In my case the most important question is to know for sure and honestly if the problem of short stature is unsurmountable and also in the future (by waiting some time, self introspection, psychological help, etc), by anything else, therefore reaching the conclusion that:
1)psychotherapy conselling doesn't solve the problem and the other sources of "power"/ strong self esteem failed (good career, good love life, etc) ironically due to height neurosis, and not directly or not due to other reasons, like existencial crisis, very low self esteem not related only to short stature etc)even more than being short itself.
2) emigration is not a possibility in my case.
3) elvator shoes are not enough,not confortable, can't wear allways (beach, girlfriend etc) and possibly not good tho knee articulations and back (used since 17 years ago).
4) Etc.
....and being sure I won't have true hapiness and true feelings of relax, peace, freedom, without growing a bit.
That question is accompanied by 2 more: if I should risk loosing physical 100% body health (or even die) and selling my house to pay, starting all over and alone not being very young.
I also ask me at this moment (that I am so depressed) if I can manage everything, and having very little support up to the end and if there is 10/10 pain and complications.