Your don't understand how I feel. Nothing anyone can say will change that, people say you should get over it or in time you will learn to live with it, that might be so but there always be points in ur life where that feeling comes back. I'm 23 I have my whole life ahead me, I get one life, what's the point of life if your just sad until, you can never fufil all your dreams because your confidence will inhibit your from going places, being with people, ceasing every opportunity. If I was 40 0r 50 and I had this feeling it might be different , because you would say I've got this far in life without it effecting me, so why let it now. I'm just asking for advice anyway, I've heard that some will refuse to operate on me with the height I am, are there exceptions?. Being at the age I am its time I need to enjoy my life, but I can't when something like this is bothering me. I am no troll, just give me advice pls. If there is a way you could be even 1% happier you would do it in this one life you get this once chance. You say its a risk but if you don't take risks you stay the same, that's why a 1% elite rule the world because humanity stays inside a comfort zone, with no intention of venturing out of it