How my recovery went after surgery:Same day - No pain and easy walking (numbing injections in screws holes were highly effective

Day 2 - Constant 3-4/10 pain at rest and 6-7/10 pain when walking.
Day 3 - No pain at rest and 3-4/10 pain when walking.
Day 4 - No pain at rest and 1-2/10 pain when walking.
Day 5 - Left leg feels normal when walking, right leg has 1-2/10 pain when walking.
Day 6 - Right leg has no pain but has weird feelings like tight skin, shifting tissue, and numbness.
Day 7+ - Both legs feel normal now, walking down cement steps and light jogging is pain free.
Additional discussion with doctor:My patella tendons were covering the screws so they had to be manipulated a bit to get the screws out so I need to take it easy since I could rupture the tendons. The initial screw incisions were far off from where the screws actually were. My doctor tried to use the same incision sites initially but discovered the screws shifted too much so he made new incisions to remove all the screws. The 6 months of soft tissue stretching and muscle atrophy/hypertrophy caused this. The screws near my ankles were close to the entry incisions, not much shifting probably occurred after my lengthening phase was done.
I recently spoke with another Sarin patient who has the rods and screws still in who can sprint on pavement with zero pain. I think in my case my soft tissues must have shifted in such a way to make the screws interfere with the patella tendons.
I will post pictures in a couple months of all my scars. The scars that bother me the most are the middle pin site scars since they are easily noticeable and are protruding slightly. I am going to look into having these revised somehow.