What happened here

so I met Dr. naveen as I had an appointment with him today at 11:30 am
-what is the hospital (ROCKLAND) looks like?
crowded, don't like the building that much.. kindda small if I'll compare it to forti
- The cost?
I thought they'll charge me more since I'm international patient, but actually they didn't I pay 2800 for both consultation (1000INR) and x-ray , it's cheap
- staff and service?
well cant judge but I took long time to see dr naveen although my appointment was in 11:30am, the staff not friendly as in nova or forti.. and I'm not saying they're not friendly too..
-The meeting
so I met Dr. Naveen (and another dr) and he asked some questions ... and he was totally shocked to knw that I had LL from 7 months ago .. not just because of the formation of my bone which it seems to be weak but also because Rah didn't advised me to stand and walk til now.. he said ( Dr. Naveen)
monorail is weight bearing you can walk..
so he asked me to have new x-ray.. so I did, and based on the new x-ray he said the tibia is fine so start "dynamisation" , and I asked if I'll lose sm mm , he said no you'll not...
he said I should start walk/stand from now on and for 3 weeks more.. then come to meet him again..
- internal nail for the femur
he was against it, as he explained it's too late, and I SHOULDN'T do it now, since it wont be useful at all..
- Knee bending
he said I have to remove the fixator first, then start pt for my knee, since the pin is what prevent me to bend my knee (as he said)
-x-leg and alignment
according to him I have to stand first then he'll see about the x-leg..
- removing the fixator

when I finished and on my way to the car I found him speaking with another doctor in Hindi ( but from what I understood he was kindda surprised that I had quad LL ).. then the other Dr came to check on my legs , they tried to help me to get in the car but I told them I can do that By myself ..
so he (dr.naveen ) told me to call him anytime .. (he forgot to give me his phone though.. )..
I'll post the x-ray when I'll receive it (I asked them to email it to me ) ..