Hello to everyone. I Finally made the decision to do the surgery. Im from Germany, 29y and my height was always an issue for me (160).
Not for girls or something like that, im pretty good looking guy(blue eyes and dark skin)
And I always tried to continue my education and improved my social skills Imo you dont need height for a 10/10GF. Career and able to being sarcastic etc and a good body/face were always enough for me personally.
My real issue is that I cant defend anyone with this height. Its just impossible and I hate it that I have to be scared of getting in trouble because I Look like a girl. I had so much trouble because of this, I got beaten up etc. The worst Part is, that I got beaten up by Kids, 16-17y while I was 26. Its the worst feeling this World and yes I had suicidal thoughts because of this.
My worst experience were at a concert. I Was
at a concert with my sister and I just noticed how 1 guy who was 10 years younger than me tried to kick my sister (to get space). I didnt do anything and I even looked to the bottom, so I can say "I didnt see anything" I just didnt want to get in trouble.but I Was broken inside. My sister is very skinny, short. To thinking about it how a guy tried to Hit her makes me almost crying. Everyday.
I had to change something. I wasnt able to deal it anymore so decided to do this surgery. My goal IS 8CMfemur and 6cm tibia.
I went for precise 2.2.
12.5mm nail, so Im allowed to walk with a walker. Im still pretty scared of using it because of bending the nail. If someone can Show me Videos how to walk with it, I would be happy.
MY doctor said I have very good bone healing so Im lengthening with 1.5mm per Day (3*0.50). I dont know how to feel about this, after reaching 1-2cm I want to switch to 1mm but I also dont want to get pre consolidation
I made the mistake to take some Supplements like Calcium l/Vitamin 3 but they are needed for consolidation Phase not now
Part 2q is coming