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Author Topic: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey  (Read 75608 times)

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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #279 on: January 23, 2024, 11:08:09 PM »

I can only find 6 posts involving David and Halil Buldu in this forum. None of them had any details. Maybe you can point me to where he explains what happens to him? In the meantime, LLT has videos of many, many patients who've had success with them, including people who've been covered by third parties. They also seem to cover treatments for complications at no extra charge, with accounts for people who they've had come back for treatment. LL has complications, it's a major surgery, even with Western doctors.


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #280 on: January 24, 2024, 04:53:15 AM »

I can only find 6 posts involving David and Halil Buldu in this forum. None of them had any details. Maybe you can point me to where he explains what happens to him? In the meantime, LLT has videos of many, many patients who've had success with them, including people who've been covered by third parties. They also seem to cover treatments for complications at no extra charge, with accounts for people who they've had come back for treatment. LL has complications, it's a major surgery, even with Western doctors.
What concerns me about LLT is that they seem to length too much. We've all seen the videos of the guys who lengthened 10cms.
But overall they seem to offer a decent facility for physiotherapy and they do have tons of people claiming they are doing well. Including people being covered by third parties as you said.
If going with him I'd just be extra conservative and not lengthen too much or too fast.


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #281 on: January 24, 2024, 11:24:34 AM »

I can only find 6 posts involving David and Halil Buldu in this forum. None of them had any details. Maybe you can point me to where he explains what happens to him? In the meantime, LLT has videos of many, many patients who've had success with them, including people who've been covered by third parties. They also seem to cover treatments for complications at no extra charge, with accounts for people who they've had come back for treatment. LL has complications, it's a major surgery, even with Western doctors.
This is my last post for you. David sued him and they deleted all him pictures. There are many disabled patients like David. I think you are one of those stupid people who believe what you see on Instagram. You never see bad patients. They don't even put good patients and bad patients together. A doctor who dances with his patients is not a doctor. You are either a really stupid person or a livelifetaller employee. Instead of talking about Dr Halil here, go and have surgery with him. They are no longer hosted on this forum. because many false diaries were discovered and crippled patients reported them. Even Sedat's face is a reason to give up surgery. ;)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2024, 12:09:01 PM by Sigma »
Going for femur precice2 / Lon tibia with Dr. Donghoon Lee in a few years.
Starting height 173cm. Goal 186 to 187cm.
You can always be thinner, look better.


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #282 on: January 29, 2024, 01:26:54 AM »

This is my last post for you. David sued him and they deleted all him pictures. There are many disabled patients like David. I think you are one of those stupid people who believe what you see on Instagram. You never see bad patients. They don't even put good patients and bad patients together. A doctor who dances with his patients is not a doctor. You are either a really stupid person or a livelifetaller employee. Instead of talking about Dr Halil here, go and have surgery with him. They are no longer hosted on this forum. because many false diaries were discovered and crippled patients reported them. Even Sedat's face is a reason to give up surgery. ;)

I am trying to find if they are legitimate option, like everyone else. I've asked for evidence, you have not given any, only insults and accusations. They do seem to have facilities for LL and if they are an option for LL, I don't see how that's a bad thing for everyone.


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #283 on: May 02, 2024, 02:17:08 PM »

People need to stop believing what they see on social media:  Dr Halils team is notorious for trying hard to show only 'good sides' and distorting the actual results by making everything look great and saying how well patients are doing, when that couldn't be further from the truth.  I firsthand saw them do an interview with someone who couldn't even get up by himself and is now crippled and made him say only good things.  When I couldn't stand after my surgery, they forced me to stand up straight by holding me up and take picture with happy looking doctor/physiotherapist to show how great everything is.  They are extremely heavy on their marketing, using dirty tricks online and offline to get your money by hiding the truth and will attack and delete anyone who says anything negative about them.
The truth of the matter is they have so many complications, much more than any doctor who has the slightest bit of self respect would allow.  I have spoken with Dr Donghoon and also Dr Assayag and they have both confirmed that there is so many patients who come to them because of how much Dr Halil has botched them.  Not to mention, things I have witnessed first hand while being there, I barely left my room and with the short interactions with patients, so many had mild or serious complications, it is actually mind boggling how they run their 'business'.

I hope legally they can be brought to justice, my only advice for anyone considering these clowns is to not try to save a couple of thousands and actually go to a reputable doctor, the risk of ruining your life is too high, don't get fooled by the so-called 'succesful' cases they try to promote, they are all distorted and multiple of these you see on social media actually already have issues or end up having issues.


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #284 on: May 09, 2024, 07:00:38 PM »


Will i have Pain during Lengthening Period?
Other than pain right after your surgery; Answer is NO! Lengthening procedure will be done 4 times a day which will be equal to 1milimeters. So due to its small size, human body can easily adapts to lengthening and pain won't occurs as expected.

PURE LIE (you lost your integrity the moment you answer this question)

Because of false information like this I fall into the trap !! This is a pure lie: I am doing LON tibia and I cry every night if I don’t scream soemtime from the pain. The scans are all normal it’s just the pain can’t be intolerant sometime !!
Don’t dare to say it’s only me ! I am sounded by 10s of patient and everyone is experiencing the same level of pain !


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #285 on: June 04, 2024, 11:48:48 PM »

what si the actual price with buldu for LON on femur ???


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #286 on: June 05, 2024, 08:09:31 AM »

Halil Buldu is atleast a better doctor than the butcher Yuksel Yurttas. They must have competitions between butchering.
My story of how Yuksel Yurttas crippled me:


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #287 on: June 05, 2024, 01:01:05 PM »

Ddi the pain continue after surgery or did it start to increase while lengthening?


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #288 on: August 03, 2024, 11:23:44 AM »

Halil Buldu is atleast a better doctor than the butcher Yuksel Yurttas. They must have competitions between butchering.



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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #289 on: September 13, 2024, 04:06:38 PM »

no lengthening method can achieve higher than 8cm for one secton? how about Betzbone it stated that can lengthen 10-12cm for femurs


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #290 on: October 31, 2024, 12:16:21 AM »

PURE LIE (you lost your integrity the moment you answer this question)

Because of false information like this I fall into the trap !! This is a pure lie: I am doing LON tibia and I cry every night if I don’t scream soemtime from the pain. The scans are all normal it’s just the pain can’t be intolerant sometime !!
Don’t dare to say it’s only me ! I am sounded by 10s of patient and everyone is experiencing the same level of pain !

100% Anyone that says they didn’t at least once pray to God for the pain to go away is lying to you. I also had excruciating back pain too because of the lengthening, be prepared for hell is something I wish someone told me before I got this done.
LON method | Dr. Halil Buldu | 2021
Diary |


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Re: Dr HALIL BULDU - Limb Lengthening Surgery in Turkey
« Reply #291 on: November 09, 2024, 08:46:35 AM »

100% Anyone that says they didn’t at least once pray to God for the pain to go away is lying to you. I also had excruciating back pain too because of the lengthening, be prepared for hell is something I wish someone told me before I got this done.

Yup, currently doing tibia TSF and it is like 1/3 of the difficulty of ex-femurs in turkey. Also, they’ve doubled their price now which is hilarious.
Also, some of these people are so dumb that they gobble up their YT videos and stuff. They force all their patients to make positive videos and hide anything negative. They tried to make me do a video before my fixator removal.

Assayag charges less to do singles than bilateral since its outpatient and not hospital, and they have non-profit housing across the hospital for patients. So you end up saving like maybe 20 grand to go through a saw movie in turkey with externals

When it was like 15k euros it was a viable option if you couldn’t afford elsewhere but you paid with suffering and a higher risk of complications. There were good cases, but also bad ones.
165cm starting. 8cm distracted. External LON Femur Buldu (Turkey) 2021. Nail removal @HSS (Usa).
Tibia external TSF 5cm, Assayag (Usa). In progress.
If considering external femurs please change your mind
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