Here are mmn_native's XRays.
See for yourself. That's the correction he got?
Like 4cm said, we can only speak for ourselves. There were a handful of patients (around 20), and most i would say, were content with the outcome. I paid 14k including 4 months of stay. Dr. Sarin gave me up until 6 months which is 2 months for free along with multiple surgeries to fix my problem at no extra charge. He was an honourable person and in the end, I got the result I wanted. For this amount of money, you can't expect a SPA or some luxurious accommodations. The doctor is not there 24 hours per day to babysit you, like he can't tell you not to smoke weed, have sex, or do crazy things to yourself.
Well, my purpose to India was to do LL.... even though I met this chick at the airport. I wasn't thinking about sex, weed, drugs or anything. So I guess I was fine in the end.
This guy mmm_native must be very unlucky to have this being done to him and I have no clue why. I don't even know who he is and he doesn't seem to go on this forum any longer. I just remember that Dr. Sarin is a reasonable man. I spent 6 months with Dr. Sarin. Spoke with him. Trusted him and everything is okay now.
Anyway, 4cm, I look forward to your diary. I'm one of those people who may follow through after your internal femur surgery.
Hey... and another good place to do external tibiae is China. Read MDOW's diary!