Walking is improving. I still waddle, but less so. Have bad hip pain on right side due to one of the screws, but I can deal with that. X-rays last night showed great progress...I believe my right leg is fused, my left leg not too far behind. It kinda explains why the left leg has so much pain towards the end...it was excruciating, when clicking for me was perviously pain-free!
Here are my proportions after ~7cm of lengthening. I have thick legs, which is good, because it hides the somewhat longer femurs. And they'll get even thicker as I recover more. I'm actually strongly considering doing a femur re-break next year and adding on another inch (the rods inside have another 2.5-3cm or so). I want an extra inch as a buffer because we shrink as we get older...so 5'9" to me is safer. Tibias are not likely an option for me. I really don't want to do another full-blown LL, and tibias just take way, way too long (even 1 inch would take like 5 months I hear). If I did the femur re-break for another inch, I think I'd be walking like a month after surgery (rods are weight bearing), and I should consolidate quicker for an inch I would think/hope. Gotta love how my cat photo-bombed the second pic, she's such a ham
My femurs will probably look pretty long and somewhat out of proportion after another inch, but I feel like that would only be visible if I were nked with a girl and she REALLY fixated on it. I don't plan on telling future women about LL, so if they ever commented, I would always joke that I'm some kind of mutant with super long femurs lol
Depending on the cost, I think it would be worth it. When I wake up at almost 5'9" in the morning, I definitely appear taller even to myself. I do believe it will be noticeable.