Do I look like 160cm, loia5tqd001? the middle picture of yours made me 1.93m and the right one was nearly 1.97m-1.98m.
Wow. So you're 180-185 already? Actually, your upper body makes me feel like you're a big guy. But because in the picture you're roughly only 6.5 heads tall, and your femur is short compared to other parts so I didn't really think you're that tall. After seeing the 2nd and 3rd picture after lengthening I think you're much taller than I thought but I didn't think that someone is 180 would go here to ask for a lengthening mockup, so...
On the other hand, the average height for men in my country (Vietnam) is only 165-170 so there was an anchor there, you know.
As far as iron man mock up concerns. I think the right picture (9cmfemur+5cm tibia) the femur looks shorter than in the middle picture or am I wrong?
You'll look most attractive when extending some centimeter on the femur only.
it looks pretty good!
Because I only do 1 picture
. Iron_Man he avoided lengthening your arms so for the femur he only extends the below half. So your thigh looks a little extreme for me. I had to cut your hands, lengthened the femur, then reunited so it looks smoother.