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Author Topic: the law of equivalent exchange.  (Read 23351 times)

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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2014, 07:59:45 AM »

I understand the point. don't get me wrong tv exacerbates it. but RR is saying something completely different.

he is saying TV is the cause, and that therefore it has nothing to do with genetics, because it is all because of the media and TV.

anything on TV creates an imprint, but that doesn't mean tv is the primary source for the opinion.

tv just takes a natural genetic programing and then and then just builds on that.

Yeah well they used alot of brick on this one.


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2014, 09:34:34 AM »

I looked up dogota people before you said to. nothing comes up on google.

second iv read studies on many tribes where males of greater height command more social power and get given access to greater amounts of resources compared to their shorter stature counterparts. these tribes don't have TV's.

im sure you will have some weird tangent to argue though. its very funny the mental gymnastics people will force themselves to believe when they want to get ll, im sure you love to feel like a victim RR. poor you being discriminated against because of culture.

the evil womens are being means to you when normally without tv or media they would love you like a god. sure dude.

even though it happens in cultures that don't have media or tv. im sure there are exceptions to any rule but for the large part tv does not cause this, because it is present around the world where tv is not available. girls are attracted to better providers and taller men get more resources, in the west they are given more money, and in tribes they are given currency which does not necessarily mean money.

Datoga* look them up now.
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #33 on: November 30, 2014, 01:14:57 PM »

first prove to me that they don't care about height. I can not find any such nonsense.

and second I stoped bothering because even if it is true it is null and void with the following findings.

women are allowed to have sex with the entire family that she marries into and it is their cultural norm for the man to take multiple wives to sleep and have sex with. this has jack   to do with women loving men who are shorter. in fact it has next to nothing to do with falling in love with a soul mate. your example is stupid. they just marry a bunch of women like some form of cattle and then those women are allowed in many cases to sleep with the males extended family.

the brother of the husband is allowed to fk the wife.............I repeat all the brothers of the husband are allowed to fk all of the multiple wives......... this has nothing to do with love and it has nothing to do with women falling in love with men who are shorter.

I never found any statements that the women don't care about height. all I found is the women don't care if they are cattle to men who collect multiple of them to enjoy as sex tools. sure the women are not allowed to have sex outside of marriage according to custom but this has nothing to do with women loving men who are shorter as equal to taller men.

African sociological review, 8, (1), 2004, pp.47-66
Nope, 20cm is just nope.

"because FP's the hero LL Forum deserves, but not the one is needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. because hes not the hero. He's a silent gardian, watchfull protector. The Dark Knight."


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #34 on: November 30, 2014, 01:24:57 PM »

see image below.

I will change my statement.

women who are cattle and/or placed into marriages by parents without choice both don't care about male height.

but neither is this true love or a relationship. it is simply cattle.
when girls can actively choose to find love they will be attracted to men who are taller(all other things being equal) as taller men can provide better resources and security for them.
Nope, 20cm is just nope.

"because FP's the hero LL Forum deserves, but not the one is needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. because hes not the hero. He's a silent gardian, watchfull protector. The Dark Knight."


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2014, 03:10:58 PM »

I looked up dogota people before you said to. nothing comes up on google.

second iv read studies on many tribes where males of greater height command more social power and get given access to greater amounts of resources compared to their shorter stature counterparts. these tribes don't have TV's.

im sure you will have some weird tangent to argue though. its very funny the mental gymnastics people will force themselves to believe when they want to get ll, im sure you love to feel like a victim RR. poor you being discriminated against because of culture.

the evil womens are being means to you when normally without tv or media they would love you like a god. sure dude.

even though it happens in cultures that don't have media or tv. im sure there are exceptions to any rule but for the large part tv does not cause this, because it is present around the world where tv is not available. girls are attracted to better providers and taller men get more resources, in the west they are given more money, and in tribes they are given currency which does not necessarily mean money.
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #36 on: November 30, 2014, 05:19:25 PM »

my above statements are still irrefutable where women are treated as cattle to be collected on a multiple wives basis and then shared by all the men in the family and not for love.

but for arguments sake I will coment on the article.

1 it is a study based on scientific predictive modeling for a theoretical basis, these types of studies can easily be manipulated by incorrectly inferring base rates that are wrong. that is just 1 example of how you could change the results.

and 2) in actuality the study even lists that the dotoga men as an average are 166.7cm and women were on average 157.6cm. showing that in real world terms that on average they marry shorter women which is contrary to the model.

3) the study even lists contrary to you opinion stating: that even if men choose taller women that it was only 10% to 20% at best (depending on which ethnicity) which still is miniscule compared to average and majority of the population and in no way shows a preference for taller women but rather a less acute preference for height dominance for the male partner.

and finally if I were (a woman) and treated as cattle and part of a marriage where I was 1 of 6 wives to be used by a man AND ALL OF HIS BROTHERS AND RELATIVES  AS PLAY THINGS...... then I too would probably say I want to be in a relationship where the man and women is equal height, it could be a psychological response to the women stating that they want to be treated as equals and not as cattle.

note the women never said they wanted to be taller, they wanted to be equal.

there are so many flaws to this theoretical predictive hypothesis, but in reality even these tribes by the vast majority choose smaller women for wives than the stature of the men are. and this is all meaningless with the fact that women are treated as play things to be taken in multiples like cattle, this is not mate selection based on love........... it is slavery to women where rich people can buy more wives. im sure if I could buy wives and as many as I want I would probably buy a few taller than myself.

and don't forget the study even stated that dotoga people(men) as a majority choose the model where the man was the tallest and the woman was the shortest. it was only the women who choose to be equal in footing........ I bet they don't feel like they are treated as equals given the polygamist society.
Nope, 20cm is just nope.

"because FP's the hero LL Forum deserves, but not the one is needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. because hes not the hero. He's a silent gardian, watchfull protector. The Dark Knight."


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #37 on: November 30, 2014, 07:58:51 PM »

my above statements are still irrefutable where women are treated as cattle to be collected on a multiple wives basis and then shared by all the men in the family and not for love.

but for arguments sake I will coment on the article.

1 it is a study based on scientific predictive modeling for a theoretical basis, these types of studies can easily be manipulated by incorrectly inferring base rates that are wrong. that is just 1 example of how you could change the results.

and 2) in actuality the study even lists that the dotoga men as an average are 166.7cm and women were on average 157.6cm. showing that in real world terms that on average they marry shorter women which is contrary to the model.

3) the study even lists contrary to you opinion stating: that even if men choose taller women that it was only 10% to 20% at best (depending on which ethnicity) which still is miniscule compared to average and majority of the population and in no way shows a preference for taller women but rather a less acute preference for height dominance for the male partner.

and finally if I were (a woman) and treated as cattle and part of a marriage where I was 1 of 6 wives to be used by a man AND ALL OF HIS BROTHERS AND RELATIVES  AS PLAY THINGS...... then I too would probably say I want to be in a relationship where the man and women is equal height, it could be a psychological response to the women stating that they want to be treated as equals and not as cattle.

note the women never said they wanted to be taller, they wanted to be equal.

there are so many flaws to this theoretical predictive hypothesis, but in reality even these tribes by the vast majority choose smaller women for wives than the stature of the men are. and this is all meaningless with the fact that women are treated as play things to be taken in multiples like cattle, this is not mate selection based on love........... it is slavery to women where rich people can buy more wives. im sure if I could buy wives and as many as I want I would probably buy a few taller than myself.

and don't forget the study even stated that dotoga people(men) as a majority choose the model where the man was the tallest and the woman was the shortest. it was only the women who choose to be equal in footing........ I bet they don't feel like they are treated as equals given the polygamist society.

The Dotoga overwhelmingly choose couples where men and women were of equal height or when the men were shorter. Your psychosocial speculation about the Dotoga culture is completely without merit in the absence of any research to confirm it. You can't use your meaning my speculation as some sort of rebuttal to this comprehensive study on the absence of height preference in Dotoga culture. also, to refer to the women as "playthings" would be a ridiculous western interpretation of Dotoga culture. Do these women feel that they are being exploited or taking advantage of, or do they simply see it as a benign part of their culture? Judging their culture's sexual attitudes through contemporary western feminism is absolutely ridiculous.
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #38 on: November 30, 2014, 09:25:08 PM »

your mental in the head.

I posted the reference to the medical journals of sociology and the journal is fully referenced to other medical journals.

its funny how you just selectively see things. but sure keep lying and pretending that its just some opinion I made up and not an accredited study.

second obviously you ignored the interviews with datoga women where they ALL STATE as a majority that bashings from husbands in their culture is normal to happen and they state "larger men are scary" because of this abuse. go look it up there is widespread knowledge in peer reviewed form about the bashings in this culture. that is why women "are attracted to shorter men" because they don't want the bashings to hurt as much. and the datoga women state this is the reason in actual interviews.

personally RR I trust the opinion of datoga women on why they don't like taller men over your rubbish opinion any day. yes you fool the women were directly asked why they don't like taller men in these interviews. they don't like to be bashed by stronger men.

stop wasting my time you delusional man. you clearly don't read anything. you only see what you want to see.

Nope, 20cm is just nope.

"because FP's the hero LL Forum deserves, but not the one is needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. because hes not the hero. He's a silent gardian, watchfull protector. The Dark Knight."


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #39 on: November 30, 2014, 11:32:56 PM »

your mental in the head.

I posted the reference to the medical journals of sociology and the journal is fully referenced to other medical journals.

its funny how you just selectively see things. but sure keep lying and pretending that its just some opinion I made up and not an accredited study.

second obviously you ignored the interviews with datoga women where they ALL STATE as a majority that bashings from husbands in their culture is normal to happen and they state "larger men are scary" because of this abuse. go look it up there is widespread knowledge in peer reviewed form about the bashings in this culture. that is why women "are attracted to shorter men" because they don't want the bashings to hurt as much. and the datoga women state this is the reason in actual interviews.

personally RR I trust the opinion of datoga women on why they don't like taller men over your rubbish opinion any day. yes you fool the women were directly asked why they don't like taller men in these interviews. they don't like to be bashed by stronger men.

stop wasting my time you delusional man. you clearly don't read anything. you only see what you want to see.

Is this some sort of joke? What link have you supposedly posted?

I'm pretty sure you are just a tremendous troll. Lol
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2014, 12:21:48 AM »

Is this some sort of joke? What link have you supposedly posted?

I'm pretty sure you are just a tremendous troll. Lol

Yep, I just see it as someone with an enormous negative personality. Believe what you want. Human beings are not animals. We're not cattle and cow and don't need to accept our environment. If you don't like something about yourself, change yourself. If you don't like the situation, change the circumstance. If the women don't like you because of your height, use your mind and make her like you!!!! But sitting around and complaining and looking up animal studies won't do you no good.

Height is largely a western phenomenon and this is especially true on TV where people read off from script. There is no intelligent which comes into play. If you go to Asia or other countries beside Europe and North America, women would gladly choose you for aspects other than your height. Things like wealth, intelligent and social status are more important in those countries. I'm not saying that height is not important but it is less of an emphasis in those countries.

Like I mention before, height is just one facets of attraction, which includes height, face, personality and social status (ie. wealth & social proof). But attraction is only good for the initial contact. You need intelligent and strategy... and also a car and your own house... if you want to get the woman into bed with you.
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #41 on: December 01, 2014, 12:49:31 AM »

Yeah, that's kind of what I mean. In non-western countries (before the introduction of western culture), there might have been some preference towards taller men, but not to the extent we see in Western society,
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #42 on: December 01, 2014, 04:48:39 AM »

That is excellent advice about bettering oneself rather than do nothing else but bitch and complain about the opposite sex. If for whatever reason you are still unable to change things for the better, than all I can say is to do what I've done and to just accept your lot in life. It sucks I know but life hands us lemons sometimes. I willl explain this in further detail on what I mean, if I get a diary started. Anyway, to make things a bit easier you can always tell yourself that things could be oh so much worse, something I have to remind myself of daily. I guess the perfect examples for me, might be the women who must live in the selfish and uncilvilized dotoga society, or being born blind, no arms, no legs, horribly disfigured, no home, no car, no health. If you see things this way then you realize you have already won the lottery.

I have not read or googled the study but if the beatings of the women, and sex slave /cattle comparison is true then the dotoga culture would be very animalistic. A backwards society such as this would not give women a say in choosing their husband, let alone their husbands height. Not to mention that the family of the women would have to be equally twisted and involved to allow this to happen. One thing for sure is that a society where women have absolutely no voice would be no life worth living.

PS - I like the ForcedPuberty name because ain't it the darn truth.


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #43 on: December 01, 2014, 08:26:13 AM »

thank you galxy1, I too like my name. :) I honesty feel like that is exactly what I am doing :)

now for RR

also I will just note that women in Tanzania actually had their say and marched on womens federation day specifically against polygamy and stated they have been reduced to nothing more than slaves.

I love how RR always defends everything I state without reading anything.

lets take a quote shall we:

from readrothbard
Do these women feel that they are being exploited or taking advantage of, or do they simply see it as a benign part of their culture? Judging their culture's sexual attitudes through contemporary western feminism is absolutely ridiculous.

and now lets get a report on the opinions of women who actually live under these conditions.

and remember this wasn't an interview it was a dam mass march for rights because they feel like they are treated as slaves (their words not mine) my words were they are treated like cattle.

"women from marginalised comunities(later specifically referencing dotoga women as a large majority in the march) are up in arms against polygamy which has reduced them into slaves of senior wives".

but sure RR they love being cattle, because im just a westerner who doesn't understand how women half way across the world don't care about being treated like humans. if you think slavery ended RR you are wrong. its just given different names now.

Nope, 20cm is just nope.

"because FP's the hero LL Forum deserves, but not the one is needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. because hes not the hero. He's a silent gardian, watchfull protector. The Dark Knight."


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #44 on: December 01, 2014, 12:35:32 PM »

PS - I like the ForcedPuberty name because ain't it the darn truth.

Galaxy1, thanks for the backup bro.

Yeah, haha, FORCED-puberty. What hand did you use?... was that the joke? haha

Back to the topic, for you guys record, this is what a Datoga woman looks like.

I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine.


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #45 on: December 08, 2014, 10:03:48 PM »

why do some men who are planning to get leg lengthening surgery make this mistake.

ok, we live in a world of equivalent exchange.

kings marry queens,
nobels marry nobels,
fatties marry fatties,
ugly date ugly :)

we all know the nerds and geeks don't date the prom queen.
and the female peack only gets with the male who has the brightest best feathers.

its a simple game. females select the best genetic male to produce the best offspring. just as a female peack selects a male peack with the best genes.

so my question is simple. since we humans are programed into this "law of equivalent exchange" where girls try to select the best possible mate based on the best possible genes for the best possible offspring...................

why do men get so f**king pissed off and act as if the girl has no morals when a girl rejects them for having inferior genes. and tries to go for a male with a better genetic profile.

let me reiterate. if the prom queen tells the nerd NO IM NOT GOING TO DATE THE NERD. we accept that because she can do better, but when a woman tells a man she wants a taller guy because she thinks she can do better "all of a sudden it is because she has no morals".

this makes no sense. she is just doing what she is biologically programed to do, she is selecting the best genes for the best offspring. it has nothing to do with morals.

its like a nerd getting pissed off because he cant date the prom queen. in essence it is a person getting pissed off because they cant have what they want. its the law of equivalent exchange.

thoughts?  yes I was bored so I decided to open this discussion and see what happens :)

Here's the thing, man: I won't settle for anything less than exactly what I want--that's it. I want the best, and I will get the best, even if it requires ridiculous amounts of work on my part.

“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #46 on: December 08, 2014, 10:20:28 PM »

I'm just pissed off I can't get a girlfriend in general. I want a Latina women with huge breasts and aged 21-32 with a fine face. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently so.

Here's the thing, man: I won't settle for anything less than exactly what I want--that's it. I want the best, and I will get the best, even if it requires ridiculous amounts of work on my part.

That's the attitude I like to hear!
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2014, 10:40:10 PM »

I'm just pissed off I can't get a girlfriend in general. I want a Latina women with huge breasts and aged 21-32 with a fine face. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently so.

That's the attitude I like to hear!

fk yeah! If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #48 on: December 08, 2014, 11:12:25 PM »

hey ajax, who you plan to see and when will you do limb lenghtening?
and Will you write a diary


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #49 on: December 08, 2014, 11:56:49 PM »

f**k yeah! If you can dream it, you can achieve it.

This is true


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2014, 03:30:54 AM »

hey ajax, who you plan to see and when will you do limb lenghtening?
and Will you write a diary

I'm planning my trip to either Germany or Russia. I've emailed Dr Salameh in Germany and Solomin in Russia but due to my minmum wage job, I'll probably have to do Solomin Unless Salameh has a finance plan. If he doesn't then I'm screwed and will have to go to Russia but need to pay off Credit Cars debt first.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2014, 04:01:23 AM »

I would go with Dr. Salameh if weight-bearing is important to you. Have you considered Dr. Suhas Shah?
“If you're afraid - don't do it, - if you're doing it - don't be afraid!” ― Genghis Khan

172 cm in the morning (67.8"); 170 cm (67”) at night; Sitting Height: 96 cm (37.8”); Goal: 184.5 cm (6'0.7"); Ultimate Goal: 192 cm (6’3.5) morning height, 190 cm (6’3) “night” height
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2014, 04:09:57 AM »

I'm just pissed off I can't get a girlfriend in general. I want a Latina women with huge breasts and aged 21-32 with a fine face. Is that too much to ask for? Apparently so.

That's the attitude I like to hear!

After you complete your limb lengthening journey, women will swarm to you like flies like the video below.

Why not tibia? - which is cheaper. Is your femur shorter than your tibiae?

I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine.


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2014, 04:42:58 AM »

I would go with Dr. Salameh if weight-bearing is important to you. Have you considered Dr. Suhas Shah?

Does he allow  early weight bearing? I'm fine with wearing frames for a year. I'd rather wear frames for a year and go home early then wait until the lengthening is finished and stay in a strange country for 6 months.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2014, 04:49:56 AM »

Does he allow  early weight bearing? I'm fine with wearing frames for a year. I'd rather wear frames for a year and go home early then wait until the lengthening is finished and stay in a strange country for 6 months.

He's a proponent of early weight bearing and will have you start from the third day after surgery.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2014, 04:54:05 AM »

I'm assuming thats with his bilateral tibial fixation or Precice? If it's with Precice then again, I'll have to finance it. I may just do a trip to India and do a bunch of consultations.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2014, 05:15:53 AM »

That's with bilateral tibs.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2014, 05:21:01 AM »

What's the difference between bilateral tibs and Ilizarov? Can't seem to find it on this site.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2014, 06:10:56 AM »

What's the difference between bilateral tibs and Ilizarov? Can't seem to find it on this site.

Bilateral tibs indicates the limbs operated on and Ilizarov is the method.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2014, 06:50:48 AM »

Hmmm. I'll consider Dr Shah for LON. I will ask if he can make a finance plan for Precice so I can lengthen at home and won't have to pay for housing.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2014, 07:09:28 AM »

Hmmm. I'll consider Dr Shah for LON. I will ask if he can make a finance plan for Precice so I can lengthen at home and won't have to pay for housing.

I don't think any surgeons offer a finance plan. For Precice, roughly $30,000 has to be paid to Ellipse Technologies first before they will ship the nails over. Dr Shah only charges $10,000 on top of that but with the major cost coming from the nails I don't think a finance plan would help even if Dr Shah had one.
Initial height: 164 cm / ~5'5" (Surgery on 6/25/2014)
Current height: 170 cm / 5'7" (Frames removed 6/29/2015)
External Tibia lengthening performed by Dr Mangal Parihar in Mumbai, India.
My Cosmetic Leg Lengthening Experience


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Re: the law of equivalent exchange.
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2014, 07:20:24 AM »

I don't think any surgeons offer a finance plan. For Precice, roughly $30,000 has to be paid to Ellipse Technologies first before they will ship the nails over. Dr Shah only charges $10,000 on top of that but with the major cost coming from the nails I don't think a finance plan would help even if Dr Shah had one.

I may not pay it in one payment but he probably won't commence the surgery until I paid in full.
It would be nice If I got lucky next year but the likely outcome will be I have to stick with LON.
Starting height: 185.5cms Goal/ dream height:190-193cms!
Sitting height:94 cms Arm Length: 86.5 cms 
Leg length:104 cms Arm Span:191 cms
Tibia: 48 cms Femurs:55cms
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