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CLL in Volgograd
« on: February 11, 2016, 04:39:06 PM »

this "diary" seems more like an advertisement... replete with supplement promotions

also, the style is too planned... I could write a diary like this too.... If I were paid for it, and wanted to spend a lot of time doing it

it's also curiously similar to another diary on here

and of course the  writer won't answer questions

this forum has officially  jumped the shark


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2016, 04:51:38 PM »

this "diary" seems more like an advertisement... replete with supplement promotions

also, the style is too planned... I could write a diary like this too.... If I were paid for it, and wanted to spend a lot of time doing it

it's also curiously similar to another diary on here

and of course the  writer won't answer questions

this forum has officially  jumped the shark

 To which diary is it similiar?
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2016, 06:12:10 PM »

this "diary" seems more like an advertisement... replete with supplement promotions

also, the style is too planned... I could write a diary like this too.... If I were paid for it, and wanted to spend a lot of time doing it

it's also curiously similar to another diary on here

and of course the  writer won't answer questions

this forum has officially  jumped the shark

Lol crimsontide you are way too paranoid. I can vouch that i know both stripes and mercutio and trust me no one is getting "paid" to write a journal here. You're also jumping the gun, it's only the beginning of the journal and he hasn't gotten into any of his experiences with LL yet, so don't assume this is going to be a perfect story. We understand that you had a bad experience but quit spreading negativity towards everyone. 


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2016, 09:16:23 PM »


you and your 14 posts hold no weight in here. I'm glad you say you "know"  two fake names... which is interesting... the posted is going for anonymity, but yet you know who he is... sounds legit

For a real barinov journal, I'll look at rgkey...  he now has 2 deformed legs...  there is no way this journal has a bad ending... sure, there might be some hiccups to make it more believable, but 0% chance the final outcome isn't positive

 just to be clear

this diary has none of the following

1- dates

2- back and forth discussion

it's a promo.... an advertisement... luckily, everyone that's messaged me about this diary agrees

I've seen multiple diaries of barinov... there's always complications...  notable bending is the main one... the old forum has  a few

Not  answering questions is a major red flag... another one is how one patient did 10 cm successfully, and the other did over 7.5

This procedure is too dangerous to  just let this  diary go on without a challenge

look all over the forums... anyone that's thinks my case is  rare must not be paying attention



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2016, 10:38:50 PM »

Sigh. I really wanted to avoid having to clutter my journal with this back and forth crap but I guess it was bound to happen.

I don't blame you at all Crimsontide for being suspicious, you've dealt with doctors that weren't completely truthful it seems and you've had complications that have cast a negative perspective on LL. I understand your paranoia and your pretty far stretched assumption here so I won't chew you out for that.

The simple truth is that this is how I want to present my journal. Being anonymous is really important to me and I don't want to reveal any information about myself. I have rather curious friends who I'm positive will at some point do their research and try to figure out how I became taller - and without a doubt they will stumble upon LL. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together especially if they're reading a journal with information such as dates, heights and place of origin.

That whole speech you gave about how you could write this journal too if you had a lot of time and were paid to do it, well I appreciate that. You should know that there's A LOT of time to write during LL, there's really nothing else to do. If it's not obvious by now I really enjoy writing and I wanted to document this experience in detail, it helped to pass the time and reflect over this journey.

I wanted to share my experiences and my knowledge with the forum because I know what it's like to be lurking through the posts reading every single journal, trying to get as much information as possible and figuring out how to best prepare. A lot of the journals really don't give you a complete idea of what the whole experience is like, most patients just give small updates as they go without giving too much detail. I want everyone to know exactly what to expect, detail by detail. I'm sorry that this is such a radical idea for you.

The reason I don't want back and forth discussion is because I don't want to have a cluttered journal, I want it to be read easily without having to read a bunch of side comments in between. It really bothered me in the past when I would read journals and I would have to go through 30 pages of the same questions being asked over and over again. Also, to be completely honest, I don't want to be involved too much with the forum. I think getting over height neurosis is a long process and constantly discussing height and proportions online makes it much more difficult. I don't want to spend unnecessary time on here, just share my story and hope it helps someone. If anyone reading my journal has questions or needs advice then I'm more than happy to respond through direct messages - and as I've said in a previous post - most questions about my LL will be answered as I continue to share anyways.

As for your issue with the fact that patients have done 7.5 and 10 cm successfully.. those are the facts and I'm not really sure why it's so surprising for you. The problem you seem to have is that because things went horribly for you now you believe that things must go horrible for everyone else as well. There are many, many people who have done this surgery and are happy with their results. Of course every single person has complications, whether it's pin cutting, ballerina, knee-bending, duckass... that's part of the process. You're lengthening your legs for heavens sake. In my experience it really depends on the doctors after care, your willingness to stretch, walk and exercise. I don't know what happened in your case, but I'm sorry that it went down that way. And by the way - it's not just one person that has done 10 CM it's now 3 with one patient still there now. Two of them are on the old forum under Mr. Placebo and hollahollagettalla.

Let's talk about RGKEY, no disrespect to him but what happened with RGKEY was his own fault. He was completely fine when he left but he didn't listen to the doctors and he stopped using his crutches early and he began lifting heavy weights. Everyone knows that. I would love to read these multiple diaries of Barinov's where there's always complications. I haven't read a single diary for Dr. B that has ended badly other than RGKEY. Please send me those in my inbox without cluttering my journal more, or if you want post these negative journals that you're talking about it in a separate thread so we can all understand what you're talking about.

And about ecb1992... he obviously isn't going to refer to me by my real name. Everyone at the clinic knows who everyone is, we all lengthened together at some point or have heard of one another through other patients. We all keep in contact and we all support one another. Everyone at the clinic knows who I am and you can contact any of the patients past or present to confirm that.

All in all, I really don't appreciate your slander. A lot of time was put into this and right off the bat you're devaluing my entire experience and that really bothers me. I really don't have to share any of this but I want to provide the same help that was provided to me by reading through this forum. You can and should challenge the posts on the forum, but don't make up a stupid story and crazy assumptions and pass it off as fact. Also I think it's completely irresponsible for you to make accusations like this about a doctor you yourself have had absolutely no experience with. Anyways, all the best to you anyways and if you want to talk more about this then feel free to inbox me.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2016, 10:53:26 PM »

no one is going to read that long post, which you spent  an hour and a half writing

you just  showed your hand again, by blaming RGKEY.

it's not only rgkey either... the other board has diaries where the members have to tell a patient of Barinov that Barinov is wrong... the legs are crooked... The patient then goes back to Barinov, and voila, yes,  the legs are bent, we will fix that

Not going to pm you anything... the other board  which is well known has these diaries, and there's also a Russian board that has diaries... I understand why you would want me to  tell you off the board, but that isn't going to happen

For members that doubt me, just go to the other board and have a look

Blaming the patient is a common tactic, and not so subtle

you bring up 3 patients there that have done 10 cm, as if that's a good thing

You just proved  why people should never go to barinov...   Patients in his care are allowed to do 10 cm...  not just 1, but 3 currently.

No responsible surgeon would allow that.  The person  you mentioned  before that did 10 cm was already 5'7... yet was allowed to do do 10 cm, which is an enormous amount

You just make my case for me....

here's the thread I mentioned

http://www. /index.php?PHPSESSID=64ab5cd86c36e57ef57565ca3ebeb7b3&topic=4491.160

the   guy says explicitly that Barinov didn't notice his x legs until a forum member pointed it out

that's damning evidence, and something that can not be overlooked



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2016, 11:02:25 PM »

Well... they won't let you post a link to the old forum, but look up  legs7 on the old forum

The guy has bad x legs, and the  Dr says all is ok, until members look at him and tell him, no, your legs are bent

You can  try to spin this as you please, but  that does not inspire confidence... Yes. I'm aware of the convoluted story that Barinov gave him as the reason, but it's not believable...

Not only is not believable,  it's  insane....  The Dr thought he wanted bent legs, so he allowed it?   There's just no way to    look at this that makes Barinov  look good

Legs7 even says Barinov  blames patients when things go wrong

sound familiar?



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2016, 05:07:17 PM »

Okay I tried to be nice and deal with you maturely but clearly you're not the type that deals with things rationally.

I don't know what makes you think that you know what you're talking about but you sound like a moron. Reading through your posts it's become quite clear to me that height neurosis isn't your only complex. It's cute how hard you're trying to get everyone not to do LL and how deeply sure you are that any successful result or journal is suspicious or an "advertisement or promo". Buddy, you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. LL isn't for many types of people but it especially isn't for people who aren't mentally stable and by the sounds of the desperation in your early posts about how you did this because of your ex, well it doesn't appear that you're completely rational. Not only that but you went to a LL doctor because he was the cheapest even though you wrote that you saw in wannabegiant's posts that there was barely any aftercare and then afterwards you want to complain about how you got screwed? Sounds like your ability to really think things through is crystal clear. You keep talking about doctors blaming patients, how about you also accept responsibility for your own mistakes.

I love how you tried to rip on ECB for having 14 posts, sorry that all of us aren't posting 3 times a day and spending all our time on the forum. He did the surgery which means his posts hold every bit of weight thats yours do. It's funny because guaranteed we both know more about LL yet you're all over this forum acting like you know what you're talking about. See, at the clinic we're around 4 or 5 other LL patients at a time. We all lived together, stretched and exercised together, looked at one another's X-Rays, saw our doctors everyday and discussed LL everyday for months. You did this completely alone without being able to speak to a doctor in your own language and you think you know better? You didn't even know what pin cutting was when you had it!

As for me blaming RGKEY and that's why you think I'm a doctor, man EVERYONE at Barinov's knows RGKEY'S story. You read his diary? Great, some of us have TALKED to RGKEY. In fact you should go read his diary again, he LEFT the clinic with STRAIGHT LEGS, he admits that he stopped using the crutches even though Dr. Barinov told him not to, started lifting weights, dancing, doing martial arts etc
. It's funny because you actually had an argument with RGKEY on this forum and he told you "Dont waste yr time pointing fingers to validate your own insecurities." And that's exactly what this is all about, you have way too many insecurities and you're depressed about your own life and how things turned out for you and now you're pointing at everyone else and trying to crap on it. There has been 11 LL patients at Dr. Barinov's in the last 2 years that I can recall, all of them successful - you want to tell all of us how our experiences were? Do you want to explain to US what OUR doctor is like? As for Legs7, I don't know her story but that was in 2012 and from the looks of it her journey was successful. What I know about is my experience during the time that I was there and that of my friends that were there then and now.  No one cares what you think about Dr. Barinov because you have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about. You've never spoken to any of his patients, you've never been to the clinic all your arguments are based on one journal from years ago. Congratulations. You have ZERO credibility in this subject. If anyone here has any doubts or has any questions feel free to inbox me and we'll exchange skype information and talk in detail which I tried to do with Crimsontide but he doesn't want to see to respond privately- as long as none of my info gets posted here afterwards.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2016, 06:55:28 PM by Stripes »


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2016, 06:47:31 PM »

stripes, took you days to write that??

so everyone knows

Stripes has been private messaging me, gave me his skype... told me please come on skype so he can see me

I ignored him

 he asked for proof, and I gave it... Legs7 had crooked legs, which barinov did not notice until a forum member pointed it out

that's one case of crooked legs

rgkey is another

so far that's 2  cases out of 2

then we have stripes mentioning that 3 patients have lengthened 10 cm... 10 cm, which is clearly  beyond the limits of safety

Let's do a quick summary of all  pertinent information

2 diaries so far

1- legs7... crooked legs noticed by a forum member, not barinov

2- rgkey... crooked legs, severe deformity... caused by early removal of frames

and yes,  rgkey   was upset... because he's in denial

Look at his x rays... his legs are deformed... he  was making excuses as to why he wasn't getting his legs fixe quickly

well,  did he correct them??  He posted a video of  himself squatting, except he does not do 1 actual squat

people are in denial here about the reality of ll

I'm not in denial.... ll  should not be performed on healthy adults... and this is hardly a solitary position

ask around... most Drs would agree with me

I have no agenda, and I don't promote any dr....  that's the difference

I think Monegal did  an ok job on my legs, but I can't recommend   people go to  him for ll, as I don't recommend the surgery

Stripes is recommending Barinov, and saying how  11 patients are all doing wonderfully

of course we  only have stripes word for this

Stripes is clearly having a meltdown... compare his latest post to his earlier ones...

I'll post more diaries now to prove my case

here is another diary of barinov... look for the diary of  deathorb at the old forum

Deathorb stopped posting, but here's the latest info about him according to the posts

"Sorry for being abrupt and not answering some previous questions. I don't think my diary is a good indication of how long you will spend here. This is due to me being a Guinea pig and having many issues with the nail being stuck. These have now been resolved, thanks to the doctors eventually sorting there act out and me enduring a lot of pain / bull cra*!   

Any way I am now at 6 cm both legs and cannot walk properly due to pain in my right leg. The issue has been posted in the general questions board if anyone can help.
I hopefully will be done in a month or so, just one cm to go, and then consolidation.

I get food delivered and Tanya is great for helping us patients get what we need. She is the helper who the clinic employ.
Hopefully other patients will spend between 4 and 6 months here for about 7 cm lengthening. Just remember that going above 7 is risky and do as many ballerina foot stretches as possible before coming here - be a leg yoga expert! This will make life easier beyond 5 cm.

Any more questions, I can answer in return for links to lon diaries, even on other sites."

"Quote from: Devil on August 09, 2015, 09:23:22 AM
So he underwent LON in December, finished lengthening in March/April and still has fixators in August? That timeline doesn't seem right. I thought the point of having a nail inserted was for consolidation purposes. It would nice to hear directly from him.

I will ask him to update his diary. But yes it is true that it did not turn out the way he planned. I remember when he came on his first day and he had consultation with Dr. Barinov. Then he came to me and said: I will do LON and I will be finished with lengthening after 80 days for 8 cm and I could be framefree after 3-4 months. And I said to him: I would double the time then maybe you have a realistic timeframe. And I would not do LON because I have not heard of anyone doing that here in the clinic. You could be the first guy. Just do LATN. He was really surprised I guess but did not change his mind.

Now 7-8 months after his operation he still wears his frames because of his poor regeneration. But I guess it could have happened to anyone of us. He walked a lot I remember. As you can see it is hard to plan your ll journey.

I am sure he will be fine in the end. It will just take a little longer..."

"When I got to the clinic he had some contractions and the thing to remember is that developing contractions will make the process  longer."

so now this is 3 diaries out of 3 with issues... yet according to stripes, 11 patients did this in last 2 years and are doing great, even 3 that did 10 cm

I rest my case



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2016, 08:30:11 PM »

LOL I didn't send you my information so I could see YOU it was so that you could see me and we could talk.

You really haven't proven anything. We've already discussed that RGKEY left the clinic with straight legs, everything thereafter is his own fault. As for deathorb, what did you prove? He asked to do LON even though he knew he would be the first one to ever do it at the clinic, everyone told him to just do LATN but he insisted. The reason he had problems was because of really bad regeneration which everyone here knows will prolong the process entirely. As quoted in your post "But I guess it could have happened to anyone of us. He walked a lot I remember. As you can see it is hard to plan your ll journey." and "When I got to the clinic he had some contractions and the thing to remember is that developing contractions will make the process  longer." See everyone here seems to understand that but you. But now you're saying bad regeneration and contractures are the doctors fault? You're such an idiot and that's exactly why did a surgical release to fix your ballerina instead of PT like everyone else on here. That's because everyone else on here actually understands that these things are part of the process and that it takes WORK. You weren't even prepared for your own LL!

I don't have any agenda, it's just annoying to have some clueless delusional moron commenting on my journal about crap he knows nothing about. If Dr. Barinov screwed me up or screwed anyone else while I was there then I wouldn't be defending him right now, I would have been the first person to warn everyone. Thankfully I didn't have the same experience you did, largely because I'm not a wreckless moron and I actually went to a doctor that speaks english and looks after his patients. Also I wasn't lazy and was VERY knowledgable on LL beforehand. So of course based on my own results I'm going to recommend the surgery and based on MY experience, absolutely recommend Dr. Barinov, I'm very thankful for what he did for me. Again YOUR problems are NOT everyone else's problems.  And yeah there have been 11 patients that have been successful, I never said without issues - every single one of us dealt with pin cutting, pin breaks, ballerina, knee bending and problems with regeneration. All of that is completely normal and is just part of the process of lengthening. And no you don't just have my word for this.

There's Prince: "Just found out that someone did 11 cm in Volgograd now. Really good achievement. He is doing it right. Wish I could go back and do at least 10 cm too. Everything else is a waste of time in my opinion. Guys who go for 4-5 cm, just doesnt make sense to me. Financial damage: 50 000 euros if you also count the time I could have spend working. Time "lost": about 1.5 years. That is why I think you should try to get the maximum out of the operation. But maybe that is just my character, always trying to get the best possible.

As far as recovery goes: Walking perfectly. Taking stairs without any problems. Doing squats. Sitting, lying and standing no problem. Walking long distances no problem. Only carrying heavy weights and running is not allowed."

There's Mr. Placebo who has completed 10 CM, got the nail and is recovering well back home and should be completing his diary soon: http://www. /index.php/topic,7896.0/wap2.html

There's hollahollagettalla who completed 11 CM and is now waiting for the nail: http://www. /index.php/topic,7897.0/wap2.html (From what hollahollagettalla has told me Dr. Barinov was very angry that hhgt did 11 when he had limited him to a maximum of 9, but hhgt did it anyways and is completely fine)

There's Ecb1992 on this forum who's completed 6.5 and has 1-2 CM left to go, he's doing very well and he can tell you about that himself.

There's three guys from italy, two who live with ecb1992 right now have completed 8CM and the other still in the process who has done 6 so far and hopes to get to 10. The third individual is back home, completely recovered and very happy - he did 5 CM (Prince's roommate.)

There's another guy from the states who did 8CM, he went back home after frame removal, walking without crutches and completely happy now although he wishes he did more after hearing how many others did 10. Whom also btw was crying and hugging the doctors when he left.

There's another guy from the Ukrain who did 5CM and had his frames removed while Mercutio was there and he's now walking completely unassisted and resumed his life as normal.

Then there's myself.  You can message any one of the users I mentioned on both forums to confirm the identities and status of everyone I just mentioned.

Oh and there's involgograd who was on this forum who has returned home and is doing very well last I heard.



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2016, 08:40:18 PM »

You say someone has lengthened 11cm. How fine is completely fine? I have to say from what I've read I agree with CrimsonTide here, all sorts of alarm bells are going off in my head when I see 10/11cm...

Not that I'm dismissing what you say at all.
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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2016, 09:28:57 PM »

He's doing completely okay as in he has no contractures, he's walking lots without any pain and his regeneration is looking good, he's just waiting for it to be enough to get the nail. I completely agree I think 11 CM is a lot but he did it anyway and he's pretty happy with it. Tbh, before doing the surgery myself and meeting others who had done 10 CM I thought 8CM was the absolute max and even that was pushing it but people did it and they were completely okay, but I have to mention that those that did achieve that much lengthening really put in the work. I mean these guys were walking, stretching and doing PT every moment they were awake.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2016, 09:31:23 PM »

nightwish...  10 or 11 cm and fine is not possible...

at least by most people's definition of fine..

I just looked at mr placebo's diary... and he hasn't even posted in months... he had the surgery in late may, or early june, and obviously isn't even  near full recovery... how he can serve as an example of a good outcome is beyond me.... the guy likely can't walk or run now... he certainly isn't completing his diary soon... unless abruptly ending it midway is what you mean

rgkey says his outcome was good too... and we've seen his x rays and squat video...    let's see running videos, and videos of walking downstairs

here's another diary from a barinov patient

his name is  silvertiger on the old forum

here's what he says

"In conclusion, if I know before hand everything had to go through I would not have done it in the first place. But, no one can know until they do it. Everyone experience will be different. Out of the five people that had Leg Lengthening surgery with me here, three of the five would not have done it if they know before hand everything had to go through.

I would give Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre an ok but not good place to do leg lengthening surgery. It is a quick and safe place to do it. But, I think it is one of the most painful place to do it. Here they do two breaks on each bones so it is quicker but more painful when lengthening so fast. For some people here the foot ring was not at bad, but for others include me it was one of the worst part.

Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre a great place if you need a correction. You will not need to do lengthen or need the foot ring. Most of the people there is very nice. I just had a problem with two of the helpers or cleaning ladies there. They where just lazy and not very nice at all. "

read that carefully... he's saying 3 out of the 5 people that had the surgery with him  by barinov, would not have  had the surgery if they could go back in time... including  silvertiger, that's 4 out of 6... which is 67%...

that contradicts your narrative that 11 people have had it last 2 years, and all are  great




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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2016, 10:10:51 PM »

It's amazing what people here consider "fine" isn't it? Just because someone posts a video of themselves hobbling around with some optimistic messages to go with it doesn't mean they're fine. They may be on track, but they're still a long, long way away from being recovered and a success story.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2016, 10:17:06 PM »

Sigh, you really are an idiot. That isn't even a patient of Dr. Barinov's.. If YOU "read that carefully" you would have seen that he's VERY clearly talking about the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Centre which is in Kurgan. I'm really tired of going back and forth with you, you really just have no idea what you're talking about but you're so sure of yourself and it's exhausting. Time will tell for everyone that's done LL and that's all I can really say. Just keep to your own threads and stick to discussions that you actually understand and have the experience to talk about without embarrassing yourself. We're done here.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2016, 10:18:35 PM »



I can post a short video of myself walking upstairs.... yes, me, the biggest complainer on the board,  can walk up stairs

I'd look fairly normal doing it too... I  could post a 20 second video of myself walking that might look ok as well..

 That's a far cry from a  15 minute fast walk to the train...  or how I get around throughout the day



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2016, 10:32:37 PM »


how about  prince2... someone you mentioned,  saying that barinov had him lie on his business visa??

or how about jmoney, who said he suffered x legs which then needed correction??? 

Where did they go???? Barinov, correct???

jmoney posts 1 video of himself walking.... and he's going about .5 mph on two crutches, and no videos after

and let's say barinov has many cases of  x legs, but he fixes them

is that a positive??? you're taking a patient  that has normal healthy legs, and causing a deformity, then you are correcting the deformity you caused by the surgery

that is not what I call successful... you're taking a normal person with functioning legs, and   performing a surgery where the patient has less function afterwards.... yet this a called a success



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2016, 10:42:21 PM »


you mention all  patients being successful

does this include the patient  that committed suicide at the hospital while lengthening?

 that's on the old forum too



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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2016, 11:07:25 PM »

You know I'm actually really glad you brought up jmoney because I completely forgot about him. If you read his diary, you'll see him mention several times that his roommate did 10CM... that's Mercutio he's referring to. "I didn't want to get any contractions so maybe I did excesive stretching and walking but it worked and it also worked for my roommate. Since Rgkey did 9cm, Prince2 8cm, roommate 10cm and I did 9cm we decided to call this room " The champions room". For future LL patients in this clinic let's keep this going Wink"   

 As for the correction spiel you just told: It is not another surgical procedure. When you do large amounts of lengthening there's a pretty big chance of misalignment, so all of Barinov's frames are designed to be able to correct misalignments by turning back the two back columns/ That's what he was referring to as "correction" It's a very simple and quick process which is literally no different than turning while lengthening. I'll talk more about this in my journal at a later point. AGAIN, you show that you do not what you're talking about because you simply ARE NOT a patient of Dr. Barinov's so you really just have no idea about what the process is like for Dr. Barinov's patients. Oh and about the patient that committed suicide, he commited suicide at the hospital by jumping out the window a week after his surgery because his girlfriend left him and she was the only reason he was doing this surgery. Sound familiar? - AGAIN, nothing to do with the DOCTOR. Enough of your baseless slander, you're trying so hard to find something just because you're miserable that you went to the wrong doctor and you're trying to justify your decision. Get over it.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2016, 11:20:30 PM »

nothing to do with the surgery???

you sure seem  to back barinov at any cost

 The fact is... we can't know why he committed suicide.... though since he did   commit suicide at the hospital, we can   reasonably infer that the procedure might have been a contributing factor

 stripes is  like a christian fundamentalist who holds to biblical inerrancy

no matter what the evidence  might suggest, the bible is perfect...   stripes is the same way

 A more reasonable and believable belief would be the following...

elective ll surgery is dangerous, and medically unnecessary.... there can be positive outcomes, but the risks are too great, and the majority of patients are less functional after the surgery...

As everyone can notice, stripes  is attacking me personally...   compare his first posts to his new ones

 the amount of anger he shows is not normal for a disinterested 3rd party...

it's something very personal

look at rgkey.... look at deathorb... look at legs7, etc

look at the patient that committed suicide.... surely this is enough to make one ponder  whether  LL is really worth it

Certainly the man that committed suicide decided it was  not


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2016, 11:36:51 PM »

Doing 9-10 cm on tibia!

This following information is from NASA measuring people based on dimensions for space travel.
They found that for approximately every 3cm the tibia increased in length NASA measurements found that the overall height of the individual was 10cm taller.
For example a 170cm tall guy doing 10cm tiba lengthening now has the knee height of a male who is naturally over 195cm!!!
Who after LL is 15cm taller than him!!!

These patients will look terrible. Never mind athleticism.

                    169.7 cm    179.9 cm       190.1 cm

Knee height sitting:
  52.6 cm      56.7 cm        60.9 cm


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2016, 11:48:21 PM »


Of course it's personal.

1. I am not a disinterested 3rd party.. It's MY journal and MY experience that you're arguing about. 2. You're a completely random person who has no experience with the clinic I went to, my doctor or any of his patients yet you're slandering and speaking as if you were there and have a clue as to what you're talking about. 3. Dr. Barinov and his staff took really good care of me and the other patients and did everything he should to make sure that everything went smoothly for all of us. I was very scared of how this would all turn out but every step of the way everything was taken care. So of course I'm very defensive when some complete idiot is trying to say that he isn't a good doctor when he has never had a single interaction with the man. You can't just slander people and think it's okay. He's made A LOT of people's lives MUCH better and I'm not just talking about myself and other limb lengthening patients, his clinic gets over 40 corrections patients a year on top of regular local patients dealing with fractures and all other orthopedic issues and you're sitting here trying to discredit this man's career because you hate LL and you had a bad experience with your own doctor? and yeah let's look at all those patients you mentioned, how about you message all of them and ask them how they're doing now and how happy they are with their results. AND AGAIN RGKEY did it to himself. READ HIS JOURNAL.

And what do you mean we can't know why he committed suicide? He laid it out quite clearly actually but that really isn't something I need to talk about online. You're an absolute clown for trying to twist that suicide into being Barinov's fault.. I really don't understand how someone who has zero involvement and no prior knowledge of these things can talk so openly about it with such confidence. You're so pathetic it's ridiculous.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2016, 12:02:17 AM »

those nasa  statistics are depressing

is that really true??????????? 10 cm taller for every  3 cm of tibia difference??

I had short tibias to be bein with, and I can still touch my toes with straight legs....

I think the decreased athleticism is almost entirely from soft tissue stretching


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2016, 03:38:53 AM »

well I am 171 and I have something like 45cm knee height. So it means that if I will add 6cm I will have a knee height of a 170cm guy while I will be 177cm. It's statistics which means its a bell curve...
I learned some stuff during this time


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2016, 05:59:28 AM »

I respectively disagree crimson.  I know a thing or two about supplements and the stack he made is very methodical and will promote more consolidation  than without any of the pills.  I am skeptical about the GH promoting supplements which have never been proven to work but hey, your spending 10k-100k on this surgery what's a couple hundred dollars?


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2016, 06:01:38 AM »

well I am 171 and I have something like 45cm knee height. So it means that if I will add 6cm I will have a knee height of a 170cm guy while I will be 177cm. It's statistics which means its a bell curve...

It's impossible for you to have 145 cm knee height.   You are measuring it wrong.  Just google sitting knee height and measure it guess is that your actual knee height is somewhere between 153-155.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2016, 06:25:22 AM »

you sure seem  to back barinov at any cost

No offense but.. no sh*t. If I was doing LL and someone called me fake I'd back myself and my doctor up every single time. If the guy's providing proof on Skype, what's the problem?

Someone that commits suicide a week after the surgery obviously isn't doing it because of the doctor or the surgery. LL is a long process and there's no way you can say it's gone wrong(to the point of suicide!!) a WEEK later. It'd take months for you to realize how badly you f*cked up. So his reasons for suicide were logically something else.


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2016, 07:23:43 AM »

It's impossible for you to have 145 cm knee height.   You are measuring it wrong.  Just google sitting knee height and measure it guess is that your actual knee height is somewhere between 153-155.

You mean 45cm and 53-55cm right.

145 cm knee is like having stilts grafted to your legs  :P


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Re: CLL in Volgograd
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2016, 12:05:15 PM »

You mean 45cm and 53-55cm right.

145 cm knee is like having stilts grafted to your legs  :P

holy crap!  yes you are absolutely right.... I must have been extremely high when I wrote that....thanks
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