I think that one of the several reason a man want to increase his height, have to do with the desire of getting more mating opportunities.
Possibly to increase the quality(beauty)of potential partners. There's nothing wrong with that. We all look for mates with features that will improve the future being.
It's perfectly normal, it is wide know since ancestral times, that the stronger male got more female.
In times where 'being genius-problem solving' was less fundamental than today, physical strenght and brutal force to survive, is easily found in males with specific body structure -height-.
exceptional cases apart.Now, even if humans got through many years, this stuff did remain in our 'primitive hardware'.
And did remain in the female brain like a unconscius criteria of selection. If you ask them, chance are they can't give you a reason. It's in their blood. Maybe she will tell you because it has to be so. Or because she like to wear 4'' heels at night.
Today we did reach an insane point were 'things' are pointed out like a mantra by society - media etc, that most likely everyone makes that thought their belief and spread it to others.
Now, height it is not the only criteria that makes a men appealing. [while beauty it's the only criteria we look for, at a first glance(spin off, they can only test for appearence mostly too, if we don't are followed up by our 'status')]
If this wasn't true, genes of under average male couldn't be spread and now the planet was made only of male with high stature.
So this point's out that there are
some extraordinary individuals that can make it even though they starts with a gap.
The problem is, they are an exception. Not everyone can be the exception, let's throw in talent, dedication, merits, demerits, luck, bad luck. (this can applied to anything).
The men with a towering female partner isn't routine, but far from it. Indeed, even to attract a same height female is time consuming and stressful for the majority.
So it's possible to be the exception, but with little chance.
So, the question is, are you doing it because of the desire for womens?
Because by doing some 'maths' isn't very convenient from the economic - time - energy expenditure and health perspective if it's the only reason.
Now, I'm about to say something demonized by everyone. I already know that.
You can fulfill in a long term the desire of getting outstanding womens by leaking money on the oldest men's favourite entertainment.
The men who seek the stature lenghtening for this purpose, is probably gambling about how he thinks that 3 more inches will make him a heart crusher from the day he fully consolidate the bones.
Probably can't happen because involves other stuff too.
Now, even if it's true, i'm not judgemental about that. Everyone must do whatever he wants for the purpose he wants.
I'm only viewing things from a different angle. Trying to find the most convenient one.
[Fun Fact : 90k surgery -> 450 high quality 'tingling' moment's]
Ok, I'm done.