There is a surgery for clavicles which requires making a cut (osteotomy) in the bone and taking a bone graft from either your own bone such as hip or cadaver bone (dead people's bone/doner bone) You will not be able to use one of your arms and will only be able to do one clavicle at once, you could do both but it would be hell. You'll need to have a sling on each arm for 4-6 weeks, it's basically the same recovery time if you had fractured your clavicle, a plate is used to stabilize it which aids in the healing. There a few surgeons in the U.S. who will do it and the cost is 10k per clavicle. It carries less of a risk than LL contrary to what people here like to talk out of their ass. Remember, every surgery here is crazy except limb lengthening to most of the members here. It's the only one that's "justifiable". They rather waste their time berating other members than actually having meaningful/logical discussions. Which is why almost every thread about anything almost always turns into an argument of some sort. If you want more info pm me.