How bad can the lordosis get? Can't resistance training alteast minimize this issue coupled with PT? I've had some noticeable lordosis due to APT, which only happened when I got overweight to near obese before around 5 years ago. I've never had such a thing before since I wasn't fat prior and was already doing weightlifting then. It wasn't until I stopped exercising and gotten fat that I noticed quite significant back pain at my lower back even just by walking or even standing a few minutes, and saw that my posture seems quite worse where I literally look like my spine was curved more so than usual. I had to round my shoulders and force my pelvis forward just so I can walk without much pain. It wasn't until I went back to resistance training, esp doing abs, squats, deadlifts, and rows which helped restrengthen my back and core, also gotten more lean, that my lordosis got better and didn't notice any lower back pain anymore.
My question is though, does the lordosis happen during recovery? Because that feels like it'll be a bit hard to do proper recovery with lordosis, depending on the severity. But I do think with proper PT and safe resistance training can minimize that issue quite a bit. If you aren't used to weightlifting or some other form, better try and do some now to prepare yourself.
I'm also considering femurs, and since I plan for this in 2~3 years from this time now anyways, the new nail would be out by then. Hopefully this issue with lordosis really is something PT and exercise can deal with, because 30k added on top of an already expensive surgery is really pushing it plus I don't really want to do tibias primarily because I already have short femurs from the looks of it, and since I want to do max 7~8cm.