Yeah, it might be worth it to do it ASAP with a cheaper (but still safe) surgeon so you can enjoy life sooner. Instead of spending years saving up money so you can finally do double LL with Paley at 35.
Even if someone can spend quad for Paley, that's still a high risk anyways. The recovery effort from quad LL really will take a toll on you, that you might as well have done it separately. You save like what, 1 year or so from recovery at a much higher risk.
If OP is still reading, like most people suggest here, do it one at a time, and if the first lengthening still doesn't satisfy, decide then whether or not it's worth doing another one, all through that effort once more. Personally, unless you live in some parts of Europe, and are constantly bombarded by tall people, I genuinely think if you're part of the 5'8+ gang and still think you're having body dysmorphia, you might have other personal issues you need to settle, maybe some other aspect of your physical appearance. Most people here always think about it from a dating standpoint, which I get it, it's one reason to do it. But if you ever have to encounter a woman who's shallow as fk to think 6' and above only, then I say you just avoided a huge red flag there and prevented you from dating a shallow woman right there that might have other parts of her personality being terrible. Maybe it's time to expand your dating pool other than bimbos and sluts.
So you have to ask yourself, why do you want to be 6'+ in the first place to even worth considering the amount of money spent and years wasted? Going from real short to average is always worth it and the benefits do come more obvious, but going avg to slightly on the tall side, there do seem to be diminishing returns. Sure you're tall, but other than that most people don't care on a day-to-day basis, other than you being complimented from time to time. There are some statistics in career being more successful, but honestly having worked in a Fortune 500 company, I've literally been under two directors who are flat 5' and 5'4 respectively, both whom are quite successful in their careers and financially speaking. So maybe don't work in sh*t places to actually get somewhere.