Look at this
https://i.imgur.com/XmeSoDZ.jpgThis is your x-ray, edited.
1. Your legs have way different lengths
2. you compare the length of an inside measurement with the length of an outside measurement. You need to take the measurement from the mid point of the rod to the other mid point of the rod. They way you measured it, it's like comparing the inner circumference of a racing track with the outer circumference.
3. The proof is marked with the red boxes. Even tough your hip is tilted to the upside on on side of the x-ray, you would expect for knee also to be higher, if your legs were equally long. But no, on the same side of your leg, the hip is up, and the knee is down, and that is because the leg on the right side of the x-ray is way longer.
4. The rod has also been extended way more on one side than on the other. Both green lines have the same length, but they end at different spots on the rod.
5. The blue box, and the black line in that image have the exact same pixel lengths. Just look at how different your bone gap is. That last cm you better only do on the shorter side.
Just be careful man....