I sadly have to kind of agree with some of the above.
I was dealing with some pretty bad demons and still are. Not all of them were height related but quite a lot are.
Well I am just at the beginning of recovery so I can‘t speak for the far future but here are my cents.
Obviously mental health problems doesn‘t directly make you incompetent to do LL HOWEVER
I believe that LL is all about choices. In the beginning I was feeling amazing, finally I got the big part (the surgery itself) behind me and time to get taller. But I soon realised that I will be stretching 4h everyday for 5 months.
Doesn‘t sound too bad I thought and in the beginning it wasn‘t. But as time went on you get more and more exhausted, atrophied, weak. Yet still have to fight everyday. Some days it felt like if I was in a labourer camp in one of the worst times of human existence. It was THAT bad physically.
Also the pain from clicking in the first time was pretty terrible. Thankfully that got better after 4cm but in the beginning I found myself trying to procrastinate it a bit because your brain is wired to avoid painful harming things. That‘s what pain is there for.
But I decided to kick myself in the ass everyday even on bad days. I did it everyday. Always remember the past and why you are here. Why you did this. There is only one way. And I always remembered my LL friends that told me in the end you are happy and forget all that bs. And they were so right. I am happy I pushed for my maximum. I am happy I didn‘t quit early. I am happy I hope I can get back to normal as fast as possible and let me tell you this. Even now I can say all the height stuff got so much fking better. It was that simple. I have been suffering and in different psychiatric treatments since I was 15!!! Mental ward, group counselling, many different doctors, all the psych meds. Nothing made the height neurosis better, even remotely.
But LL did.
So happy I did it. I only regret not doing it during covid lockdown (my only and biggest regret).
I would now say even though I am still not recovered yet my quality of life got better by a huge chunk. 75% of my mental issues vanished. I will say this though; those that are unrelated will stay. I am still the same person in the end.
In the end I think if your mental issues are related to height that‘s maybe even considered as an implication to do this.
Tbh at this point I would NOT even recommend it to people that are NOT suffering from height severely. A lot of people that just want to be a bit taller, they all should just wear insoles. I wore 2 inch insoles everyday since 7 or 8 years and nobody ever noticed anything. I think that solution is far superior to this brutal surgery.
You should only do it if you are suffering extremely but then be conscious about the fact that it is going to be hard. And you will not want to be lazy. Never.
-> From people I‘ve seen btw, I wouldn‘t even say one group or the other was more lazy. The mentally stable people or those that come from extreme suffering pre surgery. There were always slackers and go hard people. It‘s not related to how much you do but how much you do is the biggest factor of outcome considering we all got the same great surgery.
I thought I was a lazy person but I was proven wrong. When something is important to me I can have iron will. It‘s what‘s important in the end