1-First of all there is lack of any conclusive data/study that could show whether CLL causes premature arthritis or not.
2- This surgery is relatively new so no one knows what will happen 20-40 years down the line. However I think that something would happen altering the natural anatomy of the body, just my thought though.
3- There are not many vets on this forum who have gone through CLL 10-15 years ago. Many old diaries are simply dead, apart from a few vets like Sweden, bodybuilder, oldiebutgoldie etc who sometimes update( thank you guys).
4- Few people who have done it quite sometime ago are Akash shukla (2003/2005), hajnal ban(2002, Australian woman), Mikhail goldreer( the first one to go through the elective CLL, Volgograd Russia, 1992), Thomas keeper( calagry real estate agent, Canada, 2005, guichet patient). These people went public about their surgery. I highly doubtful that they will come to this forum to provide info. Only these guys could tell about the long term effects of this surgery. Dates which I have mentioned might have a deviation of +/- 2 years.
5- @sanity how after CLL there is downgraded hormonal profile and that leads to arthritis?