Technically the Gnail can extend past 10cm. I could have gone easily to 9cm from a physical perspective. Maybe even more (no more nerve pain means I didn't really feel anything stopping me).
I obviously just started consolidation so I can't speak from experience but if you search the forum, there's se sort of consensus around the recovery time which equals the distraction time.
So in my case, the lengthening phase lasted about 105 days.
Expecting my gait to go back to normal in that much time from now.
I, now am not walking unaided almost at all. I can only do baby steps and go from one corner of the house to another. Limping like an old penguin on drugs.
Jokes apart, no my gait at the moment is totally off. Duck ass, stiff legs, weak glutes and hip flexor makes basic movements (walking) very hard but...
As others already commented, when I spend like a good 1 hour warming up, doing glutes bridges and other excercises, stretching of the hamstrings and hip flexor... Then my unaided walking gait is much, much better.
The secret is the consistency in the excercise and stretching regime