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Author Topic: The Doctor's threat  (Read 11893 times)

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #31 on: October 10, 2016, 09:42:09 PM »

ok LLuser i agree with you, Cooper had a problem with him, and it was the doctor's mistake. But anyone could have a mistake right? did he threat Cooper too?

Yes he threatened Cooper too. Ask him

I had very bad experience with Tibia lengthening. I made terrible mistake of doing tibia with Monegal. I probably went through worst ultimate nightmares.

Monegal Issues:
1)   Dishonest: He did not disclose all the information and lied on patient count and his experience. He emailed he performed 600 bone segments. Come to find out I was third tibia patient. One of his patient told me in Spain everyone lies. His manipulates deliberately and black mailed his patient to write good things about him and defend him as often as necessary. You cannot trust this doctor and his patient specially from Spain!!!
2)   Unethical: If you are not honest than you do not have ethics. Especially in this profession you want to go to doctor who respects patient rights, if something is not right than let the patient know and possible solution to fix. Just not to say everything will be ok. You need more time.
3)   Poor Osteotomy: Most of his patient has issue with callous formation. Interesting part is all of the patient with few exceptions are lengthening less than 6cm. Still have poor bone formation. I have both fibula and tibia non-union and misalignment. Grafted both and I gained only 5.3com. I thought I did 6 but the x-ray show 5.3com.
4)   Poor logistics: When I had my surgery I was in recovery room for long time. He could not find me and went home without meeting me in person. He later phoned me to say everything went ok. They forgot to put catheter and I did not pee for long time. I screamed and used profanity to get attention at the hospital. The epidural was not turned on and I was in pain for long time. Nursed blamed me tempering with epidural and told monegal I shut it off.
5)   Pain management: I was in 10/10 pain level during first night. The worst pain of my life. Nurses and caretaker does not know how to manage pain. Their respond will be ‘that is normal’. On my last two surgery my pain level never went more than 2/3.
6)   Fibula bone: For monegal fibula bone is not important and ok to have non-union. Even mentioned he can take fibula bone put some place else for bone lengthening while I was in Spain. Fibula is sort of extra bone put in reserve. Such a stupid comment coming from surgeon. His action is not to do anything regarding my fibula non-union.
7)   Forum: He is using forum to fish new patient and anyone raised flag he tries to shut him off either by himself or through his patient. He gets mad to his patient if anyone writes bad thing and continuously monitor forum thread. He probably spends more time in forum than any of us out here.
8)   His Patients: most of his patients are good people by heart. We all come from same height neurosis industry and wanting to get taller. I feel forum is fraternity to support each other. This doctor is exploiting forum to his advantage. We need to stop him. I am still in contact with few of them. They need him to fix the issue, correct whatever complication and have to oblige whatever he asks them to write. I would not be surprised if few of his patients come to this thread and try to defend him.
9)   Complication: Almost all of his patient has some complications. Many of them cannot walk without crutches. Complications includes but not limited to premature fitbone fracture, fitbone malfunctions, loose screws, serious nerve issue, misalignment and unkown. Unknown are other complications which patient does not know because they have not seen other LL specialist.

Suggestion to Forum Moderator:

Ban monegal effective immediately and stop any patient going to him wherever possible.
If I can save one life, leg or limb than I feel my diary has serve good for this community. Why let dishonest/crook surgeon come to forum and exploit the harmony of forum and most importantly destroyed people lives. I intentionally write ‘lives’ because it is not only one patient it’s the entire family involve.

Ok. let me break down bit further. Other patient cannot come to forum and expose about this doctor because he is monitoring forum like vultures. He is control freak and asked them to write good things. How would any patients who needs his help will come to the forum and say bad thing. Just think about it.

#2: There are few people who went to spain and backed off from the surgery because of what they saw and meeting patient personally. Few of them try to paint the real picture but however shut it off. Even one tiny concern should be major flag in my book for this kind of surgery.

#3: My goal is to bring awareness and let other people know what can happen when picking a wrong hand. I will be more busy with work once i start picking more hours. I may not able to write regularly here. Right now i am in bed and i have some time to put my thoughts, share honest experience with everyone.

Despite all this you want to support or even want to be his patient. Than by all means go to Spain and break your leg. I will pray god for those innocent heart.

I want to bring awareness and that is one objective of me coming back and writing here.
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #32 on: October 10, 2016, 10:05:01 PM »

Yes he threatened Cooper too. Ask him

Ok but when he faced complications which is common sometimes, why he didn't let Dr Monegal fix it for free, he decided to pay fking 100k, its a lot of money for complication


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #33 on: October 10, 2016, 10:11:15 PM »

Monegal said there was no problem! He offered to fix one issue but there were many issues that he wanted to leave unfixed. Moreover, he doesn't have the technical skills to fix some issues. Look at Musicmaker. She remained with him and had 10 surgeries and she is still confined to a wheelchair
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2016, 10:14:22 PM »

So what issues did he not want to fix.
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2016, 10:31:37 PM »

Monegal said 'you are OK. Just minor correction in the worst of cases'. But Cooper needed complex reconstruction. All USA surgeons agreed. Read his diary

Late last year I went to see Dr. Rozbruch in New York to check on tibia. Immediately after reading x-ray he pointed out 3 major issues. 1) Provactum tibia bone curving 2) Fibula migrated up. When the monegal fixate tibia and fib bones he somehow pushed the fibula up and fixate. The angulation is not correct this is major issue out of three 3) low callous and possible non-union 4) lost nerve on feet about 25% (not major but had to fix).  Dr. R advised to fixed all three and his assistant wrote a note which I forwarded monegal right away. I asked precisely to Dr. R what can be done with him. The answer was reverse everything and put external fixator for tibia and small monorail for tibia and lengthen. I was devastated to hear that!

I emailed monegal and hoped he can correct the issue. But he denied any of that need fix. Similar response to Crimson: ‘everything is fin
e' and keep lengthening to your desire 5.5cm. He also advised me not see any LL specialist. I told him ok. But I was not stupid. I knew by then I have major issues and I was only about 3.5cm. I keep lengthening and start looking for a solution to fix right leg and lengthen left leg. I was determined to get it done in US because I cannot take more chances.
The two US doctor I communicated:
1) Paley : first chastised me for going for inexperience doctor second the complication is major and will require more time and money to fix. His recommendation is take out the fitbone, put external fixator to not to loose the distraction gained, inserted non lengthening rod, lengthen fibula by 1cm, plated fibula, fixated tibia/fibula, bone grafted tibia and fibula for non-union, nerve decompression and put new non lengthening rod. He estimated about $100K for fix and left leg lengthening with precise.
2) Rozbruch: fist he did not want to help and asked me to go my first surgeon. I told him monegal is not capable of fixing and cannot be trusted. He said he will help. Cost about the same.

I also contacted few other doctors and everyone agreed on the three issues.

I picked one of the US doctor and currently in recovering. I am not disclosing anything yet and will let you know eventually.

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #36 on: October 10, 2016, 10:57:44 PM »

So has a made a recovery from this.
Bander72: Banned for Impersonating A Dr (fake Dr.Monegal)  account


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #37 on: October 11, 2016, 12:07:52 AM »

So Cooper = LLuser1?

That would explain why all the hate towards Monegal.


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #38 on: October 11, 2016, 12:12:46 AM »

So Cooper = LLuser1?

That would explain why all the hate towards Monegal.

I'm quoting Cooper. I'm not Cooper. Mods can check IP.
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #39 on: October 11, 2016, 12:15:19 AM »

I'm quoting Cooper. I'm not Cooper. Mods can check IP.
So what happened between you and Monegal that made you create an account to defame him in every single post?


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #40 on: October 11, 2016, 12:17:09 AM »

Dr. Monegal has said that he doesnt meet Lluser and recognized Cooper as a patient.
Budget will determine my future.


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #41 on: October 11, 2016, 12:21:31 AM »

Dr. Monegal has said that he doesnt meet Lluser and recognized Cooper as a patient.
He may not know who LLuser1 is but no one takes so much effort to defame someone for so long without any reason. My guess is that LLuser1 has met Monegal, he just doesn't know it. 


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #42 on: October 11, 2016, 12:28:50 AM »

I visited Spain, I visited him, I visited the guesthouse, and I wanted to have it done because he nice and he got me but some weeks later I realized he had lied about everything and he had shown only the good cases (he hid Musicmaker on purpose). He said he had NO complications. He said Fitbone NEVER failed. BUT he had already had cases of non union, pseudoarthrosis, misalignments, fractures, permanent nerve pain, nail malfunction, loosening screws. This is a salesman not a doctor. I don't like people who exploit other people's insecurities to get personal benefit. I think them must be exposed. I'm not defaming only exposing and not in every single post.
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #43 on: October 11, 2016, 12:42:40 AM »

I visited Spain, I visited him, I visited the guesthouse, and I wanted to have it done because he nice and he got me but some weeks later I realized he had lied about everything and he had shown only the good cases (he hid Musicmaker on purpose). He said he had NO complications. He said Fitbone NEVER failed. BUT he had already had cases of non union, pseudoarthrosis, misalignments, fractures, permanent nerve pain, nail malfunction, loosening screws. This is a salesman not a doctor. I don't like people who exploit other people's insecurities to get personal benefit. I think them must be exposed. I'm not defaming only exposing and not in every single post.
Do you know any doctor who hasn't had the same complications you stated above? Sorry but even I don't need to visit a doctor to know that his nail has a chance to fail and that he has had at least a few complications.

Every CLL doctor is a salesman doctor, which imo doesn't really matter as long as they do their job right.

Why haven't you visited other doctors since then?


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #44 on: October 11, 2016, 01:02:19 AM »

I understand they are there for the money but I can't accept dishonesty and lies. They are risking people's lives
I've visited other doctors in Europe and America and I've done online research but they are too far or they are too expensive
Betz has also many complications but the percentage is minimal if we compare to Monegal because he has done more more cases
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2016, 01:05:08 AM »

I understand they are there for the money but I can't accept dishonesty and lies. They are risking people's lives
I've visited other doctors in Europe and America and I've done online research but they are too far or they are too expensive
Betz has also many complications but the percentage is minimal if we compare to Monegal because he has done more more cases

By too expensive I understand that you must talk about the US doctors and Guichet. So why dont go to Birkholtz for femurs or Catagni for externals tibias? Both are mid-range expensive and are considered good (Catagni is for sure the best option for external tibias in my opinion)...
  Unless you decided to not do LL at all...
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #46 on: October 11, 2016, 01:24:51 AM »

Complications is one thing lying and falsifying facts is another


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #47 on: October 11, 2016, 08:13:43 AM »

Complications is one thing lying and falsifying facts is another

But lying and falsifying facts to only one patient?  ::)


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #48 on: October 11, 2016, 08:25:26 AM »

There's no way of knowing wether it was only one patient and there's no way of knowing wether cooper was even telling the truth or maybe he embellished out of anger at this point it would just come down too your own opinion

Dr Monegal

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #49 on: October 11, 2016, 08:40:02 AM »

You were never here. You said You did... One of patients october 2014? 
In fact You spoke To all of Them and You are not among them. MM was at The guesthouse and did not want To see anybody at that time.
And then You accepted You lied as usual.

Find An email or sms of me which demonstrates I threat patients and I will stop LL.
You can t proof This. Be brave and accept The challenge.

Since You appeared here To revenge your angry mate, I have performed more than 80 Fitbone procedures (read well). No single patient has posted any kind of The complications You mention.
Only case of malfunction MM
Only case of fracture MM (I know more than 5 cases of each of your beloved doc).
Never had To graft any single case (of course You don t know what Is non-union or pseudoartrosis)
Misalignment. YES we all know This can happen..specially in tibia with monolaterals (which I have To correct from other docs) But still The preferred method in The forum.
Nerve pain goes away. Proof that. And of course This Is caused by distraction not by doc.
Loosening screws. YES This can happen. Specially When bearing weigth too early. Fixing Is To tip It in and no patient has any sequel after that.

YES MM had a very bad case and Now she Is finished with LL and doing PT To go back To normal Life. But It s funny How You go back again and again To The same type of arguments.

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2016, 08:54:36 AM »

I never speak about Coop

Just a quick question?

Can someone explain me How fibula can migrate proximally?
Before osteotomy we put a 3,5 tib fib screw. Plus there are The ligaments at The syndesmosis and ankle joint (lluser syndesmosis Is The joint between tib and fib).

Preop deformity of The tibia Is critical When doing internals. Tibia vara with external torsion Is tricky. And This Is what happened.

He Also mentions non union. 4-5 months after surgery. This Is pointless.

Of course he Is angry. Me as well. I want all patients To be well. This guy Is same Age as me and he s got s beautiful Family. But he decided To go elsewhere for correction.
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2016, 09:03:31 AM »

There's no way of knowing wether it was only one patient and there's no way of knowing wether cooper was even telling the truth or maybe he embellished out of anger at this point it would just come down too your own opinion
That's the same with any other doctor. If we had one LLuser1 to each doctor this forum would be a circus lol.


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2016, 09:21:36 AM »

That's the same with any other doctor. If we had one LLuser1 to each doctor this forum would be a circus lol.

We're half way there already just due to the lack of respect some members have so brutal

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2016, 09:57:46 PM »

Catagni for externals tibias (Catagni is for sure the best option for external tibias in my opinion)...

That is so true! The way he lets you lengthen your tibia's 8cm+ and then says "Don't you worry your pretty little head, should a problem arise I can just slice open your Achilles Tendon and lengthen that as well, you"ll be back to normal in jiffy"

I just don't understand why more people don't go to such a safe a logical surgeon? The world is just full of mysteries I guess...
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2016, 10:03:36 PM »

That is so true! The way he lets you lengthen your tibia's 8cm+ and then says "Don't you worry your pretty little head, should a problem arise I can just slice open your Achilles Tendon and lengthen that as well, you"ll be back to normal in jiffy"

I just don't understand why more people don't go to such a safe a logical surgeon? The world is just full of mysteries I guess...

 He is the guy who taught Paley about LL when Paley went to Italy for a fellowship about the Ilizarov technique...
   Even recently, Paley went to a conference in Australia alongside most top notch limb lengthening surgeons (including Catagni) and posted a picture on his site calling Catagni his mentor.
  He does let you lengthen 8cm... what's the problem here?
I learned some stuff during this time

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #55 on: October 11, 2016, 10:08:57 PM »

Just a quick question? Can someone explain me How fibula can migrate proximally?

Gee wiz, I don't know, but I'm willing to take a shot at this one....

First, you pick up that space age device known as your smartphone. Second, you go to Google scholar. Third, you type in Paley or Rozbrusch. Fourth, you read the dozen or so articles about tibia lengthening authored by those two surgeons.

Fifth and finally, you look up into the clouds and ask yourself "How in the world am I allowed to operate on people with such a lack of education and training?"
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #56 on: October 11, 2016, 10:18:25 PM »

Gee wiz, I don't know, but I'm willing to take a shot at this one....

First, you pick up that space age device known as your smartphone. Second, you go to Google scholar. Third, you type in Paley or Rozbrusch. Fourth, you read the dozen or so articles about tibia lengthening authored by those two surgeons.

Fifth and finally, you look up into the clouds and ask yourself "How in the world am I allowed to operate on people with such a lack of education and training?"

well he's a doctor and educated, i believe he have more certificates than you, at least give him some respect.

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #57 on: October 11, 2016, 10:26:45 PM »

He does let you lengthen 8cm... what's the problem here?

Nothing, absolutely no problem whatsoever in lengthening 8cm+ on your tibia's, and then surgically lengthening your Achilles Tendon. Please....Everybody knows 8cm + on the tibia's is child's play. Not to mention Achilles Tendon surgery. That is a walk in the park, it's like getting a flu shot.

There is practically zero risk of any debilitating complications with this well thought out plan. You'll be back to your old self and engaged in physical activities before you can say "crippled for life"...
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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #58 on: October 11, 2016, 10:28:15 PM »

Nothing, absolutely no problem whatsoever in lengthening 8cm+ on your tibia's, and then surgically lengthening your Achilles Tendon. Please....Everybody knows 8cm + on the tibia's is child's play. Not to mention Achilles Tendon surgery. That is a walk in the park, it's like getting a flu shot.

There is practically zero risk of any debilitating complications with this well thought out plan. You'll be back to your old self and engaged in physical activities before you can say "crippled for life"...

so he length 8+ on tibia?

if he does, i hope he warn his patients to not go beyond this number


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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #59 on: October 11, 2016, 10:42:32 PM »

Nothing, absolutely no problem whatsoever in lengthening 8cm+ on your tibia's, and then surgically lengthening your Achilles Tendon. Please....Everybody knows 8cm + on the tibia's is child's play. Not to mention Achilles Tendon surgery. That is a walk in the park, it's like getting a flu shot.

There is practically zero risk of any debilitating complications with this well thought out plan. You'll be back to your old self and engaged in physical activities before you can say "crippled for life"...

 It's not a child'splay.. But it's neither debilitating... About ACL, it's a routine procedure done for many problems including achilles rapture. It's not a complicated procedure...
  I wonder on what you base anything you say... Surely he knows better than you... Just read his curriculum... One of the best limb lengthening surgeons in the world regarding Ilizarov
I learned some stuff during this time

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2016, 05:38:08 AM »

Achilles Lengthening is not debilitating, it's a routine procedure, it's not a complicated procedure

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Re: The Doctor's threat
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2016, 07:07:13 AM »

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