This is what your desire for leg lengthening really boils down to. You spend your life with terrible self esteem and so you seek out a surgery that harms your body permanently, even the ones with "successful" outcomes. You like the post surgery pain, you like the pain of physical therapy, you like the lifelong pains and weakness that follows after surgery, and you like that people think you're a psycho and/or mentally weak for doing this. This is why so many of you go for a second round. You tell yourself it's because you're somehow still not tall enough, but it really is just your desire to go through that pain and humiliation all over again because you're used to and crave ways to harm yourself. That's why none of you who are unsuccessful with women pre surgery will become successful after it. Women are wired to sniff out cuck-like beta male mentality and will be turned off by you even after your added inches.
It's a real psychological issue and heavy doses of medication are what you need, combined with psychological evaluation if you ever plan for anything to tangibly change. This of course mostly applies to average height ones doing leg lengthening but it could also be said to a lesser degree for some of the actual short ones as well.