really can have a small variation maybe 1cm,
but no more than that,
I'm a sculptor, plastic artist.
already made illustration of biological anatomy,
I know the human anatomy, both bone and muscle.
and this peculiarity is observable in my brother and cousins, is a hereditary characteristic, and I have already made measurements in them also hahahah
Your total leg length is supposedly 84cm ("1.0 t/f ratio with 42cm femurs"), and you say you are a 178cm man.
Android was 163.2cm, but his total leg length,
measured by orthopedic professionals with professional equipment, resulted in a total of 83cm. According to your stats, you only have 1cm over Android's natural legs. However, you are a 178cm (~5'10) man, and Android was a 163.2cm (~5'4) man. That would mean you're
13.8cms (~5.4 inches) taller than pre-LL Android with
just feet + torso + neck + head height - with almost identical total leg length. It's hard to believe.
What generally happens is that the vast majority of humans don't know where their femurs actually start, and can't measure them properly without the proper radiographic equipment, software, and expertise.