenbein gekommen ist, da dann die negativen Auswirkungen nach einer Schraubenentfernung nicht mehr zu erwarten sind.
Wenn wir zudem davon ausgehen, dass der Patient in der gesamten Phase der Verlängerung, unmittelbar am OP-Tag beginnend, vollbelastet und sich möglichst viel bewegt um die Osteoregeneration zu stimulieren, dann werden die Folgen einer falsch eingebrachten „Syndesmosenschraube“ um so eklatanter.
Soweit zur korrekten Technik der Verbindung zwischen Wadenbein und Schienbein.

Hi guys here is the translation of that text. Please feel free to contact me (either here or via a message) if you have any questions!
Nader Maai

Now let me say something about the fixation between tibia and fibula in the lower leg lengthening

By nature both bones are connected by a very strong structure, the so called interosseous membrane. This membrane spans from the proximal fibula head to its distal end where close to the ankle joint it is additionally supported by a anterior and posterior syndesmosis.
In every lower leg lengthing surgery may it be with an external or internal device the fibula is fixated to the tibia above and below the cutting area. Thus it is ensured that the arrangement of the joints and hence their function is not affected by the lengthening. Otherwise since the tibia is the actively lengthend bone the fibula would not be lengthend and thus severe problems could occur. Due to the less lengthend fibula in the knee area the tension on the collateral ligaments increases enormesly which means a very high tension on the lateral part of the knee and thus reduction of function in this joint and a lot of pain of course occur. The congruence of the joint mechanics gets destroyed.
In the distal area the effects are far more severe. Here an unevenly lengthend tibia and fibula due to a non or wrong fixation causes severe troubles in the ankle joint function. The lateral malleolus (distal part of the fibula) shifts in comparism to the tibia cranially and thus causes a severe incongruity in the ankle joint. This again causes a rapid arthrosis (wear of the joint) and a lot of pain and in some extreme cases to an ankylosis, either spontanously or due to surgery and then a articifical joint may be needed.
When using an internal nailing system the fixation of the fibula to the tibia is a very important step. It’s the same when using an external ring fixator except here you have  automatically more connections between the bones. This means it requires additionally very relibale connection between tibia and fibula at each areas the proximal and the distal one, to prevent an unevenly lengthening of both bones.
To optain such a connection when using an intramedullary nail normally separately inserted cross bolts are used. As a rule one screw is inserted close to the knee joint and the other one close to  the ankle joint. We call this screw close to the ankle joint the syndesmosisscrew. (by the way this screw is commonly used in ankle joint surgery)
However, there is a significant difference, when using this screw close to the ankle joint, which is inserted about three fingers above the jointline, this screw hinders an axial displacement. One requires such a screw for a special type of ankle joint fractures, since the syndesmosis (the band connecting tibia and fibula and thus guarantees the correct fork alignement is destroyed).
When lenthening you just have to prevent the axial displacement, and the normal joint „room“ should be obtained.
I can realize this idea ideally by using a non-threaded, smooth connecting bolt, that is placed exactly parallel to the ankle joint line, either from dorsolateral to ventromedial or visversa.
I personally prefer the insertion from ventromedial to dorsolateral since in this area of the tibia there is more place to accomomodate the thread near the head of the screw. (This small thread is just for preventing a dislocation of the screw)
By doing so, the fibula is just affected by the diameter of the smooth part of the bolt and not by its thread.
This arrangement of the screws in both the proximal and distal area guarantees ideally the same lengthening for the fibula as for the tibia. And what is also very important it does not interfere with the alignment of neither the knee nor the ankle joint.
After knowing that you should understand why inserting a screw in an oblique angle interferes drastically with both the anatomical and physiological function of the joints.
A screw with a thread (not only in the head region) contributes to a stiff conection between fibula and tibia. This is not something we want, and even more it does affect the joint mechanics in such a way, that a bony link between both bones can occur, which is just disturbing. This bony link is named synostosis and leads to a joint immobility, destruction of the joint, arthrosis and a lot of pain. You only use such a screw for ankle joint fractures where the bands are destroyed (as mentioned before) and even then you remove that screw 6 -8 weeks after the surgery because of its negative impacts. And again even here using an oblique angle usually does not make any sense. Furthermore an oblique insertion is never ideal to prevent an axial displacement. Even if there was a more favorable power transmission during the distraction- which is definately wrong- due to sideway shifting uncontrollable pressure increases may occur, not to mention the repealed joint space.
The longer the dwell of the syndesmosis screw the worse the impacts are: in case of a complex ankle joint fracture including a breakage of the anatomical syndesmosis and partially rupturing of the interossous membrane, the screw is removed after 6-8 weeks and the patients aren’t allowed to do full weight bearing. In your case of a lower leg lengthening the screws must stay at least for 2-3 months after the lengthening phase has ended. If you remove them to early, a secondary dislocation causing the above mentioned problems occur. Before removing the screws, the soft tissue tension must be again normal (as before the surgery). A consilidation of the fibula is in such cases also very welcome, since then normally removing the screws doesn’t have a big impact anymore.
If we assume  that the patient does throughout the whole lengtheing phase (starting the day of the surgery) full weight bearing and moves a lot to stimulate his osteoregeneration, the effects of a wrongly inserted screw get more blatant.
That’s it now about the corret technique for the connection of the lower leg bones.



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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2014, 08:58:52 PM »

Hello everybody,

I'm back again and I know that you waited a long time for my reply. But first of all I have to care for my patients. Above it took me a lot of time to answer and annotate all questions and thoughts.
I'm sorry to reply in this moment in German but I know also a lot of Germans are in the forum.
I will send the translation as soon as possible - I plan to do it before Easter days.
Here my reply in German concerning osteotomy:

Zur Technik der Osteotomie an Femur und Tibia

Seit den Anfängen des Ilisarov-Verfahrens wird die Osteotomie von außen durchgeführt. Hierzu sind verschiedene Techniken beschrieben, die sich teilweise Bohrern, teilweise speziellen Meißeln oder der Kombination aus beidem bedienen. Ebenso sind oszillierende Sägen im Einsatz, die - um es vorweg zu nehmen – meines Erachtens für Verlängerungsosteotomien keine Anwendung finden sollten, da die hochfrequente Bewegung zu Hitzeschäden an den Schnittflächen neigt, was wiederum die Heilung stört, ggf. Infekte begünstigt; darüber hinaus bedarf der Einsatz einer oszillierenden Säge des weitaus größeren chirurgischen Zugangs.
Um die knöcherne Heilung, die Osteoregeneration, besser zu verstehen, bedarf es Kenntnissen zur Ernährung des Knochens: in dem Bereich, in dem wir die Verlängerungsosteotomie durchführen müssen, wird der Knochen sowohl vom Endost, d. h. vom intramedullären Gefäßsystem als auch vom Periost, d.h. dem um den Knochen herum befindlichen Gefäßsystem ernährt.
Große Bedeutung wurde daher seit Beginn des Ilisarov-Verfahrens dem Erhalt des intramedullären Gefäßsystems zugesprochen, da bei der Durchtrennung von außen regelmäßig das periostale Ernährungssystem mehr oder weniger kompromittiert wird. Es hat sich jedoch gezeigt, dass durch die von Ilisarov selbst propagierte Corticotomie, d.h. der reinen Durchtrennung der zirkulären Hartsubstanz des Knochens nicht nur das periostale Gefäßsystem in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wird, sondern auch das endostale, auch bei noch so minutiöser Corticotomie-Technik. Arbeiten von Brutscher und Brunner am Forschungsinstitut der AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthese) in Davos haben darüber hinaus nachgewiesen, dass selbst bei Zerstörung beider Gefäßsysteme, sowohl des inneren als auch des äußeren, die knöcherne Heilung erfolgt, jedoch mit erheblicher zeitlicher Verzögerung. Daher muss es unser Bestreben sein, möglichst ein Gefäßsystem zu erhalten.
Wenn also die Indikation zur Anwendung eines Fixateur externe gegeben ist, so macht es Sinn, den Knochen über eine kleine Inzision von außen mit den oben beschriebenen Techniken schonend zu durchtrennen.

Besteht die Indikation zur Anwendung eines Verlängerungsnagels – hierzu gibt es Gott sei Dank im Indikationsbereich der kosmetischen Verlängerung kaum noch Diskussion (seit über zwei Jahrzehnten habe ich mittlerweile erfolgreich versucht, den Sinn der intramedullären Verfahren zu predigen) liegt es ebenfalls nahe, eine Osteotomietechnik zu wählen, die so gering als irgend möglich eine Schädigung der Knochenernährung hervorruft.
Die Anwendung der Marknagelverfahren zur Stabilisierung von Schaftfrakturen an Oberschenkel, Unterschenkel und Oberarm haben uns seit über 6 Jahrzehnten immer wieder gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, die Frakturreposition und die Stabilisierung indirekt, d.h. ohne Berührung der Frakturregion – durchzuführen. Je weniger wir bei der Versorgung die Frakturregion freigelegt haben, um so besser war unser Heilungsergebnis bezüglich Zeit und Knochenneubildung.
Exakt gleich verhält es sich bei den Verlängerungsosteotomien, die letztlich künstlich herbeigeführte Frakturen darstellen. Je schonender wir die Osteotomie durchführen, umso besser wird unser Heilungsergebnis sein, d.h. wir werden in kürzerer Zeit eine weitaus bessere Knochenneubildung erzielen können. Dies hat gravierenden Einfluss auf die gesamte Nachbehandlungsphase.

Lassen Sie mich daher noch mal zurückkommen auf die beiden Ernährungssysteme, sowohl von außen als auch von innen: bei Einbringung jeglicher Marknägel zerstören wir vorübergehend das intramedulläre Gefäßsystem. In der Folge erholt sich dieses Gefäßsystem wieder, braucht jedoch wertvolle Zeit. Daher muss es in unserem Bestreben sein, soweit irgend möglich das äußere, das sogenannte periostale Gefäßsystem zu erhalten. Hieraus resultiert, dass wir möglichst das periostale System nicht von außen berühren. Was ist also naheliegender, als die Osteotomie über den Kanal durchzuführen, der später für die Einbringung des Marknagels genutzt wird. Hierzu verwenden wir verschiedene Ausführungen der Innensäge. Diese Säge wird vor Einbringung des Marknagels in die Markhöhle eingebracht und durchtrennt sukzessive exakt die Anteile des Cortex (der zirkulären Knochenhartsubstanz) und zwar nur soweit, als es erforderlich ist, durch leichten Druck von außen gegen die Gliedmaße die Fraktur zu komplettieren. D.h. wir berühren in der Regel nicht das Periost. Dies gelingt uns in nahezu 100% der Fälle in schonendster Weise mit einer speziellen von Hand betriebenen Säge die uns jegliche Hitzeentwicklung und damit Störung der Knochenheilung verhindert. Auch haben wir in unserem Repertoire druckluftbetriebene und elektrisch betriebenen Innensägen, jedoch machen wir davon nur selten Gebrauch, da sie wie jede andere oszillierende Säge zur Hitzeentwicklung und damit zur Verbrennung im Bereich der Osteotomieflächen führen können. Lediglich im Bereich der vorderen Schienbeinkante machen wir gelegentlich von diesen oszillierenden Sägen Gebrauch: im Gegensatz zum Oberschenkel, wo die Markhöhle zentral angeordnet ist und die Corticalis annähernd ähnliche dcken zirkulär aufweist, liegt die Markhöhle im dreiecksförmigen Unterschenkelknochen exzentrisch auf der Dorsalseite. Dadurch ergibt sich auf der Ventralseite im Bereich der vorderen Schienbeinkante ein erheblich größerer Corticalisdurchmesser, der aufgrund der größeren Eindringtiefe gelegentlich vorteilhaft mit einer meiner speziellen oszillierenden Sägen komplettiert wird.
Ich weiß, dass die Innensägen nicht beliebt sind, weil sie vom Operateur besonderes Geschick und technisches Einfühlungsvermögen verlangen. Ich hoffe jedoch, dass meine Ausführungen zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Knochenernährung Ihnen zweifelsfrei den Sinn der Durchtrennung des Knochens von Innen in Verbindung mit einem Verlängerungsnagelverfahren zeigen konnten.

Now the last part of the translation: please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Nader Maai

Now somethingabout the osteotomy of the femur and tibia.

Since the beginning of the Ilisaraov method the bone was cut from outside. Therefore different technique are discribed, may it be by using drills or special chisels or a combination of both. Oscillating saws are also in use – (in my opinion they shouldn’t be used for a lengthening osteotomy since the oscillating movement produces a lot of heat which impairs the healing or in some cases it may increase the risk of an infection, and furthermore the use of an oscillating saw requires a much bigger surgical approach)
In order to understand the bone healing, the so called osteoregneration, basic knowledge about the bone’s supply are required: The area in which we have to do the lengthening- osteotomy the bone is supplied from both, the endosteum ( the intramedullary vascular system) and the periosteum (the vascular system surrounding the bone)
Since the beginning of the Ilisarov procedure a great importance was awarded to the intramedullary vascular system. Because due to the cutting from outside regularly the periosteal supply of the bone was more or less comprimised.
However it has been shown that by even using the technique Ilisarov himselp propagated (the corticotomy where only the compact bone is circularly cut) not only the the periosteal but also the endoosteal supply gets impaired. But still the researchers Brutscher and Brunner (working at institute of Davos and  concerned with osteosynthesis) have proven that even when the bone’s both supply systems are damaged, a regeneration can occur, it just requires then more time. Thus our goal must be to obtain both vascular systems.   
So if there is an indication for using an external fixateur, it makes sense to cut the bone gently from outside with one of the above mentioned techniques.
Is there now an indication for the use of an intramedullary nail one still should try his best to maintain both vascular supply systems and thus choose an ideal cutting technique. Thank god there is no more discussion about the use of an intramedullary nail for a cosmetic lengthing (For two decades I’ve been now successfully preching about the advantage and significance of an intramedullary system).
6 decades of fracture repair with an intramedullary nail in lower or upper leg and in the upper arm have shown that the best way to reposition a fractured bone and to stabilize it, is the indirect approach, which means without touching the fractured area. The less we work on the fractured area the better the healing and the osteoregeneration process is.
The same implies for the lengthening osteotomy, since the cutting can actually be seen the same as a fracture.  The more careful we cut the bone, the better the healing process will be and the faster the boneregeneration starts and this of course has a huge effect on the post-treatment care.
That’s why I want to mention again both the internal and external supply systems of the bone: When introducing any intramedullary nail into the marrow hole we destroy the intramedullary vascular system. Of course the vascular system will recover after a certain time, but this is valueable time. Knowing this our highest priority must be to maintanin the external supply system as sufficient as possible. Thus we do not touch the periosteal supply system from outside. So obviously the only reasonable way to cut the bone is from inside using the same pathway one needs anyway to insert the intramedullary nail. Therefore we use different types of intramedullary saws. These saws are inserted into the intramedullary hole (which needs to be opend anyway to insert the nail) and cut the bone from inside. This saw cuts the compact bone from inside to a point where just small pressure from outside is enough to break the bone. This means the periosteum doesn’t get touched. In almost 100% of our cases we are successful with this gentle method of cutting the bone and since we are using a manual intramedullary saw we also prevent heat production which as stated above also impairs the bone regeneration. Of course we also have electrical or air pressurized saws but we use them only rarely since they also produce a lot of heat which causes burns in the osteotomy region and thus slows down the healings process. We only use the oscillating saw sometimes in lower leg surgeries for cutting the tibia. In contrary to the femur, where the marrow hole is in the center of the bone, in the tibia the marrow whole is located more dorsaly. The tibia is also triangularly shaped which makes is harder to cut the ventral part of the bone. Using an oscillating saw is then very beneficial.
I know that the intermedullary saw is not popular, since the surgon using it requires a lot of skill and technical ability.
But still I hope that my explanation showed you how reasonable the use of an internal saw is regarding the anatomy and physiology of the bone. Especially if you use an intreamedullary nail.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2014, 01:26:41 AM »

Thank you Dr Betz for your time to explain us several important issues on LL operation and definitely the physiological principia makes sense. THis  can help people realize why internal LL is safer and faster than external LL.
Iam wondering wether the corrosion problem on "the other nail" is referring to old albizzia, or also new Gnail would have also this disadvantage of not being corrosion-free.
Can anyone of the veteran members or ex LL patients remember a case of a problem due to corrosion on internal nail. Ive never read  this complication mentioned before..

Best regards


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2014, 05:14:44 AM »

Many thanks for the excellent info and translating work!
It would be nice if this info is posted more prominently


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2014, 05:29:38 PM »

Thank you Dr Betz for your time to explain us several important issues on LL operation and definitely the physiological principia makes sense. THis  can help people realize why internal LL is safer and faster than external LL.
Iam wondering wether the corrosion problem on "the other nail" is referring to old albizzia, or also new Gnail would have also this disadvantage of not being corrosion-free.
Can anyone of the veteran members or ex LL patients remember a case of a problem due to corrosion on internal nail. Ive never read  this complication mentioned before..

Best regards

Dear Caribe
As stated above corrosion is an very big issue. All lengthening nails on the market which need a sealing can produce corrosion. Just to remind you what corrosion actually is: when the aggressiv body fluids get in contact with the internal parts of the nail they react with the internal parts and corrosion results which can produce an non bacertiel infection etc. Normally a type of surgical steal is used that is both easy to manufacture and as far as possible stable. The nail developer can not just take another material since different features are needed. The problem is this type of steal can produce corrosion. Of course there are other types which are corrosion free but these are very hard to manufacture and to modify and also very expensive. So far the Betzbone is the only nail which does not need any sealing because better material is used. Thus it does not produce corrosion.

Some may say the sealing used is very good but as soon as the telescopic mechanism starts automatically the sealing gets weakened and leaky.

I hope this answered your question

Nice regards

Nader Maai


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2014, 05:48:31 PM »

 If you have further question I will be glad to help!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 07:46:05 PM by GP203 »


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2014, 02:41:44 AM »

This is great how can one really choose between Dr. Betz or Dr. Guichet???
It seems that many patients from Dr Guichet are able to walk without crutches barely 6-8 weeks after lenghthening 7cm and this without breaking screws or bending nails.
I would like to book with Dr. Betz, but screw breakage or longtime on crutches seems to be a dilemma. Could you please explain it to me so I can know more about Dr. Betz?

Many thanks


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2014, 08:52:29 AM »

This is great how can one really choose between Dr. Betz or Dr. Guichet???
It seems that many patients from Dr Guichet are able to walk without crutches barely 6-8 weeks after lenghthening 7cm and this without breaking screws or bending nails.
I would like to book with Dr. Betz, but screw breakage or longtime on crutches seems to be a dilemma. Could you please explain it to me so I can know more about Dr. Betz?

Many thanks

This is not about the surgeon but more about the patient. If you have fast bone consolidation then you'll be waking without crutches in 6 weeks no matter which surgeon you use. Guichet has a reputation for recommending intense pre and post operative exercise and physio. I think this creates a 'perception' that you wil recover faster. From personal experience I don't think this is true. Every body is different, but most bodies just require some basic regular exercises during and after lengthening to get you off crutches faster eg IT band stretches, hip flexor stretches and crutch walking, biking to stimulate bins growth. Also, I think guichet's focus on making his patients spend a fortune at the isokinetic before and after the op is totally unnecessary. I did almost no preop preparation and nor did many of my ll friends and we're all recovering well - we just stay in top of our regular stretching and physio.
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #47 on: June 29, 2014, 08:33:46 PM »

Dear Dr. Betz,

Thank you for joining this forum. With regard to your postings i do have a few questions which seem to be very important when doing LL with an internal method.

It is true that I had broken screws and also some broken nails. But why this happened? Did you ever ask what the patient did that he had a bent or broken nail? In most cases it was because of too much activity and too early maximum weight bearing in connection with a related osteoregeneration. In such a case every material becomes tired.

My lengthening device is a full weight bearing system, also a very big advantage over the other lengthing systems.

Hence the highest standard for a lengthening system used also for cosmetic purposes is the stability. My lengthening system is the only one on the market which can provide this standard!

a) Could you please explain the difference between full weight bearing and maximum weight bearing?

b) Are there any limitations in the weight bearing capacity of your system with regard to body weight?

c) Is the weight bearing capacity different between 11 and 13 mm nails? If yes, how much?

d) How much activity would be considered too much?

e) Except for too much activity and maximum weight bearing, what other reasons could there be for nails or screws breaking?

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards
There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #48 on: July 24, 2014, 12:52:00 PM »

Dear hanshi
I am really sorry I could not reply earlier since I was very busy at the university. I hope this clarifies everything.

a)   The difference between full weight bearing and maximum weight bearing is as follows. When we say that someone is allowed to do full weight bearing this means that they are allowed to walk carefully without crutches. They shall not carry anything heavy or stand on one leg for a long time. They shall also not jump or take 2,3 stairs at once. Or jumping down a wall or any other risky actions. You have to understand that when standing on one leg due to the leverage the forces do not just double but they get 7 times bigger. Thus we say that one should walk carefully. But still we recommend the crutches during the whole lengthening phase since the crutches help to better the walking performance. And of course crutches signal your environment to be careful.
Maximum weight bearing on the other hand means basically that the patients can behave as if they did not have any surgery. Thus the patients are allowed to do extreme sport activities (football, paragliding, alpine skiing etc.)
b)   Of course the lighter a patient is the easier the nail can handle the weight. The Betzbone is the most stable lengthening device on the market and as stated  somewhere above due to the ingredients of our nail it is very hard to break. But in order to lengthen without any problems one should try not to be too obese. Another issue is that the surgery is easier and saver if the patient is not to heavy.     
c)   Of course the bigger the diameter of the nail the more stable it is! This is due to basic physics. We always try to use the biggest possible nail, without destructing the marrow whole. Thus we have to watch for the anatomical realations. For about 70% of all nailing producers  we use an 11mm diameter nail and so far we can happilly say that we do not experience such a big difference between the 11mm and 13mm diameter nail.
d)   Well this is hard to answer. I mean if you are exercising 8 hours a day and your body is handling everything fine then this is ok. It is really an individual issue. But please keep in mind that when exercising this much the human body also needs time to recover!
e)   Well as in every manufactured product there is a risk that the material is not perfectly processed but we check every part of nail separately and do a functional test during surgery. Another reason why screws may bend and eventually break is to fast uncontrolled movements. This is very rare. The biggest issue is actually when patients don’t have a proper bone healing and thus the nail experiences too much stress for a too long time and this might result in bending or even breaking.

I hope I could help.
Nice regards


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #49 on: July 26, 2014, 08:28:16 PM »

Dear Mr.Nader,

Thank you for trying to answer my questions. Please tell me, are those answers your own or did you get them from Dr. Betz? I was looking for his answers. Anyway,

Dear hanshi
I am really sorry I could not reply earlier since I was very busy at the university. I hope this clarifies everything.

I'm afraid not much has been clarified yet.

a)   The difference between full weight bearing and maximum weight bearing is as follows. When we say that someone is allowed to do full weight bearing this means that they are allowed to walk carefully without crutches. They shall not carry anything heavy or stand on one leg for a long time. They shall also not jump or take 2,3 stairs at once. Or jumping down a wall or any other risky actions. You have to understand that when standing on one leg due to the leverage the forces do not just double but they get 7 times bigger. Thus we say that one should walk carefully. But still we recommend the crutches during the whole lengthening phase since the crutches help to better the walking performance. And of course crutches signal your environment to be careful.
Maximum weight bearing on the other hand means basically that the patients can behave as if they did not have any surgery. Thus the patients are allowed to do extreme sport activities (football, paragliding, alpine skiing etc.)

I don't know why you are using such crazy examples. Do you really want to suggest that the people who had broken screws and nails where jumping from walls or doing extreme sport? Also walking always implies standing on 1 leg. As far as i know that is exactly what is meant by full weight bearing. It means 1 leg carries the full body weight. Since Dr. Betz cites maximum weight bearing as main culprit for the breaking failures, he must have a specific definition in mind and actually also ought to tell the patients about it.

b)   Of course the lighter a patient is the easier the nail can handle the weight. The Betzbone is the most stable lengthening device on the market and as stated  somewhere above due to the ingredients of our nail it is very hard to break. But in order to lengthen without any problems one should try not to be too obese. Another issue is that the surgery is easier and saver if the patient is not to heavy.     

My question was very specific and could have been answered with yes or no. Dr. Paley e.g. writes on his website that the weight bearing capacity for the Precise2 with 12.5mm is 34kg per leg. Since you and Dr.Betz assert that your nail is much superior, you have to have some data to back-up your claim. Therefore please give us a figure.

c)   Of course the bigger the diameter of the nail the more stable it is! This is due to basic physics. We always try to use the biggest possible nail, without destructing the marrow whole. Thus we have to watch for the anatomical realations. For about 70% of all nailing producers  we use an 11mm diameter nail and so far we can happilly say that we do not experience such a big difference between the 11mm and 13mm diameter nail.

Here again my question was very specific. If there is a difference in the weight bearing capacity between the nails, how much is it? You are supposed to have data about this. If you don't, this would mean you are just making live experiments with your patients. I don't understand what you mean with nailing producers please explain.

d)   Well this is hard to answer. I mean if you are exercising 8 hours a day and your body is handling everything fine then this is ok. It is really an individual issue. But please keep in mind that when exercising this much the human body also needs time to recover!

Dr. Betz wrote clearly that too much activity was one of the main reasons for breaking nails and screws. Therefore your answer cannot be right unless he was wrong.

e)   Well as in every manufactured product there is a risk that the material is not perfectly processed but we check every part of nail separately and do a functional test during surgery. Another reason why screws may bend and eventually break is to fast uncontrolled movements. This is very rare. The biggest issue is actually when patients don’t have a proper bone healing and thus the nail experiences too much stress for a too long time and this might result in bending or even breaking.

Since Dr. Betz is also the manufacturer of the nail he is responsible for the quality control from start to finish. Your functioning test is just a part of it and there is no excuse for bad quality. Those fast and uncontrolled movements are not included in maximum weight bearing? If not, they must be something very specific. Please explain.
Your last sentence again contradicts the statement from Dr. Betz since he said the main reason for breaking was maximum weight bearing and too much activity. Now you mention improper bone healing. How long does the nail last before it breaks i.e. how long is "too long time " as you say.
Please keep in mind, you both say that your nail is far superior to all the others while at the same time there seem to be many cases of breaking screws and nails. I am looking for a logical unambiguous explanation for this but so far i must say it is still outstanding.

Maybe you can ask the doctor for better answers?

Best regards

There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #50 on: July 28, 2014, 04:07:43 AM »

these are good questions


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2014, 08:17:38 PM »

these are good questions

Yes, the questions are good and should be easy to answer unless the doctor has something to hide.

There are other questions he has not answered either:
Dr. Betz:

Please allow me to ask you a question that concerns me about internal lengthening. . .

What is the rate of compartment syndrome if you had any at all?

From your point of view what is the best way to minimize this complications from happening?

Also, could internal lengthening have a higher risk for compartment syndrome rather than external?

thank you
Dr. betz,

Thank you for coming to this forum, I am close to making a decision and all these comments really makes me guess if you are a option.

How strong is the betzbone? Why is dr guichet only using 13mm NAILS? I have never heard of any dr. guichet patients breaking their nails, why is that? If i request a 13mm nail will you acknowledge my decision.  What is your opinion on ITB release? Why do you let patients weightbear so early?


Dr. Betz, if you have nothing to hide, please answer my 5 questions :

a) Could you please explain the difference between full weight bearing and maximum weight bearing?

b) Are there any limitations in the weight bearing capacity of your system with regard to body weight?

c) Is the weight bearing capacity different between 11 and 13 mm nails? If yes, how much?

d) How much activity would be considered too much?

e) Except for too much activity and maximum weight bearing, what other reasons could there be for nails or screws breaking?

as well as those other questions.

Thank you in advance.
There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2014, 11:10:43 PM »

Hanshi, your style of conversation suggests you have trust issues. Nader is simply interpreting the facts for you. Furthermore, you're nit picking at his response. This is unprofessional, immature and uh instructive. If you are considering Dr Betz then make an appointment and see him (like I did) and you can get all the clarification you need. The numbers you seek are available, I'm just guessing Nader has chosen a style of answering that isn't suited to what you want to hear - this doesn't make somebody a liar.

How many docs have you met? This is what you should be doing, you cannot make any decisions at all from Internet forum conversations,

Yes, the questions are good and should be easy to answer unless the doctor has something to hide.

There are other questions he has not answered either:

Dr. Betz, if you have nothing to hide, please answer my 5 questions :

as well as those other questions.

Thank you in advance.
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2014, 09:54:13 AM »

Hello Moderators,

could you please move gettingtaller's post to the following thread:

there i might answer.

Gettingtaller is trying to interrupt the discussion here by starting an argument, which is clearly trolling behaviour .

Thank you in advance.
There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2014, 11:47:05 PM »

My apologies if you think I'm trolling but I beg to differ.
Your questions are reasonable but  your style of conversation is not constructive and occasionally comes across rude. All in my humble opinion of course.
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2014, 07:04:40 AM »

Dear hanshi,
I am really sorry for not being able to answer your questions the way you prefer it. You seem to have problems with my answering stile that's why I would suggest that you make an appointment with our office thus you Prof. Betz and I can sit together and clarify everything.
Nice regards
Nader Maai


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2014, 08:44:57 PM »

Dear hanshi,
I am really sorry for not being able to answer your questions the way you prefer it. You seem to have problems with my answering stile that's why I would suggest that you make an appointment with our office thus you Prof. Betz and I can sit together and clarify everything.
Nice regards
Nader Maai

I have no problem with your "answering style". You simply didn't answer my questions but just tried to deflect them.  But that's your problem, not mine.
Nobody forced Dr. Betz or you to come to this forum. But since he has come here, he hardly answered any critical questions. From your reaction here it is now more than obvious, that Dr.Betz is unwilling to answer these questions in this open forum where they would be on record. During an appointment Dr. Betz could tell me or other patients anything, it wouldn't matter since it would not be on record and therefore worthless. And why on earth do i need to have a personal consultation in order to get answers to general questions which have nothing to do with myself?
His statement is clear: his nail is fully weightbearing and if the nail breaks it is the patient's fault. However neither he nor you provide any data about the weightbearing capacity of his nail. This has nothing to do with "answering style".

Therefore i conclude: The Dr. Betz' business model relies on blaming the patients for any complications. The Betzbone nail is fully weightbearing as long as it doesn't break and as soon as it breaks the patient is to blame. In order to make this business model work data about the weightbearing capacity of the nail must not be disclosed in written form.
That's also the reason why you say there is no big difference between the 11 and 13mm nails. It doesn't matter because when it breaks it's the patient's fault no matter which nail.

If this was only about breaking nails it would just be a normal scam. However, since patients can get serious injuries in case a nail breaks, this is something much much worse!

Dr. Betz could  prove me wrong by answering my questions here in this open forum.

I have found an interesting piece of information on the old forum:
In the Dr. Betz diary from "Geheimes" he writes on January 19th 2009, after he had an additional surgery due to a complication(nail malfunction):

"Its now 1 week ago since I was operated. Thank god things are going better now. The first days was hard - specially mentally as you saw. There just was so many feelings involved.

I heard from other sources that some people reading my diary had gotten the impression that I was dead? or about to die?

I must say there is some people on this forum ether less intelligent or they just like to blow things way out of proportion. They read what they want to read. Even Dr.Betz and his staff told me that some people reading my diary was scared and had asked him if I was dead?? TAKE A CHILL PILL really who ever that was.

Things you read here in this diary isnt meant for you to go yapp about to every person you see or to start bothering Dr.Betz about. The man has to much to do as it is, and cant run about putting out fires everywhere just because some people do not understand the purpose of this diary.

To clearify to the less intelligent people.....this diary isnt meant to be a "fact", but rather a peek into the everyday life of a LL'er and all the issues that can happen. I do not like to have my Doctor tell me that I should stop posting my feelings on a diary because some people blows things out of proportion."

So here is the clear prove that Dr.Betz and his team have been aware of their patient's diaries all along(this was over 5 years ago) and even directly told patients not to write something.
This gives a possible explanation why diaries end abruptly or patients try to hide their complications (e.g. Andrewshizzles).

It is very likely some more trolls will come out to attack me. But i don't mind. The facts need to be pointed out in the interest of the community.

There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2014, 11:00:59 PM »

Therefore i conclude: The Dr. Betz' business model relies on blaming the patients for any complications. The Betzbone nail is fully weightbearing as long as it doesn't break and as soon as it breaks the patient is to blame. In order to make this business model work data about the weightbearing capacity of the nail must not be disclosed in written form.
That's also the reason why you say there is no big difference between the 11 and 13mm nails. It doesn't matter because when it breaks it's the patient's fault no matter which nail.

Couldnt agree more with this statement, poor form from Dr Betz hence why I have permanently crossed him out of my list simply for the fact that his nails bend/break and you get charged another 20,000 Eur or so more for replacements, its not just a scam its a robbery. Just goes to show how much more of a businessman he is than a caring Dr, and a seedy one at it. Sysop affiliation and numerous reports of broken nails = untrustworthy.

Im glad there are people on here asking questions regarding the matter, I guess Im not the only one who thought about it.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #58 on: September 14, 2014, 07:48:18 PM »

I have read all the Dr.Betz diaries on old forum  and would like to share my findings:

There are currently 38 topics under the "Dr.Betz diaries" folder. 5 of them can't be used for this analysis: David-internal femurs, S-internal tiabias, Measurements, Nctham1, and Iwill. David cancelled his surgery, Nctham is not doing cosmetic LL and the other 3 don't contain enough information.
This leaves 33 cases, which is not a small sample and quite representative since these cases cover a long time span(over 8 years).

within this sample there are 12 patients  with confirrmed complications that required additional surgery:
1. Romegas (titanium replacement in 1 leg, reason unknown)
2. Tallix (titanium replacement in 1 leg due to delayed bone healing)
3. TibAndFemur (Nail bending)
4. Stillyoung (Nail bending/breaking)
5. Geheimes (Nail malfunction, bone rebroken and nail taken out and repaired)
6. Tall (Nail bending)
7. Badboy (Nail malfunction, nail exchanged, broken screw)
8. MasterHY ( wound opened and got infected, infected tissue removed surgically)
9. (nail malfunction twice. Twice nail replacement)
10. OldieButGoldie (2 broken screws)
11. Andrewshizzles (broken nail)
12. Apotheosis tibia (broken nail and delayed/non-union)

Further there are 5 diaries which end abruptly and have a high probability that the patient got a complication:

a. Timone (complains in his last post about bad bone consolidation)
b. Torontonian (vanishes very early during his lengthening)
c. Aymahano (has a lot of problems and vanishes)
d. NoSleep (vanishes just after finished clicking, was the 1st patient to use the new 11mm Betzbone)
e. DcLongFemurs (vanishes after finishing clicking, also has the 11mm Betzbone)

Are the others without complication? For my calculation i will assume so, but of course we cannot be 100% sure since we know that Other patients have tried to hide their complications. What's worth mentioning is that Lucky did have a nail malfunction. However she chose to stop lengthening at that point and therefore didn't undergo additional surgery. But she didn't reach her goal.
Also important is the vanishing of MasterHY. He had already a complication, but from his diary it is obvious that he has had a lot more problems. In my opinion he could very well have a dangerous bone infection.

Anyhow, due to the analysis we come to the following result:

Complication rate for Dr. Betz patients in our sample is between 36% and 52%. 36% is the best case scenario, 52% is the scenario where the 5 abruptly ending diaries all have had complications.
The real figure probably lies between both numbers in case some of those 5 didn't have complications.

I would recommend to read those diaries with open eyes. I have found some interesting information which seems to characterize Dr. Betz quite well. I will write about this at a later time.

There are currently several lawsuits from former patients against Dr. Betz going on. If you or somebody you know is a former patient of Dr. Betz who would like to initiate legal action against him please send me a personal message.
I can help with lots of information on how to go about this.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #59 on: September 14, 2014, 11:54:44 PM »


good work hanshi, clearly good questions. but 1 piece of advice.

when someone is going to lie (such as bets) and you know they are going to lie. you should limit yourself to like the 2 most important questions, and then wait till they answer those to ask more.

BETS I DEMAND TO KNOW the weight capacity of BOTH THE 11MM AND 13 MM NAILS. I demand the specs.
I bet they cant answer, (and physics dictates that the strength of 11mm and 13mm is not the same)

my second question bets: you know what. don't even worry about a second question.   the above question is  A CLEAR CUT NUMBERS RESPONCE! ITS NOT OPEN TO INTERPRETATION, I DONT WANT AN ESSAY. !! I WANT A NUMBER FOR EACH NAIL.

if you cant answer a simple question then your trying to deceive people bets.


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2014, 12:03:10 AM »

also hashi in response to this you wrote:

Complication rate for Dr. Betz patients in our sample is between 36% and 52%. 36% is the best case scenario, 52% is the scenario where the 5 abruptly ending diaries all have had complications.
The real figure probably lies between both numbers in case some of those 5 didn't have complications.

that's not actually correct, that assumes that all the diaries were not either:, fake, altered by sysop, person banned then diary end written by administrator, or any of the many things old forum  has been caught doing to alter diaries.

think about how many "good diaries" we got from sarin. how many were lies. for all we know other diaries from bets could have had bad complications and those complications which were negative reviews could have been left out.

all we know is that around 50% of people had complications with his nail, providing every single diary is legit. I speculate that this nail is very unreliable in UPWARDS of 50% of cases. expect to spend extra money on additional surgeries when the nail FAILS. 


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Re: Dr Augustin Betz (Neunkirchen, Germany) The Betz Institute
« Reply #61 on: September 17, 2014, 02:36:09 PM »

Interesting reading. I'm a Betz patient in recovery. Some of you will question my identity but if you want to, you can confirm with blackbear and lucki (both of whom have diaries) that I am who I say I am as I have met them both on multiple occasions.

I think it's worth saying that I've met more Betz patients in-person than the number of diaries that you refer to. I met them in the UK (where I live) and I also met them at various stages of recovery during my own consultation, surgery and recovery. I stay in regular contact with a lot of them as we find each other to be a great sources of information and support for when we have questions. I can say that whilst one or two are struggling with recovery, none have serious issues. When I say "struggle", I just mean that their bodies are slower to recover than some of the others - that's just life.

It is true that every patient is different. Some patients tolerate the challenges and recover fast, others really really struggle. From my personal perspective, I had surgery in Feb, stayed on crutches until June and have been walking without them up until now.  My x-rays look great, my consolidation is on-track and (touch wood), I don't have any nail or screw issues.  I have followed Dr Betz and Nader's advice very closely and I'm pleased to say that my recovery is good.  I do of course have some issues - my legs feel very tight, I still have some numbness on my thighs but on the whole I can walk in a way that is getting very close to normal (my muscles are still weak, as well as tight).  Unlike other patients, I am lucky enough to also have a LL surgeon here in the UK that tracks and monitors me. I did this because I wanted a second surgeon taking care of me just in case (what if Dr Betz gets hit by a bus - God forbid). I can say that my UK surgeon has confirmed that there are absolutely no issues so far with my recovery or condition.

I think when people write diaries, one should understand that they're writing at times when they may be experiencing pain. They may be experiencing emotional issues related to their surgery and condition, and these might impact what they write and how they write.  Diaries are not a scientific representation of how these patients traversed their LL journeys - no matter how much you try to apply statistics to them. Most patients DO NOT write diaries - they quietly do the surgery and just get on with their lives. No dramas, no issues. When people write about bad bone consolidation, it's not the Doctor's fault. When an open wound gets infected it's just a bit of bad luck, could happen to anyone - in MasterHY's case, it was dealt with quickly anyway.  When they disappear there is not catastrophic issue, they usually have lives outside of forums etc. 

Honestly, there is so much misinformation here. It bothers me that people are getting such a negative view of Dr Betz when my experience (and my patient friends' experiences) have been mostly positive. 

Some personal facts:

1. I asked if I needed titaniums (people here argue that Betz tries to sell you these as an expensive extra). He could have said "YES", but he actually said "NO". He told me that my consolidation was good and there was no need for me to pay the extra money. If he said yes, then I would have paid for them - Dr Betz knows what I do for a living and he knows my financial position - it would not be hard for me to pay for the titaniums.

2. I had the same complication twice. My bone healing was very fast on my left leg and my nail became very hard to click. On both occasions I traveled to Germany, I got booked into hospital, anesthetized and  clicked.  In both instances, it cost Dr Betz money to rent out the anesthetic doctor, nurses, recovery room and of course his time.  He could easily have asked me for money and I would have paid but he did not. In both instances he absorbed the cost without needing to. What can I say? Is this the behavior of a scammer? Make your own decision, but my view is that these are the actions of a good man.

3. On the second occasion (above), Dr Betz was on vacation. He cut his trip short to see me as I had a meeting on Monday and could only see him on Saturday. He did this for my convenience and I am very grateful.

4. While in Germany, Dr Betz was available every day, including Saturday and Sunday. He could choose not to be, but he actually cares about his patients and their progress and takes a very real interest in them. One of the reasons he's hard to reach for consultation is because he's so busy with his patients.

5. His attention to detail is crazy.  If you look at another famous patients diary, you will see an x-ray where the screw sticks out a whole cm into the flesh.  This was not a betz patient. Betz insists on measuring every screw for each patient and manufactures it to size before using it - did you know that? Minimises irritation and risk. I dont' want to mention names, but another famous surgeon created some issues for another patient with the way he was placing screws.

Guys. If you want to speak to a current patient, feel free to meet me in a major UK city (London, Birmingham or Manchester). I'm happy to share my experiences, advice and concerns. Just send me a personal message.  If you want to keep slating Dr Betz then go ahead, for everyone else, please just go and see a few surgeons - Betz, Guichet, whoever.  It's not fair to expect Doctors to spend hours on forums  - you don't do this before heart or brain surgery, you meet them not chat on forums so please treat your LL in the same serious way.
Did internal femurs with Prof. Betz in February 2014.
Goal 9cm, but ended up doing 10 (whoohoo). Now off crutches and walking funny, but getting better quickly.
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