Well I know at least a few foreigners who stayed at Airbnb alone before finishing lengthening last year and this year
Other Japanese who did tibia and femur with precice lived outside the hospital with wheelchair
He said people were very kind to help him, much sweeter than Japanese
Many locals don’t stay at the hospital
The package includes 70PT sessions for 90 days so I think it’s only once a day thing. I heard no PT on weekends
I don’t speak nor read korean but get around the town alone easy every time I visit Seoul
BUT of course it’s much easier to live in the hospital that’s for sure
Also they serve very good plentiful meals
Im planning Stryde tibia so I’ll leave the hospital very early post op
Currently most tibia patients at inpatient ward are precice and doing like a few hours stretching every day, sleep without splints, many reach 6 or 6.5cm tibia lengthening, some continue lengthening after the package ended so they stay outside hosp with wheelchair
Precice tibia patients really don’t suffer much pains there
I’m sure I’ll get bored at hospital so I may move out one week post surgery and stay at a hotel with nice gym and spa for another week or so then come back to Tokyo