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Author Topic: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja  (Read 290474 times)

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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #434 on: April 30, 2014, 08:04:40 PM »

Hey Diso,

Cheer up. There are many people on your side helping you through this tough time.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #435 on: April 30, 2014, 08:09:43 PM »

Hey diso i hope you get better. And dont get care in stupid comments


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #436 on: April 30, 2014, 09:04:57 PM »

You are fine Diso!)) Even my doctor said it wasn't bad at all. And I was talking to soneone about you and how lucky you are!!!! You are really lucky!!! Your doctor took a big risk to do what he did to you but you had a really good luck!!! Your xray looks fine. And u showed me the side xray and it was ok from what I remember.
Keep it up!)) For the amount of lengthening you have done you are doing great!))
Whenu start walking more and eating more you callus will be better.

And please!!!
Dont let every stupid clueless idiot discourage you with none sense comments))) I really don't give a s**t what people say, I live my own truth and I wish you do the same. You are a disobedient so of course))) lol
Im sure you will go back to normal in time!!)) There are many people who did half of what youve done and are in worse shape than you.

So f**k everybody Diso!) I mean not literally haha lol... well that's your business but use protection. Not for real you are doing good girl!) Chao!
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #437 on: May 01, 2014, 01:16:33 AM »


Are you able to walk with crutches? 

I think walking will be better than other exercises because it will help your bones heal faster.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #438 on: May 01, 2014, 01:55:35 AM »

Hey diso, I hope all is well! Maybe you could take a video of yourself walking? I'm sure some veterans could offer you advice. Good luck, I'm rooting for you!


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #439 on: May 01, 2014, 09:50:21 AM »

Morning :)

thanks all for your kind comments , I do really appreciate...  :)

Well I know I did mistake by choosing Rah, and doing just external.. however I'm not regretting the 11cm at all   .and as RGKEY said I think really I'm fine .. Yeah I do have misalignment..but right now I cant do anything about it and I mentioned that in several posts..

Regarding the walking .. humm I'm suppose to walk  with crutches or walker. to speed up the consolidation... I did stand sometime  (maybe just 3-4 times in last 7months!!- I know it's few times)
But since I'm moving to Forti hospital after 2-3 weeks, so I decided I'll let the PT help in that...
one of the Dr   told me if I will not stand now, then it's better to remove the frame and put plaster ,so at least I could work on knee bending ..but he was advised it is best to stand now and walk ..

Sweden : ha ha, I think you do believe that I will run close to normal since you said just 100$ otherwise you'd say 1000$ or even 10,000$  ;D



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #440 on: May 01, 2014, 10:09:40 AM »

Haha.  Sweden you been writing so much  .   Make it $1000 or shut up.   U got the balls punk?  :D



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #441 on: May 01, 2014, 11:11:39 AM »

I hope you will be able to run.

$100 is realistic and something I will pay.
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #442 on: May 01, 2014, 11:40:22 AM »


Do they use Ilizarov at Fortis Hospital? You know how much they're currently charging for bilateral tibias? Could you get me the Dr's e-mail? Thank you.



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #443 on: May 01, 2014, 11:55:39 AM »


Do they use Ilizarov at Fortis Hospital? You know how much they're currently charging for bilateral tibias? Could you get me the Dr's e-mail? Thank you.


yes they use Ilizarov , and it's something around 6000$, however you could get it with 3500-4000$ when you contact them say you heard it cost 3500 USD and if they claimed other than that then tell them you cant afford more than that...
the thing is they are really charge something around 3000 but for international patient they would change the price ...

I'll send you the email..gimme an hour..

But why forti? and what's your budget anyway?


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #444 on: May 01, 2014, 12:36:53 PM »

Morning :)

thanks all for your kind comments , I do really appreciate...  :)

Well I know I did mistake by choosing Rah, and doing just external.. however I'm not regretting the 11cm at all   .and as RGKEY said I think really I'm fine .. Yeah I do have misalignment..but right now I cant do anything about it and I mentioned that in several posts..

Regarding the walking .. humm I'm suppose to walk  with crutches or walker. to speed up the consolidation... I did stand sometime  (maybe just 3-4 times in last 7months!!- I know it's few times)
But since I'm moving to Forti hospital after 2-3 weeks, so I decided I'll let the PT help in that...
one of the Dr   told me if I will not stand now, then it's better to remove the frame and put plaster ,so at least I could work on knee bending ..but he was advised it is best to stand now and walk ..

Sweden : ha ha, I think you do believe that I will run close to normal since you said just 100$ otherwise you'd say 1000$ or even 10,000$  ;D

Haha!!! Sweden doesn't have any money!  :)

Diso will run faster than Sweden one day.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #445 on: May 01, 2014, 12:52:01 PM »

I hope disobedient will run , but we will see. .. Should just worry about walking now, not running.... and have realistic goals to achieve


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #446 on: May 01, 2014, 02:22:49 PM »

I find Sweden's comments very entertaining and hilarious even when he is quite serious. Sweden the pessimistic comedian!! You should honestly give up taekwondo and do stand up comedy.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #447 on: May 01, 2014, 03:16:02 PM »

I find Sweden's comments very entertaining and hilarious even when he is quite serious. Sweden the pessimistic comedian!! You should honestly give up taekwondo and do stand up comedy.

Lots of people say so.  ;D

I can never do Taekwondo like before. It's ruined.
173cm before LL with Sarin, jan -13. Now 180cm tall. Considering 5cm on femurs.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #448 on: May 01, 2014, 03:34:36 PM »


I would like 6cm and I got around 10k but in my budget this should include surgery + accommodation for 7 months + caretaker + roundtrip plane tickets India to America. I read in the other diary that renting an apartment should be about 7500 rupees/month (~125USD) and a caretaker 5000 rupees/month (~85USD) -- do these sound like realistic prices to you? I mean, I don't want nothing fancy but neither the lowest of the lowest. Thank you.



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #449 on: May 01, 2014, 04:33:19 PM »

You really found his comment hilarious ? well I wrote haha but not bcs he's funny .. you know this kind of haha...

Thanks .. yeah my priority now is to stand and walk.. of course regain some of knee ROM


I  dont know if you would manege to do that with 10000 USD ..!
yeah you could get apartment with 7000 INR but no AC, and usually the apartment would be in 2nd, 3rd floor and no elevator !!
care taker with 5000 yes this possible but per in mind you'll pay for the agency first something around 10,000-15000 INR..
the food in India is cheap..
but what about the x-ray? the cab?
for the x-ray you may need to pay 1500-2500 INR and for the cab something around 1000 and that would be for every 3 weeks
and you talk about external only where you may have to stay for 7months AT LEAST, you may need more time..
choosing the external only will not make you save money if you plan to stay in India til removing the frame ...

Find 2-3 and do LL together at least you may save some money with sharing same care taker and apartment..
and do LON with naveen he is charging some thing around 7000 USD at least you know this dr is recommended by dr paley.. with LON  stay til you done from lengthening (distraction )
then go back home.. with 10grand this is the only safe option I can think of..



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #450 on: May 01, 2014, 04:58:16 PM »

You really found his comment hilarious ? well I wrote haha but not bcs he's funny .. you know this kind of haha...

I just find his general pessimism quite entertaining, funny and should be taken lightly not seriously. That's why I have named him Sweden the pessimistic comedian!

Stay strong and positive Diso and I bet you will prove Sweden wrong and get the $100 off him!!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 06:01:32 PM by TheRisingShorty »


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #451 on: May 01, 2014, 05:01:45 PM »

Thanks Diso, I mean I've got saved more than 10K but I don't want to use it all, and I don't want any nails inserted in my bone marrow this is why I would prefer external only even if it takes several months. I gave my social life up long time ago and another year or so wouldn't make any difference to me since I have no rush to come back home + I play guitar and believe me this keeps me entertained all day long. I have thought of going in October when it's winter and may not need AC and choosing Sparsh Hospital in Bangalore due to its reputation and the trajectory of the doctor that operates there. One more question, I was thinking of getting a medical visa and just buying a one-way ticket since I wouldn't know for sure when I will come back; do you think that this will be a problem when arriving to India? I mean, I don't want to have any problems at the airport for not having bought a round trip ticket. If you could find out for me I would appreciate it. Thank you for your advice.




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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #452 on: May 01, 2014, 08:27:34 PM »

I suggested to go back home because I supposed that you'll not have to pay for anything over there...
I really want everything goes well with you leo, I'm not saying India is not good destination for having LL, but seriously from what I see they almost take everything's like if they don't heard of thing called complication..  so be careful when you gonna choose your Dr.. Did you consider Russia ...? I think it will cost you 6000 USD over there...

Regarding the visa, don't worry.. no need for round trip ticket when I came here (to India ) I had just one way ticket and I didn't face problem with that..

and my visa was tourist visa I paid 8000 INR to convert it to med visa ..

just take appointment here and let one of employee in international dp in the hospital that you'll choose to complete the rest.. you could do it by yourself too..

you can extend it in the same way ... but be aware to extend it b4 it expired .. otherwise you would have to pay plenty.. I was late one month so I paid last time when I went to extend it 6000 INR.. (1200INR for extension -4800 plenty)


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #453 on: May 02, 2014, 01:16:51 PM »

Diso, thank you for your info. One more if you don't mind. I'm trying to decide how many days I should book my hotel for; I mean how long it took you from the moment you agree with the Dr to have the surgery to be accepted into the hospital? And I'm guessing the apartments you rent are not furnished right? I suppose  I have to buy my own bed, chairs, TV, etc, right? Thank you so much and keep us posted with your recovery.



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #454 on: May 02, 2014, 02:07:10 PM »

Good luck Disobedient! Keep us posted!


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #455 on: May 02, 2014, 04:41:44 PM »

Good Evening


yes sure, thanks


I'm staying at hotel since I couldn't find a good apartment..
the apartment is not a good option since I stated it's hard to find one in grand floor.. and I can't choose apartment in 2nd or 3rd floor without elevator...

You can find a service apartment (1bedroom and bathroom) with t.v,cable, AC, water heater but that would be 20,000 INR/month..

with 6000-7000 INR/month, you'll not have ac, tv, or anything else .. just 1 or 2 empty room..
actually I remembered I talked once to a nurse (sister in india) about the apartment and its cost
and she told that she live with her friends in apartment that contains (2 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, and big hall) and all rooms is provided with AC.. with something around 6000 INR/monthly.. so you may get good deal if you were an Indian.. It also depends in the place Bangalore and Mumbai is much expensive than Delhi.. so Good luck in finding good apartment.. just make sure when you choose one is to be in grand floor, and at least provided with 24h power-back..

I spend one week in hotel b4 the surgery.. 5 days (b4 deciding ), but if you gonna choose apartment then you may need 10days to arrange all things with care-taker..



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #456 on: May 02, 2014, 04:52:23 PM »

When I will be Sr. member  ???




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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #457 on: May 02, 2014, 05:35:56 PM »

When I will be Sr. member  ???

That's the question  :'(, maybe you should put a more "professional" pic, something like that :



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #458 on: May 02, 2014, 05:55:36 PM »

so I google professional pic
and I found the majority of pics with ppl cross their arms .. I dunno WHY!

So I decided to put a pic of little memole crossing her little arms but I could find one
maybe this one will work



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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #459 on: May 02, 2014, 06:03:46 PM »

Yeah that's better reallyyyyy pro  8), maybe you should put "memole" on your resume too. I think its because they are thinking "WTF am i doing working for such a silly company, my life sucks". Ok now if you don't get promoted on this site to chief LL executive then i will just leave this forum.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #460 on: May 03, 2014, 06:07:12 PM »

I'll move to forti this Tuesday.. I'll start  bone marrow injection...

Mom keep crying every time she call me .. she didn't seem believe that I'm fine no matter how many times I explained for her that everything is alright  and all what I need is some time... but she didn't believe that too.. well that's why from the beging I kept all the things away from her..
but god.. it's really hits me every time she called and start crying .. she is very old , almost 60 yrs.. that's why I don't expect that she'll understand why I did LL
but at this moment all what I want is ,if she can forget about me, not for anything.. jut I don't want to cuz the pain for her anymore..




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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #461 on: May 03, 2014, 06:36:42 PM »

I'll move to forti this Tuesday.. I'll start  bone marrow injection...

Mom keep crying every time she call me .. she didn't seem believe that I'm fine no matter how many times I explained for her that everything is alright  and all what I need is some time... but she didn't believe that too.. well that's why from the beging I kept all the things away from her..
but god.. it's really hits me every time she called and start crying .. she is very old , almost 60 yrs.. that's why I don't expect that she'll understand why I did LL
but at this moment all what I want is ,if she can forget about me, not for anything.. jut I don't want to cuz the pain for her anymore..



i feel for you Diso, iv'e been there, but hidding LL from your parents specially if they are close to you is very hard, thereare so many questions left hanging, the best you could do is what I did, just adding to your regular talks with her send her pictures of you in nice places if possible or with other people, etc.. i understand maybe this is not possible for you, but you could try))
at the beginning my mom was suffering but after she saw all my picts, well PG pictures)) she understood that I was fine and she was ok after this. I know how terrible your situation is, trust me it broke my heart everytime I knew my mom was suferering because of me, i felt so selfish... all you can do is just try to brainwash your mom into thinking that you are fine.
Original height. 163.5cms. Current height 172.5cms
Operation on 6/4/13 Tibias 9 centimeters


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #462 on: May 03, 2014, 07:33:23 PM »

It must be very hard, now thats it's done you have no choice anyway, just show her that you are safe and tell her that you come soon. But yeah in this case trying to hide it was the only solution. Get back to your old life and maybe try to do something she likes when you see her. Best of luck.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #463 on: May 03, 2014, 10:53:18 PM »

I'll move to forti this Tuesday.. I'll start  bone marrow injection...

Mom keep crying every time she call me .. she didn't seem believe that I'm fine no matter how many times I explained for her that everything is alright  and all what I need is some time... but she didn't believe that too.. well that's why from the beging I kept all the things away from her..
but god.. it's really hits me every time she called and start crying .. she is very old , almost 60 yrs.. that's why I don't expect that she'll understand why I did LL
but at this moment all what I want is ,if she can forget about me, not for anything.. jut I don't want to cuz the pain for her anymore..



Yeah I'm not going to worry my friends and family about this.  It's not worth it unless you need their help maybe.  There's probably only 1 or 2 friends I can tell about this.


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Re: VERY FERST STEP - INDIA - Dr. Anil Raheja
« Reply #464 on: May 04, 2014, 04:58:53 PM »


yes you're clever ;D ..taking pictures sound as a brilliant Idea..  definitely I'll try to do that when I'll move to forti.. maybe I'll picture the food, since mom believes that everything would alright if I eat hehe

thanks RGKEY .. Really thanks your tip for sure will work and will make things better..  ;)


If you have no other choice  but to tell her ..  then you have to be mentally prepare.. cuz as RGKEY said you'll feel for sometime that you're selfish
But I wonder really if staying at home while lengthening will make things better.. I mean if u stay at home then she'll be observing the amount of pain that you have and you can't lie about it.. but also it may sound good idea since she may feel much comfy that at least you're in home and she can take care of you.. of course staying at home while lengthening wont be good option unless you did the surgery in your city..


Yup..I'll try to do that..
hey claude I'm still full member.. changing to prof pic didn't help :(


The only one I told about LL is my big sis, and she told everyone..
be aware whom you'll tell..

« Last Edit: May 04, 2014, 05:11:48 PM by Disobedient »
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