I found out that I suffer from something called PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction). This means that I can only get erect when watching adult movies. When I get with a real woman, I've found that most times I can't get erect and on rare occasions I can get erect but go soft shortly afterwards. When I was finally able to have sex, I found that I couldn't even ejaculate at the end of it and I had to finish myself off by masturbating while thinking of some type of sex video. This is what's called DE (Delayed Ejaculation), which sounds cool but really isn't when your partner gets ticked off that you can't finish.
I was searching about this and found that a ton of people had this problem, so I started looking at the subreddit r/nofap and I found that this is caused because when you choke the chicken you release dopamin into your system, and I'm addicted to the continuous dopamin high I get when watching x-rated flicks on tube sites, and my brain conditioned itself to only get that high when watching more and more extreme kinds of videos. Thankfully the brain is malleable and I can heal myself by abstaining from arousing myself through adult movies and refraining from self-stimulation. Sex is allowed because you need to condition your brain to become aroused by the touch of a real person.
Currently I'm on day three and I'm hoping I don't relapse. Has anyone else tried this challenge and if you have what's your progress been like? Apparently over time, you're supposed to be filled with a lot more energy, stronger erections, and more sensitivity to sex. Hoping this works out for me.