Uhm, i'm kinda new here. Just had a tiny question about the lengthening on the Femurs. i appreciate anyone's help <3
I was originally hoping to go up to 5'10, and to do that i needed a gain of 7 or 8 cm's. But, i was hoping to get it done on my Tibia's.. not the femurs.
And as so many professional doctors with experience have recommended that it's quite risky to exceed 5 - 6 cm's on the tibia, I thought i could just do the lengthening on my Femurs.. but.. the problem i have is, My thighs are pretty big.
I'm not too sure my thighs are ready to be performed on.. They are pretty big and bulky. Both from muscles and fat.
And that my muscle tissues might not be able to handle the stretching, leading to complications and a rougher road than expected.
I've considered working out my thighs and losing a lot of fat in general before the surgery, Because obviously i need to prepare well but, I was just hoping if just like so, My thighs on their own, as fat and as big as they are, might be able to handle 8 cm's of lengthening?
I am in no way looking towards miracles or i am in no way greedy to gain so much height
Just as long as i know i'm safe and everything goes according to plan avoiding major complications.
I hope my post doesn't drift away in the abyss of this website and someone actually comes across this..
A reply would be much appreciated <3 thank you
Currently 5'6/7, Hoping to go up to 5'10, suffering from major Height Dysphoria