My mom is between 5'7 and 5'8. I can't say exactly why she makes fun of his height, perhaps it is because she secretly despises that aspect of him? Just a guess. It also is just socially acceptable for men to be teased for not being tall. And no offense taken I didn't realise my mom and dads weird relationship until I ,moved out. I noticed that whenever he tries to be intimate at all with her, kissing, hugging, complimenting etc... She rejects him harshly. Saying its gross, or telling him to stop. It may sound strange but I think it's normal for parents' children to pick up on some underlying sexuaity between their parents and I never got that, they seem like siblings. My mom's mom was apparently a huge party girl and my mom grew to despise that so I think she went the opposite direction and is very non-sexual/never drinks/ doesn't enjoy anything that isn't "PG". I think she had 6 kids as a means to an ends of having kids, having sex was just a part of that (most likely unfortunately for her). I appreciate your words of encouragement, I hope to get the surgery done before 25 and am looking at Dr. Mahboubian. Obviously being able to impress girls is nice but the height dysphoria is real. It reminds me of depression in that it feels physical. Well it is but what I mean is that when I was depressed I felt slow and heavy and tired. The height dysphoria makes me feel physically tiny. What would you recommend doctor wise? I chose mahboubian because of the balance of price, hs close to me, and has a great reputation.