Had to see doctor for a checkup today (haven't had one since before the surgery), this was the last week they'd waive my co-pay, so I just went in. All is well (except for the pain in my left leg - duh). The doctor's assistant measured me at a tad over 5'8" (after having been awake and sitting near my computer working for 6 hours), and the doctor measured me at 5'8.5". I then used the machine to measure myself, and I got 5'8.5" first, then a bit over 5'8" when I pushed it down more. And the doctor noticed my posture was bad (the duckass), so I'm feeling pretty good about my gain right now (fingers crossed for .5cm from the duckass improvement).
My weight was mostly the same. I'm not sure how much the Gnails weigh (the London doctor said they weigh a good amount, I can't remember though)...but with them in, I'm 164lbs, which was around what I was before the surgery (without the rods). So maybe I'm in the mid/high 150s? I don't know.. All my vitals were good, so that's a relief. Just need to take the recovery "bull" by the horns!
Do any internal femur vets have any advice as far as not looking like a drunk penguin when you walk? I'm assuming it'll just be like that for a while.