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Author Topic: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi  (Read 19752 times)

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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2016, 11:05:59 AM »

If it is possible then it will be great if you could show some pre surgery and post surgery x-rays.

Wish you the best.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2016, 12:16:39 PM »

Do you ever have those things where you have been meaning to get to it but something little always pops up to take its place.... Well for  me that has been putting pictures up!!!!!

If it is possible then it will be great if you could show some pre surgery and post surgery x-rays.

Wish you the best.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2016, 12:39:34 PM »

I am treating it like its an infection.   I bought some Ayuverdic antibiotic medicine, and I have been basically staying off my feet, and I have been laying down on my belly as much as possible with my legs up vertically.  I hired a physical therapist to come to my house and massage my calves, and the area  where it looks infected.  So that the old blood can flow out of my my legs, and new blood can flow inI know every westerner  is going to freak out and tell me that I am dumb, and that I should be taking antibiotics, but I think antibiotics are over prescribed and I think that this method should be tried before eating a bunch antibiotics.  Even if something looks infected you should take rest, sleep a lot, change your diet, and drink tea.  When I think I have an infection, I try to sleep like 14 hours a day.  When I am awake, I work out, eat the right kind of fruit, and lay on my belly with my feet at a 90 degree angle, or on my back with my legs elevated.  This will make the puss flow down.   Every time my doctor tells me to take anti-biotics I say I want to get a pus culture, and I want to get my blood cell count taken.  White and red.   and follow this exact routine.  DON"T FOLLOW THE ROUTINE WITH OUT GETTING TESTED.  IT IS NOT WORTH THE RISK.  In india these tests are cheap.  like 4 dollars for the blood cell count test, and 700 rupees for the pus culture.  This is where they take a pus culture, and test it.  If you don't like needle just get this test done and follow routine. 

Both legs swollen with yellow puss comming out? It's an infection and you should treat it ASAP.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2016, 12:42:49 PM »

If you will get your leg amputated because you believe in some alternative bull , the only one who will be put to blame is you and not the doc
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2016, 02:08:10 PM »

So you'll use modern medicine to break your legs and make yourself taller, but won't use it to treat an infection?

Being an original Oregonian myself, that seems about right.   ::)

I do miss the Rose Festival, lots of beautiful women...

And the blackberry bushes that grow everywhere. Used to go pick those as a kid. Buckets full. Got all cut up, but it was worth it.

Get some antibiotics dude, seriously.

Edit: I know you live in cali now, but do you know if the Oregon state fair is still topless?


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2016, 02:18:41 PM »

If you will get your leg amputated because you believe in some alternative bullcrap, the only one who will be put to blame is you and not the doc



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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2016, 10:12:49 AM »

Dear, OreganMade!
I feel bad for you bro because you are facing so many complications now!
but honestly i think you have not been absolutely transparent in sharing some info.

first of all after more than 3 months of reading your diary you suddenly start accusing Indians for being untrustworthy!
I am also an Indian and i want to get the surgery done myself. I wont disagree with the fact that us Indians are opportunist and whenever there is a foreigner we do try to take advantage to him/her by charging more money for everything.

BUT! why untrustworthy? means Dr. Manish lied to you? or misguided you? if that is the case then you must explain in detail what exactly happened with you and why you have come to this conclusion.

i am concerned about you and also need to get my facts staright before choosing a doctor for myself.
PLEASE! your reply will be very helpful!

« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 10:39:41 AM by fightforit »
Starting Height-161cm | Dream Height-173cm | considering to operate on Tibias-6cm, Femur-6cm|

"perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and yet become something beautiful"


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2016, 10:41:30 AM »

OregonMade, is Dr. Manish Dhawan responsible for what all is happening to you? How has he responded to your complications? And why did he agree to lengthen 7 cms when he told Kilokahn that with LON, he'd do only 5 cms?


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2016, 03:38:00 AM »

Hi OreganMade,

Could you give us an update of your recovery progress?  I'm thinking of going to India for this surgery. I've not decided to do femur or tibia.  I'd love to hear your experience if you don't mind sharing.  Doctors I'm considering are Dr. Pahrihar, Dr. Dhawan, Dr. Sarin, and Dr. Sringari.

Best Regards.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2016, 10:41:37 AM »

Hi OreganMade,

Could you give us an update of your recovery progress?  I'm thinking of going to India for this surgery. I've not decided to do femur or tibia.  I'd love to hear your experience if you don't mind sharing.  Doctors I'm considering are Dr. Pahrihar, Dr. Dhawan, Dr. Sarin, and Dr. Sringari.

Best Regards.

Parihar is the boss, go to him no doubt.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2016, 11:24:16 PM »

Yeah, Parihar is the best.
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2016, 03:27:09 PM »

Hey man are you still thinking about doing the Journey?  If you are from Canada or US. you should reach out to me before you go and I will make sure you have everything you will need for journey.  Plus give you some mental advice.  I am all done.  Back in Oregon, and I am finishing my process in the States. 


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2016, 03:44:19 PM »

I just want to say for any potential limb lentheners to stay away from the narcotic pain medication.  Without question the thing that made my journey unbearable was the with drawl symptoms of fentanyl.  Please Please Please for your own sake, seriously consider doing this without narcotics.  AND if you do whatever you do do not take fentanyl patches.  All a person would need is like one pill for physical therapy.  Thats it.  I was taking those patches, and I was constantly being given medication every hour, and that is very unneccesary. 

Simple.  fking hit me up, and I will ship you medical Marijuana From the United States to any country in the world.  My mom sent me edibles and candy, and I was able to sleep every night because of it.  I live in Oregon, and I can get Marijuana for every ailment.  You don't have to worry about getting caught because it will be sent in the form of candy.  The packaging looks so professional that a customs agent wouldn't even be able to tell or wouldn't even assume that it was candy.  I will need cash in advance.  I will charge the same prices as the stores charge here in Oregon.  Yes, in Oregon we have stores that you can go inside and buy marijuana. Let me know and I will give you my contact info and we can chat more about it then.  I am doing this as a labor of love, and not anything else. 


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2016, 04:25:09 PM »

Maybe it's legal in Oregano but i shipping it somewhere else....

Stupid idea.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2019, 10:29:23 PM »

Yeah Bro your right, I was making a huge generalisation.  Indians aren trust worthy but the culture of delhi isn't.  They are like New Yorkers.  Each city is different and the culture of that city has more to do with trustworthiness than race.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2019, 10:58:25 PM »

Hey everyone, I am coming up on year three post my surgery.  I would like to help other Americans make the best decision possible if they choose to go through with this surgery.  Please feel free to give me a call anytime, (650-666-8696) and I can help you to guide you through the decision making process. 

Sometimes I have regrets about the surgery, other times I remember how short I was, and I no longer feel like the short guy in the room and that makes me feel really good inside.  I did it.  I fkin did it.  I made a bunch of mistakes though and I don't want you guys to make those same mistakes. I will list them out one by one. One positive is I found my calling.  I now am a healer and I help people heal their injuries and I am making a decent living at it.  SO if anyone from the forum needs help post surgeries on how to heal I can send you to my website, and youtube channel.  Still in the process of getting that together but will have it soon. 

Mistake 1:
Doing LON illizarov in general wasn't a good idea. There is just to much damage done to the body when using this method.  I would of done internals on my fibulas Why? First why did I do LON? what was my reasoning?

Reason 1: cuz of money to be frank, but with those frames on you really can't work much, and I could have worked and continued in my career if I would of done internal fibs.  Those frames are just a psychological prison, and you feel debilitated in them.  I could of gotten internals on fibs, and just flew back to US to lengthen here.  Why lengthen here because you will be surrounded by friends and family that love and care about you and will help you.  I was all alone over there going through a fentanyl addiction which made my experience 10 times worse. I could of died easily at multiple points.  Almost had a fentanyl overdose.  Also, when you are back in the US, you can start working right away and having a normal life again.  Also, every surgery after the initial surgery is no longer considered an elective surgery so your insurance covers the costs, that is one expense gone.  Also,  you end up saving money not having to spend money to live in a foreign country.  Also,  Kratom is legal here and the pain killing effects of kratom are way better than opiods and have 10 times less draw backs to them.  NEVER TAKE OPIODS WHEN YOU CAN JUST USE KRATOM.  Have your family administer your daily dose for you. 

Reason 2 as to why I chose LON externals:  I thought it was safer, but in reality its not. I haven't done internals for fibs but messing with your ankle and knee seems to take away a lot of athleticism.  Still can't run much.  I don't have experience doing internal fibs but man I just find it hard to conceive that it is harder on the body because you don't mess with the Knee and you don't have scar tissue around the ankle.   Also, I kind of have a club foot now, and I don't think that would have been an issue with internal fibs.  Not sure one that last remark so take it with a grain of salt. 

If you think some indian doctor is going to be your savor or any doctor you got another thing coming.  YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST DOCTOR.  Read, research, and listen to your body. If you are experience nerve pain while lengthening it doesn't matter that your doctor told you to lenthen 1mm a day.  Take a break and just do .25 mm a day untill the pain resides.  If you aren't feeling any nerve pain and your doctor says to slow down why slow down.  Listen to your body!!!  That is just an example
That is why I thought it was useless to stay in that country to lengthen, doctors really didn't tell me much.  I didn't feel like they were helping at all. 


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #47 on: February 17, 2019, 04:53:36 AM »

Do you have an email? I want contact in via email.


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Re: Limb Lengthening on my 28th Birthday with Manish Dhawan in Delhi
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2024, 08:55:15 AM »

what a fking stupid diary
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