Oh God, this guy again. Take a look at some of the other videos on his 'looks maxing' channel. He went and did jaw surgery in India before this that he wasn't happy with. He has ambitions of looking like a model which will never be the case no matter how many surgeries he gets. I'm quite certain he's autistic (not that that's a bad thing, but he's totally obsessed with getting tons of different surgeries and it's quite clear none of them are going to make him happy).
Damn, I really feel sorry for anyone who is suffering from random kind of dysphoria, but this guy needs a therapy than surgeries, in all fking fairness.
I've really learned that a surgery can never obliterate your dysphoria if your goal is to become a model or other s like that, instead of just being able to lead a normal life like us 5'4-5'5 men who are pursuing LL. If your height/face does not hamper you in anything, tbh considering to do a surgery can't really cure your dysphoria.
I have a very good female friend and I gotta rate her like 7/10(face-wise, namely having the potiential to be a movie star) but she is suffering from severe face dysphoria and she is contemplating on doing plastic surgeries, but clearly she will not be satisfied.