Well it's not a lie.. I meant what I wrote, I started almost 3weeks ago , I removed some pins in the both femur.. Where i succeed to remove all the pins in my right femur (so I started to sleep on my side)

.. and I started to wear the brace which I bought online (about 165 USD)
However there were few of pins lift in both tibia and my left femur.. after that I noticed immediately that my knee bending improve A LOT..
I stand up a little bit and a Miracle happened to me.. the duckass disappeared.. I was so happy since it bothered me a lot and I was worry about it too.. and absolutely I have NO ballerina foot…
It feels awesome not as same as when you wear shoe lift pads.. it’s way more better.. I hope if I lengthened more than that.. ! I’m seriously thinking of having another surgery..
Last Wednesday, I had an x-ray which shows that my callus is good enough to remove the frame, it was hard to see the cut line..! anyway.. I went to local hospital where they advised for admission in the hospital to remove the other pins.. they said the pins that I removed by myself where kindda lose, however the rest are so tight and I need to be under the anesthesia when they’ll remove them. and that what happened .. ( I paid about 1000 USD)
when I woke up I felt slight pain in the pin site area.. the Doctor told me to use the walker for an extra 4 weeks til my bone will totally heal …
Now my knee bending is much better !! I can bend my right knee to 90 deg, and it’s getting better day by day..! I wasn’t imaging that the knee bending issue would be solved so quickly.. I still have to regain full knee ROM but I’m sure that will happen so soon .. but Now at least I can sit for long time .. and drive my car without feeling any pain.. and guess what.. I don’t use my wheel chair anymore.. !
OK this post I wrote it.. but I didn’t mean ,myself (me (diso)).. nah ,, this is shorty. .. but I’m happy for him anyway,, and I’m sure I’ll came here in some days and will post the same thing