First of all, hello everyone, friends,
This topic is really important to me and I know it concerns many people. This is an important situation that should not be missed for those who are considering having surgery twice.
Although I am a new member in this forum, I have had the opportunity to read old posts and blogs thanks to the web archive. And, most importantly, I realized that almost everyone who had the surgery twice in the forum was very regretful and watched by everyone with sad eyes. Since my time was limited, I could not find the opportunity to read the diaries one by one that day and learn where the problem originated, now I have time, but the web archive provides a very slow connection and I found it reasonable to ask this question to you valuable forum members instead of dealing with it.
My question is, why did those who had the surgery twice so regretted it and why were they almost disabled (talking about the OLD forum members)? Was it because they performed the second surgery without any delay or were the reasons for it different? I do not know because I cannot read the diaries completely, but have you witnessed that a person who had a second surgery after AT LEAST A YEAR LATER THAN FIRST ONE regretted or became disabled, or was not as agile and strong as before? Or are all the problems have occured just because they were being impatient and rushing into the second surgery even though their body barely even handled the first trauma of the surgery?
I've seen people like Crazy+6 and 12345 or something, and Craig. They all seemed to regret their decisions. Has anyone got an idea why is it so? Because I really want to be 185cm and it's not possible for me with just one surgery, but after reading those people's misery, It made me think twice. Now I'm scared. I thought putting a year gap would be OK if everything went good, that's why I'm asking this question. If they put a year gap and still regretted their decisions and got almost crippled, I'll be no way near of doing it. I just wanted to hear about them.
Best Regards