+1, You will be sorry when you sit next to a genuine 6'1" , And see ALL the proportion differences like: hand size,head size,width and etc. How many 6'1" people have you seen with a wingspan of 173cm?
Even if you do AL you won't be proportionate, You cant lengthen this much.
Firstly my head is above average, it will be perfectly normal for 6'1. My torso will be a bit small, maybe 30th percentile. Obviously I will never be a true 6'1 guy because my bones are simply not that long and big. I'm not trying to be. This isn't a self-image issue where I need to be a "true" tall person. I just want to get the social benefits of being tall while getting by with somewhat off proportions.
In regards to your second post, I think it makes much more sense to do this for a tangible life benefit than to do it for a neurosis. Both are fine in my book, capitalism allows you to spend your money however you want. I think this is all semantics anyways. I get insecure being one of the shorter guys or being shorter than a girl, knowing how much they care about height. It's all relative to others anyways, height doesn't matter in a vacuum.