Hello everyone!
I would like to know how the cross lengthening method works.
I'm planning to do the surgery in Russia with Dr Solomin and Dr Kulesh, since Russia is one of the best cost benefit and they do one of the best externals.
I was planning on doing a single surgery for 7cm on my tibias using LATN, but maybe it would be better to do both segments so the femur/tibia ratio stays the same (and less stress on each segment?), doing 4cm on each segment (1cm extra since I will be doing both)?
I don't consider quadrilateral because I'm afraid of fat embolism(death) and the extreme stress on the body, also the recovery time.
So, I would like to know which is the better way, to do cross lengthening?
To do 4cm on tibias and do 4cm on femur after tibia recovery?
Or to do 7cm only on tibias with LATN?
I would not do 7cm on femurs because I heard that femur external is hell, because of muscle resistence and disconfort...
But I would be up to doing 4cm to put less stress on the leg and keep proportions.
By the way, my wingspan is 175cm, so I'm not too worried about height/legs ratio by reaching 174cm/175cm after lengthening.
Oh, my height is 167cm by the way.
Femur 42cm and tibia 35cm. (Roughly)
Thanks for any replies.