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Author Topic: Dr. Monegal  (Read 14275 times)

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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #62 on: September 02, 2017, 02:53:01 AM »

Isn't it about time to stop this circus?
Went from 164 to 170 cm
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #63 on: September 02, 2017, 06:30:15 AM »

Isn't it about time to stop this circus?
Yes, I am getting tired of this crap, new people can get confused
Budget will determine my future.

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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #64 on: September 02, 2017, 07:07:58 AM »

My sources don't know about those patients (male and female).


The explain a lot.  Datum, is not a troll, he is the LL Secret Agent.
He is apparently 10 years old with mommy issues.

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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2017, 08:02:26 AM »

A life experience for Dr. Monegal; should he read posts form the forum as some suggest. 

A group of investors I was a part of did this to prove that the unethical CEO of a small cap company was posting BS anonymously on Investment forums in hopes of driving the price of the companies stock up.  BTW, he went to jail because the FBI and SEC got involved.  The company went bankrupt and we got nil  :-\

In any case, we took the following steps.

Message the forum moderator and see if they will cooperate with providing information to identify LonghairedGirl.  I would request that they forensically preserve her posts and then remove them.  If the moderator will not cooperate, contact Endurance International the owner of the IP / Data Center that hosts this forum,

RTechPhone:  +1-213-536-4767

They will likely respond and inform the administrative contact for this forum.

If nothing comes of that, get an Attorney to subpoena Athenix (Endurance International) for any information they might be able to provide as the IP block owner. 

Athenix Inc.
523 W 6th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Once you get the info, subponea the ISP of that LonghairedGirl used to post to provide information; they can possible even provide her identity if she was naïve enough.   it may require another subpoena from the organization utilizing the transmitting IP.

An Attorney may take this case on contingency, once they determine LonghairedGirl has assets; since this is slam dunk on a defamation charge.

If the forum moderator is smart, they will take the this thread down themselves or at least remove LonghairedGirls defamatory posts so I would be sure to take lots of screen shots.



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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2017, 08:16:57 AM »

Forum moderators aren't going to do anything because this isn't a patient diary. It's just criticism, it happens everywhere in every topic on every forum on the internet. However. what usually happens on old forums is that people post a few posts on such threads then just leave. On this forum however many people seem to be extremely defensive. If you ignored the op then I am sure that this thread would have been long forgotten. In summary, don't feed the troll, regardless whether the op is really a troll or not. I mean come on, it's not like patients who want to go to monegal will suddenly change their mind after reading this topic. If this however was a patient diary then the op will be asked to post photos / X-rays of the surgery, if the op fails to response then the readers will either say the diary is fake,  or they will consider it useless and unreliable.
Original height: 176cm
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #67 on: September 02, 2017, 11:32:04 AM »

I don't know who is tallornacho, even so, let me troll the troll a bit...
He said he didn't meet any female patients while there and it can very well be true. He never said there were no females patients at mics.
Monegal was on holidays in August, however, he was able to meet Neverland. Why? Because even on holidays he took that day to meet his patients needs.

Suck it up troll.

I had the surgery of my first leg on July 4th, stayed at MICs from July 10th to the end of the month.

Yes, I was at MICs and I'm aware that Musikmaker was there, but unfortunately I didn't meet her. Apart from her, I know for sure that there weren't other female patients as I asked everyday to the receptionist if any new patient was coming, just to chat with new people. When I say there wasn't any female patients, I'm just referring to the two patients that LonghairedGirl mentioned. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm not lying I just wanted to expose LonghairedGirl lies.
Dr. Monegal patient
Two stage internal femurs with Fitbone.
5cm, from 172cm to 177cm


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #68 on: September 02, 2017, 05:17:22 PM »

Cooper's experience where he was nearly crippled for life by Dr. Monegal is documented and verified right here on this forum. The only way Cooper was able to get the help he needed was by leaving Dr. Monegal in Barcelona and going to Dr. Paley and Dr. Rozbruch who had to completely reconstruct his lower legs just so he could walk again. If Cooper stayed in Barcelona he would have been another victim of The Butcher From Barcelona.

Cooper's documented and verified experience with Dr. Monegal -

All these so called "patients" of Dr. Monegal with their so called "great experiences" do their best to flood the forum and try to hide the crippling experience that Cooper suffered at the hands of Dr. Monegal. New people to the forum need to know the truth.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2017, 05:44:46 PM by LongHairGirl »
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #69 on: September 02, 2017, 05:25:37 PM »

Cooper's own words-

"I had very bad experience with Tibia lengthening. I made terrible mistake of doing tibia with Monegal. I probably went through worst ultimate nightmares. I usually write Dr. in front of him but he lost that honorary title long time ago. Ever since I came to US I had some nuisances about right tibia. It felt something did not go well. But I was giving benefit of doubt. I have been telling all LLers’ through private chat tibia should be easy and since this is one leg I should have much better experience than femur.

Late last year I went to see Dr. Rozbruch in New York to check on tibia. Immediately after reading x-ray he pointed out 3 major issues. 1) Provactum tibia bone curving 2) Fibula migrated up. When the monegal fixate tibia and fib bones he somehow pushed the fibula up and fixate. The angulation is not correct this is major issue out of three 3) low callous and possible non-union 4) lost nerve on feet about 25% (not major but had to fix).  Dr. R advised to fixed all three and his assistant wrote a note which I forwarded monegal right away. I asked precisely to Dr. R what can be done with him. The answer was reverse everything and put external fixator for tibia and small monorail for tibia and lengthen. I was devastated to hear that!"
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #70 on: September 02, 2017, 05:26:55 PM »

Cooper's own words-

"I emailed monegal and hoped he can correct the issue. But he denied any of that need fix. Similar response to Crimson: ‘everything is fine' and keep lengthening to your desire 5.5cm. He also advised me not see any LL specialist. I told him ok. But I was not stupid. I knew by then I have major issues and I was only about 3.5cm. I keep lengthening and start looking for a solution to fix right leg and lengthen left leg. I was determined to get it done in US because I cannot take more chances.
The two US doctor I communicated:
1) Paley : first chastised me for going for inexperience doctor second the complication is major and will require more time and money to fix. His recommendation is take out the fitbone, put external fixator to not to loose the distraction gained, inserted non lengthening rod, lengthen fibula by 1cm, plated fibula, fixated tibia/fibula, bone grafted tibia and fibula for non-union, nerve decompression and put new non lengthening rod. He estimated about $100K for fix and left leg lengthening with precise.
2) Rozbruch: fist he did not want to help and asked me to go my first surgeon. I told him monegal is not capable of fixing and cannot be trusted. He said he will help. Cost about the same.

I also contacted few other doctors and everyone agreed on the three issues. I picked one of the US doctor and currently in recovering."
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2017, 05:28:00 PM »

Cooper's own words-

Monegal Issues:
1)   Dishonest: He did not disclose all the information and lied on patient count and his experience. He emailed he performed 600 bone segments. Come to find out I was third tibia patient. One of his patient told me in Spain everyone lies. His manipulates deliberately and black mailed his patient to write good things about him and defend him as often as necessary. You cannot trust this doctor and his patient specially from Spain!!!
2)   Unethical: If you are not honest than you do not have ethics. Especially in this profession you want to go to doctor who respects patient rights, if something is not right than let the patient know and possible solution to fix. Just not to say everything will be ok. You need more time.
3)   Poor Osteotomy: Most of his patient has issue with callous formation. Interesting part is all of the patient with few exceptions are lengthening less than 6cm. Still have poor bone formation. I have both fibula and tibia non-union and misalignment. Grafted both and I gained only 5.3com. I thought I did 6 but the x-ray show 5.3com.
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #72 on: September 02, 2017, 05:28:54 PM »

Cooper's own words-

4)   Poor logistics: When I had my surgery I was in recovery room for long time. He could not find me and went home without meeting me in person. He later phoned me to say everything went ok. They forgot to put catheter and I did not pee for long time. I screamed and used profanity to get attention at the hospital. The epidural was not turned on and I was in pain for long time. Nursed blamed me tempering with epidural and told monegal I shut it off.
5)   Pain management: I was in 10/10 pain level during first night. The worst pain of my life. Nurses and caretaker does not know how to manage pain. Their respond will be ‘that is normal’. On my last two surgery my pain level never went more than 2/3.
6)   Fibula bone: For monegal fibula bone is not important and ok to have non-union. Even mentioned he can take fibula bone put some place else for bone lengthening while I was in Spain. Fibula is sort of extra bone put in reserve. Such a stupid comment coming from surgeon. His action is not to do anything regarding my fibula non-union.
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #73 on: September 02, 2017, 05:29:45 PM »

Cooper's own words-

7)   Forum: He is using forum to fish new patient and anyone raised flag he tries to shut him off either by himself or through his patient. He gets mad to his patient if anyone writes bad thing and continuously monitor forum thread. He probably spends more time in forum than any of us out here.
8)   His Patients: most of his patients are good people by heart. We all come from same height neurosis industry and wanting to get taller. I feel forum is fraternity to support each other. This doctor is exploiting forum to his advantage. We need to stop him. I am still in contact with few of them. They need him to fix the issue, correct whatever complication and have to oblige whatever he asks them to write. I would not be surprised if few of his patients come to this thread and try to defend him.
9)   Complication: Almost all of his patient has some complications. Many of them cannot walk without crutches. Complications includes but not limited to premature fitbone fracture, fitbone malfunctions, loose screws, serious nerve issue, misalignment and unkown. Unknown are other complications which patient does not know because they have not seen other LL specialist.
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2017, 08:36:10 PM »

You disgusting long-haired scumbag! You're rotten from within. Why don't you post proofs? Because you haven't got any. Why do you keep posting Cooper's posts? Because you ran out of arguments. You're a worthless bag of  . I hope you get everything you deserve.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2017, 09:25:36 PM »

Dr monegal is an excelent Doctor
Admin Note: User banned for creating multiple accounts (bander72. deniscef, backrandon, enrique)  and trying to impersonate other users with similar nicks.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2017, 10:08:28 PM »

This is NOT Dr Monegal. This is a fake as longhair is.
It seems like the only argument this trolls have always ends up in Cooper.
It is in the line of the troll army, but posting using a fake Dr Monegal is against law.
Forum should take immediate action and ban this users.

And YES, in my case Dr Monegal did an incredible job. Probably he had a bad case with Cooper (who was in Barcelona for 2-3 weeks and never came back to him). All LL doctors have had bad cases, absolutely all. Paley, Guichet, Monegal and doctor is free of complications.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2017, 11:09:14 PM »

A life experience for Dr. Monegal; should he read posts form the forum as some suggest. 

A group of investors I was a part of did this to prove that the unethical CEO of a small cap company was posting BS anonymously on Investment forums in hopes of driving the price of the companies stock up.  BTW, he went to jail because the FBI and SEC got involved.  The company went bankrupt and we got nil  :-\

In any case, we took the following steps.

Message the forum moderator and see if they will cooperate with providing information to identify LonghairedGirl.  I would request that they forensically preserve her posts and then remove them.  If the moderator will not cooperate, contact Endurance International the owner of the IP / Data Center that hosts this forum,

RTechPhone:  +1-213-536-4767

They will likely respond and inform the administrative contact for this forum.

If nothing comes of that, get an Attorney to subpoena Athenix (Endurance International) for any information they might be able to provide as the IP block owner. 

Athenix Inc.
523 W 6th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90014

Once you get the info, subponea the ISP of that LonghairedGirl used to post to provide information; they can possible even provide her identity if she was naïve enough.   it may require another subpoena from the organization utilizing the transmitting IP.

An Attorney may take this case on contingency, once they determine LonghairedGirl has assets; since this is slam dunk on a defamation charge.

If the forum moderator is smart, they will take the this thread down themselves or at least remove LonghairedGirls defamatory posts so I would be sure to take lots of screen shots.

Now you're talking, my friend! SLANDER is a very serious crime that cannot go unpunished.



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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #78 on: September 03, 2017, 07:13:57 PM »

Very nice jokes, Dr Monegal. Or should I say Mr Sarcastic? Regards from a forensic linguistics expert.

By the way, Thedreamer, you have been identified too.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #79 on: September 04, 2017, 11:55:33 AM »

You disgusting long-haired scumbag! You're rotten from within. Why don't you post proofs? Because you haven't got any. Why do you keep posting Cooper's posts? Because you ran out of arguments. You're a worthless bag of crap. I hope you get everything you deserve.

The writings of a bonafide loser.
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #80 on: September 04, 2017, 04:04:53 PM »

Hi long hair,

I can't believe you have taken the time to write you essay type complain , your  complains about monegal seems to be more of a personal problem , anyone can pick there is something wrong with you. Plus somehow u think you are related to the other troll account.

All the best to you poor devil
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #81 on: September 04, 2017, 05:10:50 PM »

Hi long hair,

I can't believe you have taken the time to write you essay type complain , your  complains about monegal seems to be more of a personal problem , anyone can pick there is something wrong with you. Plus somehow u think you are related to the other troll account.

All the best to you poor devil

In my opinion Longhairgirl's story isn't related to the other troll account. Their modus operandi is different. I have talked to some Monegal patients and they think it's a fake coming from a person with a severe mental illness. I beg moderators to check Longhair's IP address and ban her, as she is mentally deranged. She should be banned straight away from here, as well as the clone accounts of the doctor.

Anyway, I must also play the devil's advocate and point out that you have never met Dr Monegal in person, and you have never met his patients. Your opinion about this situation is based in posts from a debate between anonymous users dealing with issues you don't know anything about. Thus, your opinion isn't relevant and could be detrimental for you and the doctor. Since you're a prospective patient without solid facts or evidence, you could be termed by people in this forum, not without reason, as a mere Monegal fanboy. Given the prevalent situation of anarchy that reigns in the forum regarding Monegal, this doesn't benefit anybody.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #82 on: September 04, 2017, 09:44:12 PM »

I'm convinced Patientprivacy and Uonlyliveonce are alt accounts of dr monegal himself and/or his patients, hence why they are so offended and have resorted to personal attacks like 'scumbag' and 'worthless bag of crap' and threatening users with lawsuits (which dr. monegal also did back when he was posting from his original account).  Really classy, monegal & co.

It's kinda obvious with all these pro-monegal accounts with low post history coming out of nowhere and viciously defending him. These accounts are just as annoying as the troll accounts.


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #83 on: September 04, 2017, 10:22:07 PM »

Let me clarify:
- Dr Monegal left the forum long time ago, and he has no alternative accounts. Don't place this burden on him.
- U only live once is a prospective patient, like many others in this forum. We have never talked to him.
- Patientprivacy is indeed a group of patients of Dr Monegal who aren't happy with the fact their doctor is being slandered and their own privacy compromised. PP takes the responsability of defending the doctor and his patients' privacy. 'Classy'? Don't underestimate us, my darling, we can go from ghetto to gentlemen in one second!
In short, we think it makes no sense to slander and defamate doctors. LL is a dangerous surgery and complications often occur due to the nature of the procedure. Monegal may have had complications, but Paley, Guichet or Rozbruch have also encountered complications during their respective careers. Have a good night!


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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #84 on: September 05, 2017, 09:02:54 AM »

I'm convinced Patientprivacy and Uonlyliveonce are alt accounts of dr monegal himself and/or his patients, hence why they are so offended and have resorted to personal attacks like 'scumbag' and 'worthless bag of crap' and threatening users with lawsuits (which dr. monegal also did back when he was posting from his original account).  Really classy, monegal & co.

It's kinda obvious with all these pro-monegal accounts with low post history coming out of nowhere and viciously defending him. These accounts are just as annoying as the troll accounts.

Yes Goldenegg I am pro-monegal cuz I think he is a great doctor ! From all the doctors I talked to he was the only one who came across as the most qualified for this job. However, it  s me that every day I log in to see whether I could find more valuable information, someone has just created a new account and
start distorting the whole forum, blurring information that could help many people in making their decision and their quests to achieve a better life.

If you or anyone else would like to speak to me please, message me your skype account to have a webcam conversation so we can look in the eyes and see whether we can have a meaningful talk.

All the best !

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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #85 on: September 05, 2017, 10:20:13 AM »

In my opinion Longhairgirl's story isn't related to the other troll account. Their modus operandi is different. I have talked to some Monegal patients and they think it's a fake coming from a person with a severe mental illness. I beg moderators to check Longhair's IP address and ban her, as she is mentally deranged. She should be banned straight away from here, as well as the clone accounts of the doctor.

Anyway, I must also play the devil's advocate and point out that you have never met Dr Monegal in person, and you have never met his patients. Your opinion about this situation is based in posts from a debate between anonymous users dealing with issues you don't know anything about. Thus, your opinion isn't relevant and could be detrimental for you and the doctor. Since you're a prospective patient without solid facts or evidence, you could be termed by people in this forum, not without reason, as a mere Monegal fanboy. Given the prevalent situation of anarchy that reigns in the forum regarding Monegal, this doesn't benefit anybody.

How do you know I don't know him? So do you know who I know? probably not, and I hope it remains that way. As you mention above this is a forum made up of a whole bunch anonymous people, therefore, neither do you know for certain whether she/he is our only one friend the troll. Don't let them fool you about his modus operandi There is nothing that has come out from Longhair that could be considered helpful or reliable for any potential LLer. Cooper's story was told by cooper and every member or visitor of this forum read his story on his diary and I hope he is doing well; however, what Longhair was doing is using Cooper's side of the story and some others made up by her/him to excuse her/his hate against Monegal. Clear as crystal water!

About this being detrimental for myself or the doctor, I seriously doubt it. But it is imperative that people find this forum as a useful source of information for which people should express their fair and truthful opinions without falsely accusing someone. My concern is therefore, at the very least, contribute to the transparency of this forum for which when I render my opinion that I don't believe him/her, it becomes very relevant to the topic. Oh, and one more thing, not that I intend to give you attitude, but no one here has solid facts or evidence unless you are posting photos or videos which many of Monegal's patients have, reason why I believe he is a good doctor, solid facts and evidence!!

Since you are lurking around this forum I assume you are also after LL, I wish the very best in your journey. 

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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #86 on: September 05, 2017, 07:55:46 PM »

What Longhair says is FALSE afaik. What Cooper and me say is TRUE.
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Re: Dr. Monegal
« Reply #87 on: September 05, 2017, 09:34:08 PM »

I'm sorry but this forum becomes really boring & childish since like a week.
1.68-1.69 to 176.5(morning) - 174,5 tibial monorail LON with Dr. Inan. Surgery 10.07.2017/ Fixator remove 12.10.2017/ Walk unaided with casts 19.10.2017/ Walk completely unaided 15.12.2017/ Walk completely normal (Jan-Feb 2018 probably)
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