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Author Topic: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?  (Read 2383 times)

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short but sweet

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I have read about people doing 12cm on femur,but what's the max length you have seen/heard/read about done by anyone on tibias by any method ?(external or internal)


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2023, 08:18:51 PM »

8 or 9 I think but im pretty sure going above 6 is risky although I want to do 7 and ive seen 7 done successfully I wouldn't recommend going past 5 or 6
21 yrs old
goal: 173/ 180cm (8cm + 7cm if possible)
Primarily looking at Assayag for Femurs and Assayag or Paley for Tibia.
Plan to do Humerus between femurs and tibs too (Only 5'6 wingspan)

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2023, 06:33:46 PM »

14 cm. :o


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2023, 08:52:58 PM »

14 cm. :o
That was in multiple Tibia lengthening? Not all in one?!?! What doctor and method?

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2023, 09:28:06 PM »

All in one go.  Dr. HeTao Xia LON.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2023, 09:39:27 PM »

All in one go.  Dr. HeTao Xia LON.

14cm with LON in one go? Really?? It sounds like a medical case like a deformity..
14cm from tibia is crazy amount for cosmetic LL.   :o :o
Current Height:5ft9''
Target Height:6ftAge:32
Stretching my legs everyday
I’m exposing scammer limb lengthening clinics in my Twitter account.

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2023, 10:45:40 PM »

She was very short and stocky.  Might have had mild dwarfism.

Here's Dong Mei who did 12 with a normal body for purely cosmetic reasons.

Another patient here.  Not a very good pic but blue face girl did over 9 cm.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2023, 11:07:53 PM »

Much has already been discussed about it, there is no "maximum" it depends on the patient's body
Pointing to Dr.Betz/Becker or Dr.Pili

Everything is possible. You only live once..


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2023, 02:54:02 AM »

Much has already been discussed about it, there is no "maximum" it depends on the patient's body

Not fully true. There are exceptions, but most Dr.'s have indicated that for the general population, there are acceptable ranges that have been tried and tested over time. Dr. Gdalevich stated in her last interview that anything over 6.5 cm for tibia is not safe and 6.5 cm for tibia is an excellent outcome. Drs. Paley and Rozbruch have stated that 8 cm and 6 cm (femurs and tibias) are the safe limits for most people. They both repeated this in my consult with them. Data is also there somewhere in Victor's youtube channel.

So while there are exceptions to this rule, there is a general rule.
Starting height: 5'10"ish (179cm).   Desired height: 6'1.5" (187cm).   Achieved on 5/31/23: 6'1.5" (187.3 cm).

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Nothing I post is intended to be or interpreted as medical advice. I am posting about my CLL experience for informational purposes only


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2023, 06:29:12 AM »

You shouldn't lengthen more than 5 cm max. According to cyborg4life in a recent interview lengthening more than 3.5 - 4.5 cm on the tibias is considered overlengthening for most people and can give all kind of issues later down the line.

Personally I don't understand people doing tibias at all... The complication rate is higher mainly because of the 2 bone being cut (tibia and fibula) so it's more risky. Malalignment is also a big issue with tibias. You can gain a less amount of height. It heals slower. Also only doing Tibia usually gives a much higher chance of early arthisis and problem with the rest of leg functions, where lengthening the femurs shouldn't give the samme issues:

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2023, 05:37:47 PM »

Why early arthritis?


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2023, 06:57:36 PM »

That reminds me of the rule dictated by some doctors of not lengthening more than "20%" of the original bone length, I don't like to base myself on statistics when dealing with a field as arbitrary as limb lengthening, I respect your opinion and the different points of view, but I always maintain an impartial position regarding this kind of thing
Pointing to Dr.Betz/Becker or Dr.Pili

Everything is possible. You only live once..


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2023, 08:10:02 AM »

I have never written that all that I write is speculation, look at my eairler posts if you don't believe me... James bond. You just posted a bunch of nonsense. Pretty much everytime I post something here I have evidence to back it up, not like you and the wolf guy. I only claim what has already been proven to be correct not like you guys argumenting with zero facts and your personal opinion. I don't choose Dr Giotikas and Greece over everything. If you look at my earlier post I actually tell people to go with Paley in US if they have the money, but most people don't have that amount. So no your interpretation of me being bias towards Dr G is not accurate and hey if you want to avoid all western surgeons advice of avoiding LON, then go ahead and do it. But their is a high chance of you ending up cripled, getting Deep infection or something third compared to an internal method with Femurs... We have seen it many times people ending up butchered by LON and their turkish/indian surgeons.

I can find more evidence if you want but is this enough for you? ;)


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2023, 10:12:11 AM »

Nice evidence and facts you provide LMAO


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2023, 12:34:16 PM »

The start depends on your height and flexibility, but do not exceed 7cm.
Going for femur precice2 / Lon tibia with Dr. Donghoon Lee in a few years.
Starting height 173cm. Goal 186 to 187cm.
You can always be thinner, look better.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2023, 01:31:31 AM »

Bro 7 cm on tibia is insane, So is 12cm on femur bro, I don't who allows that  . But I think safe would maybe be 8.5-9cm femur and probably 6cm tibia, nothing more nothing less.
176cm morning height with a 5'10 wing span, wanting to LL to atleast 5'11-6foot with just tibia

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2023, 06:04:43 AM »

14 cm. :o
that's crazy and inspiring at the same time  :o

did she require ATL release ? if yes , did it affect her push off strength permanently ?
how long was the lengthening phase ?
did she do femurs as well ?
if yes , were they before or after she did tibias ?

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2023, 08:54:02 PM »

that's crazy and inspiring at the same time  :o

did she require ATL release ? if yes , did it affect her push off strength permanently ?
how long was the lengthening phase ?
did she do femurs as well ?
if yes , were they before or after she did tibias ?

I don't know.  I just saw her briefly there.

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2023, 11:06:14 PM »

You shouldn't lengthen more than 5 cm max. According to cyborg4life in a recent interview lengthening more than 3.5 - 4.5 cm on the tibias is considered overlengthening for most people and can give all kind of issues later down the line.

Personally I don't understand people doing tibias at all... The complication rate is higher mainly because of the 2 bone being cut (tibia and fibula) so it's more risky. Malalignment is also a big issue with tibias. You can gain a less amount of height. It heals slower. Also only doing Tibia usually gives a much higher chance of early arthisis and problem with the rest of leg functions, where lengthening the femurs shouldn't give the samme issues:

- 29:40
All these are plain nonsense.

External tibias is by far the safest way for LL. The cheapest also.
Furthermore you could gain safely 6cm which is about 7cm on femurs in real height due to the curve in femur bones.
Also, premature arthritis is more probable with femurs, especially if you insert the nail from the knee, than with external tibias.
And last but not least for most of LLers tibia LL looks much better than femur as longer tibias appear taller and more.athletic than longer femurs.

In a few words I really can't understand why someone who wants only one LL for about 5-6 cm total lengthening does anything else than pure external tibias which is the safest, cheapest and less painful way of LL.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2023, 11:36:13 PM »

All these are plain nonsense.

External tibias is by far the safest way for LL. The cheapest also.
Furthermore you could gain safely 6cm which is about 7cm on femurs in real height due to the curve in femur bones.
Also, premature arthritis is more probable with femurs, especially if you insert the nail from the knee, than with external tibias.
And last but not least for most of LLers tibia LL looks much better than femur as longer tibias appear taller and more.athletic than longer femurs.

In a few words I really can't understand why someone who wants only one LL for about 5-6 cm total lengthening does anything else than pure external tibias which is the safest, cheapest and less painful way of LL.

Isnt tibia more risky due to the ACL and the fibular bone? As in the ACL needs surgery too if you go past X cm and the risk of fibular mal union or change in angle increases?

I am not asking to be a smartass or refute your post I am just genuinely curious.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2023, 07:35:06 AM »

I had some mild procurvatum of the femurs it made no difference to my overall Post CLL height, and btw you only lose a few mm because of your Q Angle (hip/femur angle - typically higher in females), I have narrow hips and after 8cm femurs CLL (Precice 2.2) I realised the full 8cm in height i.e 179 cm from 171 originally.

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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2023, 01:34:16 PM »

I really can't understand why someone who wants only one LL for about 5-6 cm total lengthening does anything else than pure external tibias which is the safest, cheapest and less painful way of LL.

1.increased chances of infection
2.pain if you accidently bump the fixator cage against something
3.having to wear the fixator for 12-18 months


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2023, 10:03:00 AM »

technically 10cm is possible for most, but why completely ruin your athleticism and proportions? 4-6cm is the recommended range for tibias.


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Re: What's the maximum lengthening done on tibias that you know of ?
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2023, 05:39:37 PM »

technically 10cm is possible for most
in one go ?
then why does paley say that you need an ATL release after 5cm?
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