Based on supply and demand principles, I could only see the price dropping significantly (>20%) if a greater # of doctors start performing this procedure.
Currently there is a small group of doctors who perform this surgery globally, and an even smaller list when you think about doctors with enough history and experience to provide the average patient with enough assurance to move forward therefore the supply is low.
For demand, factoring in that the potential candidate cannot afford to take a 6 month break from their every day lives, I think the demand has a hard ceiling for those that are extremely wealthy, those with passive income streams, those who can effectively perform their work from bed side, or those like myself, who have saved enough to cover my everyday expenses for 6 months.
Given the above dynamics, I can't see the price dropping unless the technology evolves to a place where people can do CLL safely and continue to lengthen while going about their everyday lives. There would have to be significant advancements around soft tissue/muscle recovery from stretching for this to happen. The ironic thing there is if it became that accessible and mainstream, everyone would likely do it, which would bring the average height even higher.
Highly doubt it , only short men would mainly do it, which would eliminate small portion of the shorter group which wouldn’t really make a noticeable difference. Possibly small amount of average guys would do it. But i doubt it would get to that point where a large margin would do it, the average human wouldn’t do something drastic like this to themselves, it takes a lot of self motivation. Even if it was half the price and half the recovery 99.9% of people wouldn’t do it. It’s surrounded by taboo and misinformation and a very scary procedure. It took me over a year to decide whether I want to do this.
I’m sure there are less than 400-500 people in the US that do this per year, even if that was 4-5 million that would only mean 1 out of every 100 person in the US has altered height, which wouldn’t make a noticeable difference at all. there are half a billion people in the USA. Until it gets to like 5-10% more or less which it never will or at least in our lifetime.
Countries like China and Korea may be a different story because it is popular more there, however they have pretty bad doctors and methods. Unless you’re going to Donghoon lee you would more than likely not make a full recovery, it was so bad in China they banned it for a while because of how many people were getting disabled
Anyways point is CLL will never be desirable anytime soon to the average American. People that do CLL and recover good are 0.0001 of the USA population ( or whatever developed country) .
MAIN focus, no ones going to keep competing to being taller and taller. That’s in your guys head, tall people don’t think about height like you do. It’s secondary to their life. Just like skinny people don’t compete to get skinnier and skinnier, there’s a desirable range. Women prefer men 6ft or a little taller. Some women like 6’5 but a lot think that’s too much. 6ft or a little more seems to be the magic number. Anyways I don’t know why alotof people on this forum view height as the key to life, there are hundreds of other factors that will influence your life job social status and relationship status, height is one of those factors but no ones going to compete by breaking their legs to be the master tall race. No one cares if you’re seven foot, most women will that that’s too much or weird looking. you might stand out more but it’s not your genies lamp to everything, that’s retarded. The mentality of some people baffles me. Once you’re 6ft+ height is not important and you will never feel insecure unless you’re mentally ill or if you live in the netherlands